Lincoln dealers will always be a part of Ford dealers

>Lincoln dealers will always be a part of Ford dealers


It's like


Owns Lincoln

Or something

>fca dealer
>but also sells fords
>and a bit of kias on the side
which retard is behind this

Meanwhile in China
No other luxury brand who has a parent company cars are sold in the same dealer as their parents company except for Genesis

What even is the point of the Lincoln brand anymore? Fords with the highest trim offers the same shit you'd get in a Lincoln.


Implying it isn't

Fastest growing brand in China despite being imported, plus the Chinese view them as prestigious as Audi, which is King in China

its a hyundai, its not luxury
its called a hyundai genesis
a lincoln isnt a ford lincoln

Genesis is its own brand now dingus, the G80 and G90 are luxury cars whether you like it or not

>paying more than $20k for a hyundai

>Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram, Kia, and a bakery

They should just add a Bath and Body Works and it'll be 40% of the average American mall.

>stop liking what I don't
Shut it bitch

Chinks are animals and deserve to be nuked

>literally defending a car that gets mediocre reviews

>mediocre reviews
From whom exactly?

>US News


That's interesting because Motor Trend, Car and Driver, and Road and Track, Edmunds, Intellichoice all say it's a good car

>8.2 Stars on US News
>4 out of 5 stars on Autoblog

How are these mediocre again?

>car and driver

Better than a 3

what's wrong with a 3.5??

A c is still mediocre

Thank God it's a C+ then

It's 7/10, thats a C- dude.

C's get degrees

>C for a luxury cars
a ford focus with a C is good.
a "luxury" car with a C is sad

>implying C&D hasn't been on BMWs payroll since the 90s

bmw makes luxury and average cars.

technically BMW isnt exclusively a luxury brand like most of the american continent seems to believe, actually it's far from it.

Yeah, well we're talking about an American publication and all they review is "luxury" BMWs

>whats true for me is true everywhere

Theres a standalone lincoln dealer in my city