I make about $90k as an engineer and its fucking miserable...

I make about $90k as an engineer and its fucking miserable. I think about quitting and working for Starbucks or some shit. WTF do I do.

Save all you can and try to retire early

t. Engineer that makes $80k but just wants to be a NEET

same here, except i've been doing it for almost 10 years and only make 140 feelsbadman with a gun

Best case I have to work another ten years. Probably 12 if I want a buffer.

Early retirement is super expensive, but saving for "pre-retirement" is surprisingly quick.

Pre-retirement is the point at which your retirement savings will grow into what you need by the time you retire.

For example, if you're currently 30 and want to retire at 65 with $2 million in savings and you assume an average 4% real rate of return then your pre-retirement amount is $510,000. If you have that much in retirement savings you no longer have to save.

Not having to save means you can find a simple job that covers your expenses and gives you a little spending money and live the rest of your life in relative peace.

>and only make 140

>2 million
>relative peace

what has become of our market

$2 million could be on the high side, depending on your goals. If you're happy retiring on a low income you don't need to have even half as much as that.

Why don't you enjoy your job OP?

Either get a MBA or look into financial careers.

You could get your boss to pay for it.


Ditto, OP.

$60k doing email marketing for a POS company.

Can't land a job elsewhere (prolly b/c I don't want to do this shit) and fantasize about doing carpentry.

Tried talking to the wife last night but she's too spoiled and doesn't want me to take a trivial pay cut for a few years.

Iktf boss. I was hoping to retire early but it's still coming and it's been nearly ten years of working saving and investing.

Early retirement is such a meme, you're living like shit for ten years so you can continue to live like shit, just without even a job to keep you busy.

Wish I never heard of the concept

Ever realize a dog's life is 9/10 better than the average retirement?

Dogs get to do whatever they want at no cost, are pampered, and last longer than retirement.

Why should it cost me 40 years to have 20 shit years by myself?

$40k a year plus social security is not low income

>fall for the early retirement extreme meme
>live like a monk
>quit high paying corporate wagecuck job
>bored as fuck after a month of doing nothing
>get a comfy job at a small company with no overtime and no corporate bullshit

You will be more miserable working at Starbucks

In 30 years it will be, especially when all the medical bills start rolling in.

The service industry (shit like starbucks) is awful you don't want to do that

How old are you OP?

Stfu and work

I know that feel. Making $110k in a job I hate. I'm in my early 30s and live in an area with a high cost of living. Don't really want to move somewhere cheaper, so I just feel stuck.

You're better than me right now.

I'm only making 65k with bonus doing a job I hate so at least you're making 20k more than me.

Become a contractor guys.

I am and make good money.

get a job for the government
they get early retirement and great benefits, most long timers only show up 1/2 the time

you are surrounded by qt college girls at starbux

Save money. Get shitty engineering job at like 70k 6 months a year and then quit for 6 months.

Livw off 49k and go back to school or find a job u like that pays 40k or better.

U be fine.

I make 50k and love my life

I am an EIT making 60k a year. Laid off for 2 months and heading back to work in a month. Been collecting neetbux for a month. I love this. I go to the gym, do some studying, write some code and read. It's great. I don't want to go back to work fuckkk

Most people posting here are white males

Government jobs are reserved for women and niggers

A) Stop making excuses for your own failure in life.

B) Look who the president is you retard. If you can't get a government job now as a white male then you really do have to kill yourself.

I second this,
>be construction contractor
>only take jobs I know that I can be highly profitable on
>charge out the ass with an attractive warranty
>well known locally in small town for an extremely high satisfaction rating

I make however much I want, depending on how hard I want to work.

Since 1/1/17, I've profited about $6,000 for roughly 100 hours of work.

4% swr is in THE CURRENT YEAR dollars
it will not be $40k nominally in retirement
it's good that a good diet and exercise also minimizes your medical problems before you can access medicare

I tried Odesk for awhile and fell on my face. I blame Indians willing to work for $0.02/hr.

Any other suggestions?

Good, good, keep wagecucking and building up stress for 35 years more guaranteeing you are old, bald, tired and die of cancer 2 years later.

Remember to not invest in bitcoin to guarantee you dont get rich as fuck quicker, just keep on investing on your meme 401k and grandpa tier stocks and index.

Also remember your shitty slave life while Mr Normie plays videogames on his pajamas with his 9/10 gf next to him and makes 10k a month from AdSense alone, not even adding in the Instagram ad revenue.

You can thank Capitalism, the biggest meme of all time. I know I do. Being rich doing nothing while others do the hard work. Luck Law sucks doesn't it?

He's right though. The only chance aa white male has of landing a gov job is to be a handicapped veteran.

High traffic website?

I'm in a similar predicament.
I currently work as a retail pharmacist making 110k/yr.
However the job sucks ass I hate it, holy shit why did I go into this profession.
I'm saving like a dog (50%) and planning to switch careers when I hit 40 or get my M.B.A. or something.

Why do you hate being a pharmacist?

The stress of trying to keep up with numbers from corporate, and keeping my license in good standing.
Stressing about the future of the profession and if my salary will get slashed soon from the oversaturation of new graduates.
A huge amount of guilt over my head from having my parents partially help pay for my education in a field I am now disillusioned with.
I know how lucky I am to have this job and be making this much money which makes me feel even guiltier for wanting to do something else though.
The day to day isn't so bad, but the stress about the future and the really bad days make me want to vent this out to someone.

This money shit is a never ending ride. Once you have more, it already isn't enough. I know no-one who feels he has enough money. There's always something missing. Fuck the human brain.

>Describes a life of anxiety
>"I know how lucky I am"
No you aren't stop lieing to yourself

It sounds like you're experiencing some burnout. I go through this occasionally (software dev) and I have had it happen at least twice in the 7 years I have been in this industry. There is no cure except quitting.

The problem is that these types of jobs are stressful with limited social interaction. That's probably why you want to mop bum puke off Starbucks' floors.

Contracting would be worse for you, as it can be a lonely and stressful situation if you're not careful about how you set it up.

Save at least 6 months of your total monthly. The act of saving will motivate you to start thinking about your future.

Go to the gym regularly and start attending social events. Research similar careers and businesses so that you don't have to start over.

Start making lifestyle changes so that you can live off less.

One thing you could do is save up 2 weeks PTO and use that time to work a new job. After 2 weeks, you will know which job you want, quit the other

I meant lucky in the sense of "having a job" instead of "this job", my mistake.
But yeah I want out of here and I have no idea where to start.