Best canon ship edition
Best canon ship edition
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First for Lux
thank u have a nice night
I want to IMPREGNATE Leblanc!
Sej nerfs when?
>not a poppy thread
kys yourself pls
thats actually a very funny ship im a fan
I also enjoy kat/garen, karthus/raka, and obviously comfy bfs~
Braum x Sejuani is way cuter
It's a shame it never really caught on
Goddamnit I need the Morde rework just fucking tell me if he'll be after Eve Riot.
How about fuck off.
braum/graves is cuter
fuck these graves/TF fags
if you aren't getting 80 cs minimum per 10 minutes you should honestly just fucking end yourself or at the very least end your connection to this shit game
is Poppy for extremely lewdness?
How do I git gud again with Yi? Do I only wait for shit to happen then I go dive their backline?
Well, fine for me.
Rift Herald being spawnable is fucking stupid, at least with how much damage he does to turrets.
okay now what items do i buy? cinderhulk, gargoyle memeplate, abyssal? should I get protobelt to zip zoop onto people?
These kinds of people need to fuck off an die.
You can't impregante a woman whose gone through menopause.
fluffy tails
shoo shoo little homo
EU time is 2 doors down
how about I DONT
Xth for me impregnating Kat and Diana posters with plenty of offspring!
Xth for me then impregnating the rest of the qts on /lolg/!
while I think bara ships are disgusting as long as you hate the graves/TF ship youre alright with me
Someone wanna play normals with me on EUW
I am level 24 and I only play Ekko
Braum/Sej is the best because Sej isn't all happy and shit and Braum needs to be the one who makes the tough grumpy barbarian girl not so angry at all time.
>sometimes icy heart just needs warm smile
I love Orianna and think that winter should never end.
LB a fertile! FERTILE!
>friend is unironically bronze with near 200 games this season alone
>has never been higher than silver 5, in his 3 years of playing
>never finished above bronze
>feeds near every game I play with him
>insists his calls are good and generally builds like an idiot
>mains adc but can't play a single one well
>takes teleport on every role, including adc and jungle
Do you have THAT friend, /lolg/?
Am I the only one who loses track of their cursor in fights constantly?
I've had this problem for years
Haha, YES! Cry more babies.
I'm told the build is bloodrazor, bork and rageblade in that order into defensive items. And yeah, if Yi initiates full-blown teamfight he's gonna fucking die.
Not particularly, no.
>someone dodges 3 times in a row that you got your main role in
>4th time you get support, nobody dodges
I would honestly pay RP to just play the fucking role I want.
I instinctively know its placement at this point.
nope. i still have this problem. it's because of mouse acelleration. but my current mouse wont disable that for some reason
Just enter the /yi zone/ dude.
>tfw Yi has the most evil laughter in League when he enters Highlander in the Project skin
I shit you not.
>youre so spineless you cant tell him hes shit
>youre not good enough friends that he wouldnt sperg out after you call him shit
I tell off my friends when theyre doing stupid shit ALL the time because they respect the fact that im UNDENIABLY better than them due to ranked results
Exactly. I'm glad someone else gets it
I stopped giving him advice
Its like every week he came up with something new, for example TP on junglers
he had real life mental problems though.
Great guy all around but absolute shit at the game.
And im probably the same but hardstuck in gold and salty too.
Goodnight foxy~
I recognize I'm not good but this made me laugh
>friend gets me into league
>he's a bronze V shitter and has been every season he's played with a good 50-100 games I'd say each season
>think he's cool so I play with him all the time
>once I finally can get into ranked I get Silver I
>he says he "taught me well"
No no no. You don't understand. I've told him numerous times he's bad at this game, his builds are awful, and constantly correct his poor decision making. He completely ignores it.
Goodnight cutie. I'll be holding my pillows pretending they're you.
She's an old woman using magic to appear youthful.
>Have a friend who I carried out of bronze last season
>I'm only gold myself
>He plays top
>Some how he always is "countered" and playing against "cancerous bullshit"
>Feeds 90% of all games
>Tilts endlessly
>Blames the jungler for not ganking
>if the jungler did and he still lost lane its because he was countered.
>Cs's well though
Its awful
i want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!
I am that friend, except I don't play ranked
Fucking around with builds is fun
Rod of Ages if laning, Protobelt is optional. I'd only get it if I were popping off.
I need to start LoL image folders again, I'm mostly looking for cute females like that. Post more please.
Granny fight, Camille, Lissandra, or Lebalanced who wins?
I love meme building but he builds seriously, just in terrible orders, like Bloodthirster rush Vayne.
>you will never enter the /yi zone/ again for the first time
These were TRULY good times. My 10 first ranked ever were all with Yi and this build ;_;
Alright seems reasonable. I ran accidentaly the bloodlust mastery instead of the Fervor one, is there any difference?
why is Ivern allowed to be so blatantly overpowered?
Nope. Gotten used to teamfights for the most part. It helps I play a lot of Xerath and literally all abilites are skillshots so I damn well better keep track of my mouse.
Camille literally slices people in half with just her legs. It's a no brainer.
all yordle loving is welcome in lolg.
Unless youre a trip or namefag.
then you need to kill yourself and seriously rethink what site you are using.
for a question in the last thread about what low level peole should learn:
pt. 1
1) Learn champions; skills, pasives, general ap/ad ratios
you don't need to remember the exact ratios but at least pay attention to enemy and allied champs and their items so you can tell who is strong. Learning champions skills and passives is good so you know you need to kill anivia, atrox, zac and zileon twice (or whoever zil ults) and that when you kill sion you need to get away from him.
2) learn the items, what items build into each other, prices and general stats on the items.
Learning every item and every stat on items will take time; but it is good to know the basics and pay attention to what you are building and why you are building it. This will make sure you follow a good build path ex) if you are building triforce start with sheen, the second part of the tri should almost always be the phage. Knowing the items will allow you to start leaning situational builds.
3) Learn to CS
This involves learning the animations of the champions as well as the spells. ex) if you have a mage that gets mana refunded by last hitting with a spell use that as often as possible. Though there is a lot to learn such as when you can cs. If you are in a lane matchup where your opponent has kil potential early, just stay in exp range and last hit under turret. Losing some cs early is better than dying trying to cs. You miss out on exp, cs and give gold/ map pressure to your lane opponent.
4) Map awareness
Just look at the minimap; can you see all of the enemies? Are you pushed up with no vision? Are the towers in other lanes down and yours is the only one remaining? Are you winning your lane really hard and maybe the entire enemy team will need to show up to put you down? IS the mid/ top laner very mobile and missing from the lane? Does midtop have tp ad you are pushed really far forward in the bottem lane? Simply paying atention to what is going on in the game can save you from dying to ganks.
I have a good bit of terrible friends who play this game. People who generally shouldn't be touching games with any competitive value whatsoever. It's honestly awful sometimes but another one specifically
>rages in voice chat
>never wins lane and cries for ganks from me
>1v5 initiates then yells when no one followed up his poorly timed and executed decision
>generally just tilts off the earth if one thing doesn't go his way
pt 2
5) warding
This is a little different than map awareness since it will take some time to learn where you need to have wards at different parts of the game. Where wards need to go will also depend on how the game is going. Are you losing? keep your jungle warded since the enemy most likely owns it. Are you winning? Ward in the enemy jungle so you can see where the enemy players are and punish them for wandering. Warding dragon, baron, enemy buffs, and lanes as well as choke points all need to be learned and it takes time to get used to it.
6) objects / map pressure
Pay attention to the buffs on both your team and the enemy team. Depending on if you are winning/losing you will need to defend your buffs or you can play aggressively to steal the opponents buffs. You will need to learn how to position yourself on the map to make sure you can get to dragon or baron; or after a team fight is won you will need to make a decision to push towers or collect dragon or baron. Again this takes time to learn.
Map pressure also takes time to learn. The simple strategy of grouping mid does not work with every team comp. Split pushing is also very good.
Pay attention to how your lanes are pushing; if a dragon or baron is coming up and you lanes are pushing in, rotate to get them pushed out so that you have the ability to contest objectives.
I guess those are a few things off the top of my head that low elo/ beginner players need to learn.
they two magic users instantly kill the non magic user.
then the two magic users have at it, but the one with supernatural racial powers probably wins in the end.
I have this too. He's the admin of my teamspeak server and a good friend so we play every day, but he's still really really bad despite playing for several years. He had 11 farm at 11 minutes mid lane one time. He just doens't play correctly, and doesn't think. Honestly not thinking is the root of all the problems and sums them all up, I don't need to list them all.
I love my cute and strong Poppy too but we don't need to spam her everywhere. Have restraint.
Damn, Sejuani looks like THAT?
I get that youre trying to help but these posts generally suck.
Its always a generic list of things to improve at, which everyone should already know anyway, at least if youre above bronze. No silver surfer is going to read this and think "wow, I need to last hit the minions!"
And besides that, people climb on different aspects. I know high plat players who dont know shit about macro but just get fed all the time and snowball.
And then theres people who generally do not get fed but have insane macro and know when to bait enemies/cooldowns to make a gamewinning play
it varies for everyone. just strive to improve.
Who would play support then?
or if you sexualize gnar
gnar is pure and not for lewding
Id lewd this Gnar though
actual support players
are you okay?
7.9 absolutely wrecked Mac client.
Enjoy 30 minute queues
That's why I said it was on their end. Apparently some Russki rioter admitted it.
I can run way more demanding games including Dota2 which looks infinitely better without experiencing fps drops.
You need ritalin
better than losing
Post 'em
sejfags cant handle the obvious truth that their waifu is now an anime edgelord
>be a support main
>2 minutes queue max
How do I play this fox slut? I swear she's my shittiest mid laner that I play. I get fucked every time without fail. I feel bad since people say she's easy as shit.
I still get nervous even playing blind pick games
Breast waifu!
>paints her nails
wait what
Hey sejfags!
Check this out!
You go bottom lane with her and build AD items.
>miss all your skillshots
>hit W + ult
>get kill anyway
So I was really excited for the Zac rework because everything sounded really cool but goddamn he feels fucking terrible now. His new Q is really clunky and it doesn't have the same sticking power his old one did with the slow. Its so easy to avoid because you can just walk away from Zac and he won't be able to auto something else into time for the CC. His E is fucking ruined the killed the damage on it which honestly I can live with but they also cut the CC portion of it in half which is terrible for a lot of reasons mainly it ruins Zac skirmishing ability and it makes landing his ult impossible which i'll get to in a second it also gives you less time to cancel it which is a bummer as well. Now to his ult this thing is a colossal piece of shit which sucks because I was super stoked to use it. Its so fucking easy to avoid like holy shit you just walk out of it no problem you can't even fully combo into it with his E because like I said the fucked up the amount of time the enemy was cc'd so you can chain the two together well enough and his Q isn't reliable enough to chain as well. I'm really upset because the rework sounded so cool but its fucking shit and pretty much kills the character for me. His damage is down (which I would be fine with if his CC was better but its not), he's not as tanky anymore, his clear is worse and his ult is fucking garbage. I now finally understand how all those people who were said about a champ the love being reworked especially all the Malzahar fags.
RIP Zac you glorious green motherfucker I will miss you.
she's emo as fuk just look at that pale skin and dour expression. she's about to cry.
can't beat shitters if you aint cute yo!
>former supp main
>go back to roots, queue for supp primary mid secondary to guarantee supp
>0:00 queue time
Delicious. If only I didn't have to baby-sit shitter ADs 60% of the time, decent ones 39% of the time who always want to duo after and the silent 1% where they carry without much help at all.
>play game for a week, 40 or so games
>wake up and instantly feel a radical disgust at the thought of playing more league, like literally feeling physically sick
y dis happen
...dude if you auto the person you hit with the FIRST Q, if you hit em twice, it slows them instead. In fact, it deals more damage and is a stronger slow than the old Q.
Literally an objectively better version of his old Q still exists as an alternate use of his new Q.
>adc picks Vayne
>has smite
>Vayne you have smite
>I know
>instantly dodge
>seasoned warrior has scars
absolutely shocking
so the scars sold you on the fact she was edgy and not you know, the fact she killed her mother, rapes and pillages the countryside or wants to kill her sister to install an authoritarian regime?
Nigga she was always an animu edgelord that was part of her appeal.
Good fuck green goo man that faggot was annoying as shit ganking me from fucking fog of war
she's NOT emo
your skin gets really pale when it's cold
sejuani is NOT a emo