/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station general

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Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Official ERP legalization vote today
>Metaclub log leaks
>the third Purge is coming up

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

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Sandy is such a shit AI

Xth for #StandWithPlap

Seriously, we make up the largest sect of the ss13 community. If we selected a promising port and moved to it, it'd make waves.

>it'd make waves.

Go tell plap he's a piece of shit not as awful as everyone thinks he is.


Let's make so many statics we win

>promising port
If only there were any.

Seriously, I don't think a single remake is even in a playable condition yet.


ss13 will never, EVER leave byond

>be ce
>get into an axe fight with the QM because they won't order my crates
>shut off their power and air supply



None of the remakes are in playable state yet

Retards keep making the same mistake of trying to remake Goon or Bay in terms of feature creep instead of going back to the barest basics of pre-Goon SS13 and then building up from there

I'm still hoping Stationeers gets good modding support and actually gets finished so it can be made into the perfect spessmen successor, but >Dean Hall



>best friend
>arch enemy

Name yours!


>best friend
The clown, always
>arch enemy



>best friend
Chief Engineer
Wise and robust greyshirt
>arch enemy
Head of Security


>best friend
Neville Bamshoot
spess law
>arch enemy
Greyshits, everywhere

>best friend
Mr. Pain
>arch enemy

Who am I?

Is there only one Ian?

Another edition of "let's remove waifu limbs and leave the stumps in front of dorms" and "mommi's day out"

So... morena came back last thread huh? Whatta world we inhabit. You think they should get another chance? It's beeeeen a while now, I think they've learned their lesson.




try not to ick ock pal

>tfw I still have the one I made of my static that I no longer play

>Stationeers gets good modding support
>dayZ, the game that literally started out as a mod doesn't have modding support yet because muh hackers and muh constantly changing engine

I know, it's wishful thinking

At the absolute least I hope it's a decent game on a base level and has good post-release support

Again, more wishful thinking considering who is fucking heading it

>tfw you make one when you haven't played in ages.



he posted on the steam forums saying something about mods that make it round-based like SS13, so he seems more supportive than last time

[honking intensifies]

>Ghlor is back.
Wew lad.


>inb4 he makes it on the arma engine

so who is Karl Pilkington? Im getting into his dictatorship captain shenanigans.

>playing as sec on anything above lowpop

>4 sec officers
Was any of that necessary?

I've never played sec. Is it better or worse than solo medbay?

Depends on if you like high adrenaline moments, spooky hallways, and watching everyone's hands, because anyone could want to knock your teeth in for your gear.
I love it.

You must've not been playing as sec last round, then.

You've clearly never been whipped by the chain of command

Sounds awful. I'll just stick to greytiding and being chased through maint.

That's my other favorite thing to do.

You will pretty much always be busy, for better or for worse. There is always more you could be doing. The upside of this is that you might completely screw over a criminal by catching him via cameras, which people tend not to think about, but the downside is that if you're not doing something productive at all times, you're wasting useful manhours.

>Not doing anything right now? Go patrolling.
>Got a guy and the bosses are busy? Go process him.
>Bosses still busy? Update the records.
>Still nothing to do? Check the cameras.
>Still nothing? Go patrolling again.

I've never played medbay, so I guess you'd have to make the comparison for yourself.

I like explosive implants. I should've waited till they all were in a group, but I was too excited with the several Sec surrounding me for demotion.

>that mime who opened his dicksucker just to escape punishment (at most like a 10 minute crime)

>I've never played medbay
solo medbay goes from comfy to horrifying in an instant.
>just deal with the occasional shitter coming in with cuts or burns
>crank out a gorillion pills
>make cryomixes
>suddenly antag strikes
>now have to triage and fix an endless flow of bodies while everyone yells at you as you do 10 things at once
>suddenly the antag blows up half of medbay
>now you have to fix these people without the cloner and cryopods
>no matter what it's your job to fix people faster than the antag kills
>literally anyone who comes in could be the antag to fuck up more shit

C4 is better

>set the timer to like 10 minutes
>10 minutes of them wandering around wondering when it will explode

can you eat the c4

Why were his limbs falling off anyway? I initially assumed it was because he was a non-antag speaking mime rushing the hand tele and badmins were fucking with him.

With the code in this game, I'm sure you can put it into something and somehow implant it into yourself

It was either badmins fucking with him or radiation.

new radiation changes are much more harsh

>limbs rot away
>cancer everywhere

Admin fucking around with a sinful talking mime

>Start round with cream-pie joke on an officer
>takes it very poorly, outrobust him twice despite him hitting me with his taser
>Attempts to attack me with a crowbar after that, another officer steps in and conflict is ended
>Go to HoP office
>Captains in, ask him to surprise me
>Unsurprisingly its a noaccess card named "Mimes Toy"
>Lame disown him and carry on with my goal to use the ID to get in security and strangle the mime that keeps talking over the radio
>Come to the opinion that the Captain is really bad as he set the borgs on a shitty lawset and wont respond to sec calling for him
>Others around me agree
>Start a petition
>Initially don't care who becomes new captain just want to evict him
>Get 14 signatures, majority vote
>Do so even in the presence of security/captain who is oblivious apparently
>HoP sides with me, Grants me headship and we gather materials to fax to central
>At this point I go to security to inform them of the vote
>Tell security
>Suprised or indifferent
>Captain shows up
>Just fucking stuns me and causes a ruckus
>Get thrown in the brig for ten minutes with no crime
>Manuever to rally security but my previous actions against the one shitty officer is the reason why they dont like me, understandable, same person watches me constantly like an autist
>Either way get released and fax centcomm, no response of course but worth a shot
>Plot to capture the Captain, or rally the station, both people I ask rush to poor decisions
>Captain quickly asks me to join him
>Uh yeah sure new friend
>realize this whole time he was flying by the seat of his pants and if I wanted to I could have easily just won by force
>By the end, an intially indifferent crew was turned outwardly hostile towards the captain for legitimate reasons as he pissed off everyone he met.
was fun gimmick will try again with another poor mannered captain.

>HOP gives the clown all access for literally any reason. there is no good reason. and promotes a known criminal to the SECforce without consulting the HOS
Captain was a tyrant, but at least he was a competent tyrant. It's all I ask. Only reason the HOP didn't get Abuse of Power demoted was because the Cap went afk for a bit and there were more pressing matters.

>realize this whole time he was flying by the seat of his pants
The best type of captains

That mime broke his vow just to tell the borg to uncuff him too

my fascist state will be realized, this orange is going places.

I read your petitions but had to deal with rule breakers

>Come to the opinion that the Captain is really bad as he set the borgs on a shitty lawset and wont respond to sec calling for him
I was the HoS that round. I set the Peacekeeper borg to NT Default before the captain arrived to end a Law 2 fight I was having with the talking mime that nabbed the hand tele at round start.

>the mime broke his vows to escape punishment
>breaking oath to escape punishment
really gets the head scratchies

hi break-o, even Sue didn't break her vows

Dig dig diggity, dig diggity dog

I wish that captain would stop abusing prisoners. I honestly don't mind a powergaming captain because it is MUCH preferable to having a captain that leaves hand teles lying around and the nuke disk on their desk, but I wish he wouldn't abuse prisoners who aren't being sentenced to death.


Put it into a food item and then eat the food item

>Mmm, C4 sammiches, just like momma used to make

Actually the HoP sided with me because I had the votes. He being the HR head he reacted quite well, though I feel the second promotion was a bit on the risky side and agree with the second point against him.
Though captain was a through and through comdom. No question. He acted outside the law and as its arbiter security really should not have supported him. Also I realized you were quite busy with all sorts of shit so your inaction was expected till I was arrested by the captain.
you misunderstand, while what you mean is a captain that when finds a wizard in his office asks the wizard if it would like something to drink, this was the wordlessly walk up to next thing and shoot it captain who rarely spoke.
Nice gimmick don't overuse it
I was told by several, even the robots, the captain did it.
yes YES you understand

I uploaded NT to the peacekeeper myself. It was what ended the Law 2 fight. Don't know about the other borgs, I believe there was a mediborg and a borg that was built later.

In general yeah, if a HOP hands out all access to a clown, it's the HOP's fault, not the clown. That and his willy nilly promotion of a known criminal was why I wanted him demoted for Abuse of Power.

As a general rule, security will support the person who is causing them the least problems. Captain was giving us less headaches, so the HOP was the biggest problem in my eyes. All access IDs are especially dangerous because you can use them to produce more all access IDs, a lot like the blob gamemode. Unwrench that arrivals ID console and get to mass producing! Sec will NEVER be able to undo it entirely, either, like putting toothpaste back in the tube.

Also the proper SOP would be for the majority of the heads of staff to vote to demote the captain, THEN promote the clown. This procedure was not followed and thus the clown's position as captain is invalid. If the Captain is committing a blatant abuse of power, the HOP should contact the HOS to arrest him post-haste. t. guy who has played IAA in a round with a rogue non-antag captain

>there's an actual chance that plapatin will be unbanned

captain here, I interacted alot with security. as for the ai laws, I havnt even set foot in the upload all shift

The borgs are probably confused, seeing as I was acting as captain when I did it, as I was the only head.


>Morena is going to appeal on the 22nd of may


epic post friend. upboated

Are you for real?

Last thread

>thinks posting autism like this will make people feel sorry for him

Not in the slightest to be quite honest.
He's a piece of shit mental case and everyone knows it. God I hope the admins know what they're going to do with this.

So someone tell me what the point of perma bans are

>hey you went too far, here's a 'permanent ban' that we'll remove after an arbitrary amount of time

Bans are intended to correct behavior. If someone's perma'd, and this is lifted, they will very easily get perma'd again if their behavior hasn't changed.

>You're a shit so stay away until we're convinced you're sort of alright


Here's a good example of Morena:

Say you and your friends go do something, ANYTHING! Let it be go to the movies, go fishing, or just play vidya together. Now, you may have a few people in your group you don't call "friends" because they are faggots, but YOUR friends do. So you have to bear with it and just hang out with the people you do like.

Then there's that one guy, that one fuck that -nobody- likes. He's the same fuck that would say something inexcusable repeatedly and not even think to apologize or admit himself being wrong for doing so after everyone told him a million times over.
He is the same person that would come to your house hitching along with your friends (they didn't ask him to come but he invited himself), shit and piss ALL OVER your toilet and not even flush or clean up after themselves.
This same fucking guy is the same one that would literally REE when everyone wants to do something he doesn't like, and yet nobody counted his opinion in the first place.
This fuck is Morena. Who's only only friends would be people as shitty as they are.

i think he means what's the point in permanent bans if they are just lifted after some time has passed, user

So that we don't have to place 999999999999 minute bans?

>you're being a bad boy go play on tg for some time then come back here with a voucher

>join round even though it said you evacuated
>that creepy bar giving off a last stand vibe
>tfw all I wanted to do was hunt some ghosts but Frank had to blow me up


Prison is supposed to be a punishment, not a trip to the Marriott.

>Implying judgement is efficacious

Heh. I was wearing my prisoner outfit while he made ms Sec.

>Prince Phillip is retiring

o7, I dedicate my next antag round to him