Any other brehs get triggered by those who park like shit?

any other brehs get triggered by those who park like shit?

Looks like Costco parking lot. That place is filled with savages. I'm trying to move through the store efficiently while hordes of cocksucking foreigners are just wandering the aisles, completely oblivious to their surroundings. They all smell like fucking shit.

Mostly women in their fuck ass huge luxury Yukons or Tahoes that can't park, let alone drive for shit.

Parking is literally the only thing behind the wheel for which you get a free redo and people still fuck it up.

Why do you four wheelers always get so uppity about parking? As long as they didn't hit your car or park in a way that prohibits you from leaving, who cares?

kek your that dude whos tires are on the white line

And if I was, so what? How is it a problem? Oh, it's not, you're just autistic and get triggered by things that don't comply with your OCD

>drive shitbox
>somecunt parks like this
>park as close as fucking possible to the driver door
>bonus points if they were too close on the passenger side so now they have to go in the hatch

all you can do is get triggered. There is nothing you'll ever do about it, pussi

I don't get that pissed if I see they have L plates on, cause I can understand entirely. But if they have their Ps then I get a little salty. If they have a full open license, I'm mad.

Imagine having to work there..

Because those spacings are there so people can comfortably get in and out of their cars without damaging someone else's by hitting the car with the door.

By parking like the dude in the OP, it makes it even more of an annoying task to do.

They apparently pay pretty well and give benefits. Working retail sucks in general though. I hate people.

>I'm too fat to get out of my car without opening the door fully

The real problem is that you don't know if someone else caused them to park like this

>projection: the post

I did that in my lifted rustbucket truck to some other guy at Sam's in a lifted truck who thought he owned the lot. I wondered why the space was empty so close to the door and it was because the dude parked on the line and the cart coral was on the other side but I slid my 6 foot wide dick right in there. Ended up flipping his mirror back but I didn't give a fuck. When I came back out he was there, furious, alreasy called the cops and the Sam's security. He was some bro-douche but only like 6', 180 so much smaller than me. I told him all he needed was my insurance info once I took some pictures and everybody involved tried to tell him he was wasting their time. He was so fucking raged up it was ALMOST worth the time wasted. Then like two months later he tried to file a $7,000 claim. Presumably he fucked his own shit up somehow. The agent who called me totally agreed with me about him being a rageaholoc I guess he hung up on her several times like what's even the point of that? Anyway, I sent her the pics I took and I also showed them to the claims adjuster when he came to look at MY truck. He even offered to file a counter-claim for me where the guy's mirror scraped my paint slightly. Needless to say nothing ended up coming of it. I hope the douchebag got fraud charges filed against him but probably not.

On the other hand, I often park my truck on the line or with my bumper hanging into other spaces. It's usually because of the way the person on the opposite side of me parked but I really dgaf. The truck is literally as wide as many parking spaces and longer than most.

>hordes of cocksucking foreigners are just wandering the aisles, completely oblivious to their surroundings.

HEY! Everyone I visit the states I can't help but marvel at the amount of sheer product that one can buy.

I am only used to a maximum of 36 bags of rice spread between 3 brands being on the shelves of our largest store

I don't even give a shit when people park bad. I generally park away from everyone else anyway. But when people write gay ass passive aggressive letters to TEACH THEM A LESSON for parking slightly over the line then I get annoyed. Mine your own business you fucking faggot. Get a life

Ran into this yesterday at like 11pm. I wasn't triggered but was confused why someone would park like this when
>1. It's 11pm
>2. It's almost the one area of the parking lot without cameras
>3. The whole area to his left for about two hundred feet is devoid of cars
>4. It's a Camry

Pic related


Who honestly gives a shit what people do in an area of obviously vacant parking spaces?

>His country doesn't sell mayonnaise in 55 gallon drums
How is life under communism?

>parking ''field'' is almost full
>I can squeeze my car next to this cunt that parked on the line so I have to go slightly over the line on the other side
>when I get back the asshole already left and a cunt wrote a note and stuck it on my car saying learn to park
fucking savages

yes, its why my heart drops the second i see someone parked next to my porsche when i parked it far as fuck away