who here just wants to be self reliant and get a semi remote plot of land, some farm animals like chickens, some basic crops like tomatoes and potatoes other shit like solar pannals and just plug yourself out on the money system
Who here just wants to be self reliant and get a semi remote plot of land, some farm animals like chickens...
and don't say its not possible, people have been living like this for thousands of years, but now with technology we can live more comfortably
>get sick
>Get sick
>Still have a car for emergency or phone
no the car doesn't have to be a Ferrari
less ppl less germs to get sick from
Maybe if you have an entire family you could pull something like that off. I think that's pretty unrealistic for a single person to accomplish by themselves though. You'd be much better off without the farmed animals and just eating crops. Far more efficient use of your time and land and it'll save you money also. It's also a somewhat realistic goal too. I think you greatly underestimate the amount of time that goes into raising/slaughtering/preparing animals for food. You could pay someone to do a lot of the work for you, but then you're a part of the money system and are drawing an arbitrary line in the sand.
>raising/slaughtering/preparing animals for food
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention breeding too. If you truly wanted to do this in a self sustaining manner you'll have to breed your animals. Additionally you'll have to deal with waste disposal as well. Not just all the poop (of which there will be more than you could use for any practical purpose), but also the carcasses of the animals you slaughter. You'll also eventually need a way to add more nutrients to your soil. The nutrients you have in the ground already will only take you so far. You can be good about recycling nutrients back into the soil, but entropy will eventually catch up and have it's way with you.
>less ppl less germs to get sick from
Wrong. Keep medicine and bleach on you, retard. ESPECIALLY if you're fucking raising animals ffs
I'd hate to eat tomatoes and potatoes only for the rest of my life
>I think you greatly underestimate the amount of time that goes into raising/slaughtering/preparing animals for food.
just throw grass at them, they all are herbivores
They all breed themselves
killing a chicken and prepping it for dinner is not a long process, thats like 10 min, 15 tops.
>Additionally you'll have to deal with waste disposal as well.
its called decomposition, its a natural process that occurs, i already have chickens, the shit turns to rich dirt under their feet.
>but also the carcasses of the animals you slaughter. You'll also eventually need a way to add more nutrients to your soil.
you clearly have no idea what you are talking about, you don't leave carcuses after you eat, you leave bones after you eat. if you are leaving bodys you are not even eating the animal.
you are over complicating something you have no idea about.
did anyone say that the only thing you may grow?
what do you have to be spoon fed all possibility?
Carcass: the remains of a cooked bird after all the edible parts have been removed.
I didn't know that usage was specific to birds, but whatever. I've actually worked on small scale farms before. It's a lot of work and I'm telling you, you will probably get burned out trying to do it by yourself and you will encounter problems that you can't fix without throwing more money at it.
Anyways, I warned you. Go ahead and be a retard if you want. I don't care. Peace out.
I'd rather be a hunter/gatherer. Did you know prehistoric humans used to be tall as fuck before agriculture made us manlets?
do some research on reddit. absolutely possible. the details can be a tad sobering though
it would be a lot easier to buy a small plot next to some remote government land and forage
you can join an already existing commune
>just plug yourself out on the money system
fine as long as you make enough fiat to pay your taxes.
holy shit, you just got plugged back in!
me. Did you thinked on something to get enaugh money to escape this shity society?
is there a subreddit for this type of shit?
This is me desu.
>Rural Ireland
>12 Goats
>Huge woods
>Three polytunnels
>Make money selling high level craft
>Still have time to study for my law degree
The city is a recipe for poor mental health.
Out here I'm always reminded what really matters.
are polytunnels necessary where you live?
the omish community has been doing exactly what you want to do, but even they produce items to be traded for cash.
Definitely, winter is harsh here. I'm 600 metres up a mountain. With a polytunnel I can plant early spring and not worry about the frost killing them.
I can even grow grapes in this thing.
The one thing I can't grow is carrots, there is some parasite in the soil which prevents me from growing them ever, same for every farmer around me.
I grow lots of cabbage for the goats to eat.
what percentage of the food you eat do you grow? why so many goats?
>Why so many goats.
Because they breed like crazy and I love them all too much and can't kill them. I've learnt to castrate the males young, so hopefully the amount will go down. They are useful for milk and for clearing the woods so I can chop down trees.
>percentage of food grown.
I grow about four long rows of potatoes, simple and low maintenance.
Loads of onions.
Lots of apples.
Root veg.
During the end of summer I can live off what I'm growing and the goats milk. The rest of the year I buy bread and food because the novelty of living off your own food only lasts a while.
This is my donkey, he's useless for the farm. But endearing.
> Killing a chicken and prepping it for dinner will take 10-15 minutes
You have never killed and prepped a chicken for dinner. Plucking the feathers off take a shitload of time.
City idealist get out
>self reliant
not a bad idea lad id love it. no neighbors means I could be as loud as I want at any time of the day aswell. still travel to the city when needed as well then escape back to your sanctuary
What taxes? Unless he is running a buisness or is self employed there wouldnt be any to pay.
At the fruit and veg wholesalers, you get lots of people who live like this. they turn up with fresh produce sell it for cash and go back to the farms/plots of land they live on.
I think about how top escape society all the time but I'm not sold on this, op.
Essentially you're just trading your reasonable job for a low paid farmhand only with less access to emergency services, utilities, etc.
It's much simpler to just live frugally, invest your money, buy a cheap home on the outskirts, and retire on your fund.
id live like it that but keep businesses. managing small plots of crops is simple and only takes a few hours of work a week. the commute to the city everyday would be a nightmare though
hitler had a shitty life growing up as a kid
>get sick
>no health insurance
>bad harvest due to weather
>no solar power at night
>trip over and die
Worst of all:
>no money for internet connection
>die of boredom
>get sick
>drink whiskey
>bad harvest
>drink the rest of last years whiskey
>no solar power at night
>drink whiskey in the dark
>burn house down
>no money for internet
>tons of corn for whiskey
>invent whiskeynet
>implying Uncle Sam will let you live on his land for free
People have not. People have always lived in communities and bartered. There may be a family that grew corn, a family that raised livestock, a family that harvested lumber, etc. Trying to do it all is difficult, and almost impossible by yourself. Its never been normal.
Also how are you going to pay property taxes? How will you afford health care? How are you going to pay for maintenance on your solar panels?
I kinda wanna do something like this.
>Have a part time job
>earn some money
>have a reasonably sized stock portfolio and such
>live somewhere somewhat rural
>have a nice, comfy house
>have some animals and some land to produce maybe half of my food
>just be happy with my goats, gf and garlic plants…
i've dealt with feathers before, if you just pull hard in hot water, they come out in 5 min
user its just bones and a few internal intestines, you literately just toss them away and they go back to the earth for the vultures and whatnot bacteria.
you don't know what you're talking about and you're full of shit
i'll have you know that food that grows underground is not affected by bad ''weather'' as long as the soil is not terrible it should be fine, like potatoes.
but if you trip and die then you are just a fucking weak dumbass
This has always been my endgame. I plan on saving enough to retire comfortably on a small farm somewhere upstate NY. I don't want to be completely off the grid, but I would like to grow some food and supply my own electricity. The food we buy in stores is disgusting, full of additives like sugar and salt. I want to have land to hike on, build on, and raise a family on.
how you get wifi?
>just throw grass at them, they all are herbivores
Now they die because the grass isn't fully nutritious for their breed.
Thats literally horse life.
Better pay your property tax.
I do but would cost a fortune. Muh air conditioning. I got questioned by the cops for setting up a grow room for garden in my house. Every fucking plant died. Animals are fun bit im lazy and dont like vutcher shit unless i have to. Meh
>why so many goats
So he can have a full and varied sex life, of course
>No money
>Thinks he can conjure new plants
Yep you're retarded
depends on the animal. some livestock can literally subsist on nothing but weeds.
the real problem is disease. small-scale chicken and herd farming is prohibitively expensive because of all the vaccines and veterinary care that is (a.) absolutely necessary and if you don't get it done you're retarded, and (b.) legally compulsory. the glovermint and nature both have one of your balls between thumb and forefinger, my man; but it does vary by country and it's a little easier outside of the us of a, provided you're not setting up your cabin in the tropics.
actually grass if plenty fine for chickens and herbivores, you are just making shit up
>what are seeds
>what are pre self reliance preperations
i have chickens and there isn't a single vaccine I ever have needed. im not a fucking company. you people keep trying to over complicate a very simple process.
but hey whatever, i've said my piece.
Am adamant about this! With permaculture one can arrange their whole front/back yard to produce foods, lots and lots of foods.
just want to learn about preserving and fermenting things in general. Its nearly entirely impossible to be utterly self-sustainalbe in todays modern economy/govt but I want to be able to supplement my living in this way as much as feasibly possible.
Too bad you still have to pay for the house / land. In this money and career obsessed modern times ideas like that are getting more and more out of reality
His rectum. He's got some naive naturalistic, noble savage fallacy. Our hunter gatherer ancestors would have existed in a state of near constant hunger of not outright malnutrition, the infant mortality rate would have been worse than modern third world countries, and you'd consider somebody lucky if they made it to 40 before succumbing to disease or parasites.
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of living in a rural area and achieving partial self-sufficiency in terms of good and energy. But that's just due to aesthetic preferences and financial considerations, not some deluded tree-hugger master race belief.
> be me
> growing up on a farm where we have ~20 free roaming chicken and not one disease in over 25 years
Non fucked up clean land in western europe is pretty neat.
Holy shit. Half of the posters have never been on a farm for more then 1 hour I assume.
The shit these people are writting...
>living in city as a billinaire
>get sick
>goes to hospital
>doctors use the best technology avaliable on you
>die anyway because you forgot that people someday just die anyway
>they ressurect you somehow
>living a few more years
>die of old age
Lmao at the faggots in this thread. So obsessed with modern technology. How the fuck did you think people survived and lived in the old times stupid asswipes, without electricity and wifi. Hurr durr impossible you'll die durr no Internetz no insurance
Two words. Property Taxes.
You would at least have to do some work to pay the jew his tax at the end of the year or they will send armed thugs out and kick you off of "your" land.
implying im not ready to die
no shit, he was a kid fighting in WWI
Regulations have been fucking people over.
>buy cheap land for $2000
>want to get myself an atmospheric water generator for $2000 and be done with water issue
>find out in order to setup a house, you need to drill a well
>well system costs $20-50K
Building codes in rural areas are fucking up our dreams.
>muh property taxes
>sell vegetables on market
>pay property taxes with fiat money
>still secure even if economy implodes
Not technically self sufficient, but good enough.