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>[Millennial REEEEEs intensify]
I got the loan for my house at 26.
Cant fathom having the money for a 2nd one though.
At your (((age))) you have already lost it
you mean got a bank loan
My parents sit on a mortgage that's literally a tenth of the average interest, etc. The bank hates them and keeps trying to get them to renegotiate or pay it off completely.
Meanwhile, I'll never be able to afford a mortgage as long as I live. It's not feasible. I'm an average dude which means my credit score is "okay" at best, and I have no substantial savings beyond my one or two hundred dollars a month.
el retard doesn't grasp just how fucking fucked out generation is. We have no savings, no job growth opportunity, everything is minimum wage (even technical or advanced skills -- seriously, I never thought I'd hear "vaccine technologist" described as "introductory/zero experience", but here we are, and I make as much as an appliance salesman as my RADIATION TECHNOLOGIST FRIEND WITH THREE DEGREES does), fucking old asses occupy everything we could potentially do (but they've got 20 years of "experience" at being inadequate so we're not able to supplant them), and the real issue is that nobody gives a fuck that an entire generation is overtrained for what's available and also expected "to buy a house" and the rest of what our parents did. We are so busy trying to make ends meet we can't take time off "to protest," to contest, or to do anything beyond work. Shitbags who're unemployed or work part time protest at gatherings, but everyone who's actually goddamned trying makes just barely enough to scrape by. I work nine hours a day and get one day off. What I don't spend on rent and food is a bottle of decent wine a month (so I can drunkely shitpost like today) and whatever monthly problem has arisen (random health expense, hair cuts, girlfriend problem, whatever other unforeseen problem like new shoes etc) can actually get solved.
We're fucked. Our generation is fucked. We're so far behind it's laughable. This isn't a "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" problem, this is a "wow the entire system has totally fucked the next three generations."
>being poor
Engineer in the comfy Midwest, can't relate I'm afraid
But, uh, ganbatte and all that!
but at least the 1% gets their tax cuts right?!?!!??
Yes its true. Save yourself and drop out of the system as much as possible. Pay fewer taxes, live minimally and dont get caught in the schemes of modern consumerism. Millenials are fucked but many boomers and gen x's have no money either. Keep your powder dry.
This post is truth. I spent $80k USD on a chemical engineering degree, then 2015 oil crisis happened, and even my university banned transferring out because of the high demand out.
Employers want the cheapest and most desperate graduates they can get OR they want someone with 10+ years of experience.
I took a Walmart job over an engineering one because it paid more, wasnt contractual, benefits basically guaranteed after probation, etc.
My parents are pissed because they already had a house AND kids before 25. Im years past the age they had me. The only thing I look forward to is inheriting their $2m estate; otherwise, my family is just a bunch of strangers who ask me for tech support.
>banned transferring out
Can they do that? You are paying them. What hold do they have over you to pull shit like that?
>tfw dad bought house when he was 21 working a blue collar job straight out of high school
>tfw asks me why I haven't moved out yet since I'm 21
>keep trying to explain youth unemployment is at 50% and housing prices have increased dramatically
>"nah ur just lazy son"
Fuck you, dad.
I fucking hate those faggots. My dad tried to explain how he graduated into a recession in the fucking 80's and how difficult it was. I'm going to raise children properly as a way to spite that generation of do-nothing parents.
At least all you people who grew up with two parents who owned a house will be inheriting that someday, tax free.
Those of us raised by single mothers in apartments are truly playing life on hard mode. Be thankful you have generational wealth to fall back on.
chill out guys. you'll get rich fast.
listen to some music.
gen x here.
I bought my first trailer home at 21. I bought my first stick-built house at 30. I'm pretty average.
this stuff takes time. It wasn't that easy for previous generations either.
desu it sounds like you're lazy more than anything considering you're posting this on an anime imageboard
>I dont (((know))) how to (((use))) this (((meme)))
>not knowing that age is a jewish construct
man used to live for hundreds of years before (((the lord))) shortened our lifespan to 120 years.
You're not fucked. You just have a victim complex. Sure things were bad during the recession, but they're a lot better now. There are good jobs out there. Millennials are getting said jobs, saving money, and some are buying houses if it makes sense for them. I have a feeling you'd rather just feel sorry for yourself than try to improve your situation though.
Nah, this gen is fucked. And they know it so they work part time living at mommies.
Back to your cave faggot
go fuck yourself
doesn't even sound like r9k, sounds more like the turboplebs at r/lostgeneration
Fuck boomer remove social security and Medicare they are ponzis
>it's a rerun of user doesn't understand that there exists a world outside his city
what else is on?
The future belongs to those who work with what they have and not cry like whiney cunts.
B-but muh generation. R-right guise?
Now how do I make my business succeed again?
>fucking boomers they had it easy starting up their own businesses
I might buy a house within a year or so.
I would pay about 30-50% down payment and pay off the rest in 2-3 more years.
A man is free when he's at his home. Someone who rents has no freedom and is always at the mercy of landlords.
>MFW boomer-parents worth €3.3 million in stocks and real estate, no debt, I'm their only heir and they are about to kick the bucket
Lmao Where'd you go to uni at
I don't understand the (((X))) meme anymore. Is it supposed to denote jews, illuminati or something suspicious and conspiratorial? How could my age be this?
You understand it; the faggot doesn't.
owning an acre of dirt with a plywood shack on top isn't freedom
I feel really sorry for you Americans
>be post-commie eastern euro millenial
>parents lived in shitty commie times
>everyone had a job but was paid fuck-all
>zero opportunities unless you're a yes-man politician
>no point in getting a degree or "good" job
and then
>soviet union collapses
>everyone is shafted
Feels like I might be part of our equivalent of the boomer generation
If only I had my own cave.
Being a slave to a landowner is how slavery started off as.
This. And holyy shit if your biz is manual labor and you hurt yourself before you're 30. Now you are redpilled so you can't go back to wagecucking and have to make something happen with only your brain and no outside support...
Actually many won't, medicare will seize the place if they live too long
I got the loan for my house at 25 like I'm 29 now
Just cause a good chunk of you are unsuccessful neets doesn't mean we all have to be
I am 22. I'm making 110k a year. I'm renting right now but am saving for a down payment, and later this year will buy an apartment in the city. Later on when I want to move out to a house, I'll buy it outright and rent out my apartment.
Feels good.
"Bought" my home at 22 but I'm a loan officer so know the in's. Great investment.