League of Legends General - /lolg/

Birthday edition!

OT: eyoson=shit

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I like this edition

i want to look as tight and fertile as kat!




Great, you fags made me insecure about my CS and I'm constantly tilted.

I need to find more yordle images

xth for AP ezreal support

Does Trundle's ult steal all of Sejuani's armor if shes out of combat before he ults her

So who is super strong now in this new patch?

just learn to farm jungle camps when they're open my dude

if you're moving from one side of the map to the other and your jungle is engaged elsewhere there's no reason to not take those small camps. ESPECIALLY if they're the enemy jungler's.

Lulu is my STAR!

of courshe
at the very least the initial half stolen will
maybe the drain over time will (probably sure it does) be reduced once she loses the frost armor

Sejuani and crit based ADCs.

Rapid Firecannon doesnt actually make your energized attacks charge faster I dont know what Riot meant by this so just build Shiv every time.


xth for best ship uvu;

kys comfy bf fag desu

Trundle steals ALL of Sejuani's armour, and THEN Sejuani loses further resistances when she loses her passive, and when she loses her passive that has no effect on the resistances Trundle gained.

>take every golems and raptors as toplaner
>"lol we lost because my retarded jungler is 2 levels behind"

Just played a game with Trick2g and he single-handedly won us the game.

New Tank items are pretty fucking OP if Trick was able to get over 10K HP.

So if I have 940 armor

Trun gets 470 armor from pressing R?

It's been a long day without you on the summoner's rift, old friend. Alot has changed.

And I can't wait to tell you all about it when I'm up there with you.

Someone hold me

what did I miss?

>Dude some some Smurf popped off in plat with a jungler, halt the presses

cinderhulk got barely touched
warmog is roughly the same
righteous glory is the same
sterakk got buffed for anybody who builds hp

I don't see the "new" tank items you're talking about

>Suddenly start letting lulufaggot win again
And you guys were doing so well for a while

he doesn't instnatly steal half

>a smurf
the guys like low diamond now. the champs he plays doesn't work in high elo anymore

this is a yordle thread, not a Lulu only thread


why do that when you can take the enemy Gromp and Wolves?

His items proc'd and he went over 10K

Also, he was able to burst the ADC in literally one bite.

>faggot champ reworked into even faggotier champ
>I miss him :'(

I want Lulu to teach me her magics!

I also want to kill anyone who tries to hurt her!

no junglers besides Rengar and maybe zac ever take krugs unless there's literally nothing else

Does Deathfire Touch draw minion aggro?

Important question. Pic unrelated.

At least this thread doesn't have that retard trying to prove that GarenKat isn't real


>new client and ui
>smurfing is still not a report option

Would you guys be cool if Riot just stole Neriff wholesale? We haven't had a heal slut in forever.

dont ask such retarded questions user please

>muh spoonfeed


Your Main

Your Rank

Your Hobby

Your Job

Your favorite snack

Your Favorite beverage

Your favorite song

Your Dream

Your anti fun

Requesting a drawfag to draw Sejuani completely nude and Trundle looking at her with a shit eating grin and her helmet on top of his head

I miss old warwick.

There is literally nothing else a lot of the time due to the long respawn timers if you're actually trying to farm.

Abyssal Sceptre's build path was switched with Banshee's

>Piece of shit Zac every game now

wew more shit to ban more yay!

It's real, but at this point it's only real due to inertia

There's not much room for this new "If Lux uses magic I'm gonna put a sword through her gut" Garen to even consider fraternizing with a Noxian assassin

>drain over time will (probably sure it does) be reduced once she loses
>The total value of armor, magic resist and damage that will be dealt is determined at the point of cast.

Nope that wiould make no sense

>Oh crap a tank better ban him so we can have more Lee Sin in our lives

ah nevermind, your op.gg screenshot wasn't showing the stoneplate
though I'm not sure how to feel about the "OS with Bite" since even though stoneplate would give him a lot of hp, it recudes (greatly) the damage you deal

Squish fruits such as peaches
Lemon juice
Beethoven's 9th
Becoming a cute princess
Riot stealth-nerfing my main by adding a ton of glitches to his kit


its hurting me user

Lee SIn was mistake, so like Yasuo

>shift to less HP and more resists
Who /troll king/?

try like 3-5 things if u r fishing 4 (you)s. this is very much stuff to fill out


Silver 2




Kraken rum

Anything by Mother Mother

Get print published

Poppy she sucks

I don't want Trundle in my smut but it'd be funny


>renekton buffs
I'm really feeling it

you are getting caitlyn new skin right anons?

So I buy Triforce into full tank on Trundall right?

there's no reason to pick lee sin after he recieved THE BIGGEST NERF ANY CHAMPION HAS EVER GOTTEN

>Riot will defend this

Don't worry user Kat's just laughing because she's in denial

>full tank


even riot doesn't condone flash on F


No but I will do my best in the botlane to support her!!


holy shit what

Lulu is cuddly and adorable and i love her!

>has one non-tank item in his build
>"hehe he's a bruiser you dumb idiot"

Why do niggers like you have to exist?

>autoattack once
>wait 1/2/3 seconds
>use cooldowns

what are you talking about user these pictures are perfectly innocent


>Aka6 won't ever tell futa commissioners to fuck off so he can draw more poppy or shyvana

s m h

Literally neck yourself amgios

What champion pisses you the most?

I want to hold Lulu in my arms and keep her safe and warm!

the Shyvana autist had a massive sperg out recently that left such a bad taste in his mouth that we won't be seeing anymore Shyvana from him for a long ass time, if not ever.

is sejuani the thickest girl now?

Is Sejuani gonna get Sejuani'd again
>sejuani op pls nerf!!
>actually new tank items op pls nerf!!
>sejuani is garbage for another season
Dont let this be cinderhulk episode 2

Can you give me a quick rundown on what exactly happened

>damacian faggot
>moral enemy
>slain hundreds of her countrymen
>beats her and tries to murder her at every occasion
>hates Noxus and it's people
>doesn't play sports
>literally ZERO official material to indicate him and Kat have any shape of form of a friendly realtionship
>the living incarnation of the spirit of Noxus
>true patriot just like her
>highest ranking Noxian general
>peoples champion
>mature, selfless and humble enough to do the right thing for the well being of his nation and people
>kills her enemies on a daily basis
>plays basketball
>goes to school to improve himself even in his 30s since he didn't have the opportunity as a teen
>Katarina actually enjoys his company in her spare time and chooses to hang out with him instead of the other 200 champions

Why do people shill GarenxKatarina again?

>loving people is about listing pros/cons

>not liking dicks fucking dicks as they get fucked by dicks with dicks
what are you gay?


>cleaver nerfs
>but last whisper was also nerfed
I don't know if I should switch up my build or not.

>no Xayah nerfs

what itemset is allowing this to be a thing

did they add something to the pbe that i havent seen yet?

you can clearly see he has ult up, and syndra is walking right next to it. I dont know if he had w but he couldve used it, why the fuck would anyone tower dive him

>literally only hatred, abuse and murder in official animations and art


I unirionically love futa on female but it stops here

>building cleaver on Xayah
are you not building ER

>Shyvana fag starts bribing other stream goers to commission pictures of Shyvana
>Queue becomes flooded with her
>Shyfag gets progressively more autistic in chats
>Starts trying to erp with aka6
>aka6 bans him
>Shyfag chimps out hardcore and triggers a whole bunch of chargebacks
>Shyfag now permanently banned, and so is his waifu

at least the queue got shorter

user it's true love, not "love"
you can't explain it, and neither can they

I think the new Item, Gargoyle stoneplate

Get out NuRiot shill

I go ER>zeal>IE when I soloQ but I just go IE>zeal if I'm duoing and my buddy chooses Rakan.

Because Zeke memes.