Fuck eBay

If eBay got rid of their outdated goddamn rating system or revised it after all of these fucking years, people like myself would benefit from it

Backstory on this shit

>list an Xbox One controller that has a piece broken at auction
>auction only brings $8
>eBay and the scamming ass buyer think that I have to sell it for that price
>cancel transaction by claiming it was damaged blah blah
>get feedback from cucked ass buyer that I'm a horrible business person and that I took their money even though they got a full and complete refund and the only reason I didn't send it is that I didn't want the fucking thing getting more destroyed during shipping

Is eBay full of fucking autistic retards who think "HURR CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT"?

Because it damn sure seems that way.

Other urls found in this thread:



>Is eBay full of fucking autistic retards who think "HURR CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT"?

Yes, that is essentially correct. It's basically a cesspool for people that are trying to pay the minimal amount on an item possible, those are the types of people that always expect and demand the most for some reason and think that they are entitled to the world.

>list broken good for auction
>fetches price commensurate with a broken item
>OP (faggot) gets asshurt and pulls the item
>proceeds to berate the seller and eBay for not paying more for his broken goods

There's literally no way you come out looking like a good guy here, just delete the thread and possibly kill yourself

fuck you dude. you deserve poopiness forever in your life because your a piece of shit.

you didn't follow through.

you fucked up, no one else.

god damn the hillary support is real here

Listen, boy. I've been selling on eBay since 2011 and been active in eCommerce since then as well. I left eBay for Mercari and have had nothing but rave reviews from customers. In fact I've got an order out in San Francisco being tied up by the USPS. So don't act like idk wtf I'm doing. This little young prick wanted an expensive yet damaged item for less than $10 and bitched because shipping was so expensive. Why would I ship it to them AFTER giving them a refund and AFTER letting them know that it was further damaged after me taking it apart and looking at the internals?

Fucking retard.

I voted Trump, pussy.

I guess you can't read. I AM the fucking seller. Maybe if you paid more attention on English Comprehension assignments, you'd recognize that.


In English?

yes, but you're also a retard for setting the auction price too low

just call ebay and bitch about the review they left

But they are foreigners at eGay

Didn't anticipate a lowball bid

I haven't used that POS website in over 10 years.

why didn't you set a minimum if you needed a certain amount?

Because reserve price fee is 3 fucking dollars.

Yeah I don't understand any of this, how about don't set yourself up for bad deals you need to weasel out of?

You don't need to set a reserve? Just start the bidding at the minimum you'll accept?

If you had a modicum of reading comprehension you'd realized I made a simple mistake and meant to type "buyer"

Point still stands, you're a whiny faggot who flips the board when things don't go your way.

Sounds like OP is at fault.
>Auctioning a used, broken item and expecting to make more than $8
>Not putting a reserve on the item to avoid this exact predicament
Basically you got screwed because you're a greedy asshole who backed out of a deal.

use a buy it now you fucking faggot

I wish I knew what your account was just so I could buy something from you and give you another negative

Lol what
It's 100% your fault.
You deserve the negative and a ban ebay

eBay? More like FEEBay

maybe because nobody wants broken piece of shit?

the only person whos going to buy something broken is doing it with the expectation of putting work and effort into fixing it, which you are clearly too lazy to do.

hence the low value of a broken item

why is this even a thread, holy shit you are stupid OP

hey 99.9% glad you're doing ok bud, miss your threads

You guys keep treating ebay like a REAL ecommerce site and not like a dropship,pump and dump, run with the money thing.
There are better alternatives for LEGAL biz out there

>Listen, boy. I've been selling on eBay since 2011 and been active in eCommerce since then as well.
>Didn't anticipate a lowball bid


>Didn't anticipate a lowball bid

who the fuck DOESN'T bid the lowest possible??

is this some parallel universe I just stepped into?

>auction only brings $8
>eBay and the scamming ass buyer think that I have to sell it for that price



theres no use trying. he`s clearly beyond all hope

>Claim to have something.
>Cancel because you don't have it/your condition.

You're a retard and deserve eBay banning your account.


>Charging $12.40 shipping on a fucking controller

dude get fucked.

Don't forget the controller is broken, misses right the bumper

but then again
>1366x678 screen resolution winblows 10, probably using some shitty netbook
>itunes, probably has an iphone contract at 60 bucks a month
>owns an xbox
so poorfags gonna poor

Whats the best part of this is that OP actually complains about HURR CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT because hes been living in a coddled state as a consumer, having enjoyed special privileges governments provide for the weaker parties.

But this is a private sale. No 14 day refund, no warranty nothing.

If you have made a public offer (Legislation can vary from country to country whether ebay offers are legally binding offers or just an invitation to make one) and someone bid on it and the auction ended, you are not entitled to back out of the sale like nothing happened.

Only if the item was irreperably broken by a random occurence (house containing controller burns down or gets flooded, "divine intervention" stuff) you can null the contract, pre-contract. But in this case you just admitted to it not having really damaged, so what you did was unlawful.

If you lead someone on and then retract your offer you are in the wrong. The buyer has the right to damages if he pursued, but hes probably not gonna want to because its a broken controller for 20.40 total.

If he had the patience he could totally unload a paypal dispute on you, forcing you to ship the item nonetheless or else risk having your PP flagged.

tldr OP is a moron

also posting in this retarded thread since it's the most active eBay thread:
does ebay even give two shits about their copyright policies? some clown just threatened to report one of my listings because it's an old band t-shirt that was a bootleg. there are like five dozen bootleg shirts of the band in question on ebay right now.

>Puts listing for bids with no reserve
>Gets mad when item sells for low price
>Lie and cancel order because muh shekels
> $12 shipping, which is bullshit that's $4 to ship as most
The fuck did you expect? Just put it on buy it now with best offer, cuck.

t. 15,000+ feedback eBay seller

are you a fucking idiot?

if you dont want it to sell for 8 dollars then set ur minimum price higher fucktard

offering an item for X and then nigging when it doesnt spike to XXX is bad business universally

im a professional seller, i have tons of transactions a month. Have I lost my ass on a couple deals because of this mistake before? yup.

but know what? thats my fault, and I'm not a nigger or a jew so I nut up and take the loss that I caused myself.

please keep doing this so ebay bans you, fuckbois like you cause even stricter rules to be put in place to hurt sellers like me.

youre an idiot
youre an idiot
> This little young prick wanted an expensive yet damaged item for less than $10
you quite literally set the minimum price yourself. you're an idiot.
thats your own fault, learn to man up and accept consequences of your own mistake.

I doubt you've been in eCommerce as long as you claim (if at all) considering your mentality here. This is some A+ autistic grade shit going on right here. You wouldn't last a year with shenanigans like this being in your operation.

also ebay.com/usr/callowaystreasures

Hi there. Sure hope no one here decides to wreck you with negs.

lol he has a track record for this shit

OP is confirmed manchild crybaby. Top kek

>This is some A+ autistic grade shit going on right here
I did some googling, most likely he is disabled in some way. Probably dropped his xbox controller because of it


you are a fucking retard.

>OP is butthurt over $8 and makes a thread for it

sounds like a general scummy piece of shit.


Most damning evidence by far is that he shops at bestbuy.

How does someone become an ebay seller but still use the most expensive brick and mortar option possible to buy his own tech gadgets? How do you get to that point in ebay but not learn the internet is 25-50% cheaper for things? more evidence hes retarded

also wtf kind of disability makes you derp at concentration, but ALSO causes you to drop things (but not to the point where youre a potato and can still complete sentences online)?

There was no purpose for him to share that hes a mental derptard in that review, it was just volunteered information for no purpose.

Just more signs of the derptardness I guess.