Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Play his game.
old thread is still at page 1
I need you in Tekken 7, Rick Taylor...
Whos the whore with Litchi?
play Morrigan's game
I PROMISE Central Fiction Extend isn't going to be announced this weekend
Shadow Chie's mommy.
A.B.A is C.U.T.E
Wondering why Playstation Japan hasn't updated their blog.
Realized it's Golden Week.
Why is Mai so popular? Ass and tits?
Easy and effective.
are you gay furry
Check out the multi boar right now tons of fighting games to watch
multitwitch tv teamsp00ky/mastercupchannel/greentekken/godsgarden
man fighting games take a lot more mental endurance than I realized before.
Tiddy ninja memes
why is ramlethal-chan so perfect..
multitwitch tv teamsp00ky/mastercupchannel/greentekken/godsgarden/shi_gaming
Yea, better to play a little every day than binge it unless you're working on something specific
>not a single sfv stream
yeah i dont give a fuck
Anybody wanna see me in Arcana Heart 3 or USF4?
I'm noobish in both, I can pull supers off on reaction for punishes but I can't really do combos yet.
i wanna sniff their meat buns
I feel like I know you
Don't lie. An expansion akin to Rev2 is likely to be announced. Expect a couple new characters and a balance patch for $20 in the near future.
That being said, the more I play BlazBlue the more I'm starting to like it more than Xrd. Both are great games.
I'd recommend those who have been passing off anime games to grab a copy as it's more grounded than Xrd. I regret not getting into them sooner.
playblue, playgear, playwhatyoufuckingenjoy
the fact that no one in the anime community is criticizing arcsys for this is very telling
Which characters are you using?
>playblue, playgear, playwhatyoufuckingenjoy
Fuck this, Palybleu. Yes the game is pretty much USF4 tier balance wise but the core mechanics are very refined since the game is basically 10 years old.
I've been learning Tao. I haven't had a character click with me since A.B.A. I play Faust in Xrd. I was going to use the time between Rev2 to learn someone new, but I'm having fun on BB.
>it's more grounded than Xrd
No it isn't, jumping is safer in BB and GG has always been more grounded than BB.
Huge tits, huge light normals, good in almost every game
Grounded wasn't the right word then, but it feels like a middle ground between Street Fighter/KoF and other anime games I've played.
Good choice.
BB is more anime than Xrd, I really can't understand how you get the impression that it's middle ground. Honestly you might just be playing people who have no idea how to play.
How do you play Sin's mommy?
BB has better random conversions than Xrd and longer pressure, this is why characters like Elphelt and Sin got called BB characters, their knockdown ability and their pressure are much better than old characters
mash IAD j.k
ky's wife is probably too high iq for you
no thanks
I hope you learned a lesson and never compare BB with GG again. Triggers a lot of people.
bros, if these numbers are right there will be at least TWO Nigerian Kens at EVO for Ghodere to lose to on stream before 2030
>load up sfv pc
>the left/right directions on my 360 stick are sticking
>plug in my ps3 arcade stick, it works fine
>swap the joystick out in my 360 stick, nothing changes
>i spent 20+ minutes opening these annoying hex screws and hurt my fingers for nothing
>try to load up sf4 on my 360 to see if it still happens there, the game crashes on startup
>try it on another 360, same thing
>load up persona 4 arena instead, it works fine
>uninstall the 360 controller drivers on my pc
>have to restart
>my rug is filthy and it's infuriating me because i have nowhere clean to put my feet
>vacuum my room at 12am
>computer finally loads
>reinstall 360 controller drivers
>it works fine now
so how was your day /fgg/
Back in the days everybody and their mother could do frc iad tatami drunk.
Rude. I can play both Ky and Sin fine. Why can't I play the other member of the family?
>characters like Elphelt and Sin got called BB characters
this literally never happened
ramlethal is the one who usually gets called a bb char
If those numbers are right there won't be an EVO
I can get behind all that, though I'm gonna stick to Susanoo personally
sniff fighter when?
why doesn't /fgg/ collaborate with /agdg/ to make a game?
cause these niggas suck at fighting games
How long would Evo have to be to field a tournament of 80,000 people?
why is revelator $50 when the new version comes out in a month?
The game I wanted to make is in development hell because I still hate how most of the characters look and spend all the time reworking them instead of actually making the game
if it's africans it will never be over before it needs to be shut down for violence
So they should make it cost less just because an update is coming?
I could have built two fighters by now of the complexity of Divekick or even more, but art is always the bottleneck
So many fuckheads out there who want to be professional artists who 'take commissions' but don't want to be told how to draw, critiqued, have to draw the same thing multiple times, collaborate, or work on long projects even though I'm paying a fair tier for their experience level and if they really want to be full time artists they need consistent business like this not just character pieces. I'm not hurting for money on my hobbies, but when I drop some good money just for basic concept sketches and three of them come back completely different than what I described, in 2 conflicting art styles, and 1 is only a fucking torso, it just makes me angry.
Fuck artists.
Because ASW cocksuckers like enjoy getting raped in the ass by companies
How do I stop sweating so much when playing fightan
wasn't it like $25 on sale a week ago
Just in general, say 50k Americans, 10k Japanese, the rest various internationals.
The issue might be that the person is incompatible with what you are looking for. It usually helps to find someone doing what is similar to your vision already so the experimentation is within parameters.
depends on how many games are going on at the same time
In revelator 2, how strong are the following: baiken, jam, dizzy, venom
If you believe some of the anons here, people will be perfectly fine playing a fighting game with stick figures.
Perhaps, but I specifically sought out people who said they were okay with fielding large projects, the one I mentioned was the deepest I got into it, but there were varying degrees of bullshit
One person said that if it was a small indie game they'd want to be the only artist and be on the title screen, I said that would be fine if we could actually work it out but then they said they don't draw backgrounds (their gallery had backgrounds they had drawn)
One had a price per piece that went UP the more pieces you asked for, so like 1 for 15, 2 for 35, etc
A couple other people not being able to comply with discussed and agreed upon requirements
Worst 2 weeks of my life, I just code webpages now, shit like that killed any urge I had to develop or produce games
It could be done in 4-5 days I believe but the number of setups, volunteers and space would be massive. You'd need every half decent TO in the world helping out.
As a note though EVO's numbers last year were WILDLY inflated. like way more than past EVOs. The discount reg was so cheap that a bunch of no shows signed up for 2016
Buff: Ken Ryu Nash Juri Alex
Nerf: nigger rog laura mika karin nigcalli rashit cammy
Litchi > Jam.
>literally just saying nerf any character that can win games
You forgot Guile
You have a PS4 right?
>no character should be good
kill yourself
IT was $19 2 days ago lel.
accordion to jap wiki
low, low-mid, low but just got buffs, mid
baiken will probably change later in an update if she needs it
Buff: Ryu Ken Zangief
Nerf: Nigrog Necalli Karin Guile Urien
Remove: Laura Rashid Mika
Venom is on a lot of tier lists as mid but a lot of people are thinking he's way better than that.
>RBK's channel got taken down again
Yah but I don't really use it much anymore. I tend to stick to my PC
the issue is probably the effort required
You know Gundam is coming in the fall right?
Season 2 tournament result changes so far, thoughts?
people are freaking out because only the jap version might have the series music
Is it trip time?
I'm honestly confused, it seemed earlier in the season everyone though Balrog was god tier. Is that not the case?
He still has all the tools he needs, the best defensive punish in the game, and the best damage in the game, how is he not the tip top?
No bait, a lot of people seem to not have as many problems with him as they did around Kolin's release.
Have you heard of the term flavour of the month and knee jerk reaction?
Balrog and Urien are really good at destroying onlineboars.
In the actual competitive scene though they're merely strong characters, not top tier.
The moment the game was announced I knew that would likely be an issue. It's always a fucking issue.
As long as servers aren't region-locked people will have to pick having the conveniences that localization brings, or that sweet sweet gundamu music. I had a bit of an autistic fit about the music locked behind Premium G Sound edition.
Only the fucking devil puts the Turn A openings and The Time I'm Seeing You~ behind a paywall
Am I gonna get this bad boy right here lol?
Possibly. They still have suits to announce.
I remember how much you love your Bara/Twink MS
>Liking literal shit
>lost all interest in anime years ago
>stopped playing single player games years back as well
>have started losing interest in fighting games as well
>tfw i'm becoming a normie
i really hope tekken 7/mvci manages to rekindle my interest in this genre..
Offtopic but I'm worried about that kappa thread about sending a card to Kuroda. I used to be very depressed while in highschool and told my friends about it. They told everyone else and although people would tell me uplifting shit and treat me all nice I was always embarrassed and ashamed about it and I legit thought about killing myself everyday until I got actual help.
I'm just imagining how it would be like finding out that the news is spreading and then getting a card from some random people on a foreign website.
I still didn't know how to play at the time so the Virtue was a pretty fucking good.
What I really want is the Barbatos Lupus Rex now though
I like alot of different mobile suits though
why r u here lmao
should've went with your intuition and killed yourself
habit and waiting for the 2 games i mentioned..
You'll rebound, trust me, I spent like the last 3 years completely normie mode
You'll realize that normie shit IS boring but easy, when boredom overshadows the investment effort, you'll come back
>mobile game
japan thinks balrog is the best character in the game, kill yourself unironically