So I am about to come into 50k dollars tax free? How can I use it to increase my passive income? By more divided stocks? Truesaries? Or use it to help pay off my morgage?
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So I am about to come into 50k dollars tax free? How can I use it to increase my passive income? By more divided stocks? Truesaries? Or use it to help pay off my morgage?
Best response gets a response from me.
I currently less get about 8k a year, mostly from my rental income from renting out my spare room.
Just go to Vanguard and listen to the dude there
Why passive income? Are you ready to retire?
>50k dollars tax free
the irs disagrees
Just pay off your mortage and get rid of that headache.
That's only 1/4 of my remaking principle
Dividends only make sense in a tax deferred account.
Treasury's are being sold off yet they still yield chunk change.
Best thing to do is use that money for a down payment on a condo or house in an in demand neighborhood and then rent it out.
Spend ~$1,000 on personal finance, real estate, and tax law books.
Power through them.
Use $49k investing in rental property through bank loans.
Need about 20% down.
Enjoy $245,000 in rental real estate income while you continue to learn how to more efficiently convert your income into real estate.
Master real estate enough to live passivly and gamble money on new ventures.
Thank me for retireing young and starting 100 random businesses and investmebts that more than make up for the losses.
Git gud user.
Good goyim give your money back as quickly a possible while interest rates are low so the bank can use your money more wisely by investing in things you could have... Yes.. good goyim you are
You sound like a 15 year old regurgitating some shit advice you once over head.
So I shouldn't do that? Because it seemed like a lot of work that I don't want to do. I want it to be passive, so I can focus on my full time job
Put it into an accumulating exchange-traded fund. Fill in tax returns once a year. Done.
index funds are the easiest choice
buying stock individually is the hardest choice
Hardest and stupidest.
>bu-bu-bu-but i'll totally out-forecast all those thousands of fund managers and their teams working full time and doing nothing else by reading le breibart
listen to broker forecasts, do research be willing to lose as well as gain.
1 stock - high risk, very high reward
You understand that there are people whose whole job revolves around doing only that while being supported by a whole team? Whatever information you have they have as well and can almost certainly react faster than you.
Also, don't forget diminishing marginal utility. It's not "high risk, very high reward", but rather "very high risk, modest reward".
OP here
So what's the deal?? People are saying different things, and IDK what to do.
Invest in kneepads
>dividends in tax differed
What are qualified dividends