Seeing how Evola loved the Romanian Iron Guard for being religiously inclined, mystical, fanatical and ruthless killers, is it safe to assume that if he was alive today he would really love ISIS?
Seeing how Evola loved the Romanian Iron Guard for being religiously inclined, mystical, fanatical and ruthless killers...
ISIS are just dunecoons who commit violence mostly against civilians. AFAIK the iron guard only killed politicians they deemed corrupt which is probably a huge difference.
These nerds usually pick whichever current military junta to masturbate to, they're not very smart.
They killed quite a lot of civilians too.
And I doubt that Evola adhared to such liberal ideas as the differentiation between combatants and civilians.
Reactionaries and traditionalists normally pick whatever strongmen appeal to them in their time. Because it's traditional don't you see?
He unambiguously expressed admiration for Islamic jihad and warrior ethos.
ISIS is a Zionist tool though.
ISIS are Wahhabis and so totally opposed to mysticism.
ISIS is really big on eschatology though.
>An endtimes cult
>warrior culture
>enforces masculine values
>there is a warrior class
Evola would be cumming in his monocle for daesh.
How does ISIS have a warrior class?
I suspect he would, as there is no honor in it; it lacks a warrior ethos.
Their fighters get to call dibs on brides and spoils of war.
Probably more stuff but I never delved into it
Evola would have called them Baptist tier. Which is exactly what they are.
Their caliphate is more on par with the Münster Rebellion than any knighthood with mystical inclinations.
Evola doesn't give a fucking shit about eschatology.
He's all about a cyclical conception of time, not about a linear time model.
Fascism and Islam go hand in hand. Pretty much every western leader through history hated Islam for its barbarism, except for Hitler who wished Charles Martel had lost so that all Germans would be muslims by now
>And I doubt that Evola adhared to such liberal ideas as the differentiation between combatants and civilians.
he was some low tier aristocrat and judging from the european hivemind world view, I doubt he would have any objection to millions of people being slaughtered since they are just the pleb masses anyway.
Here's Evola's take on Islam:
>Evola observes that Ibn ‘Arabi “goes so far as to speak of a contemplation of God in woman, of a ritualisation of the sexual orgasm in conformity with metaphysical and theological values” (MS 257).
This is the kind of stuff that makes non-Sufis very curious about that tradition, just as it makes Wahhabists' blood boil, it really makes them furious.
For example I recall the same thing mentioned in A History of God by Karen Armstrong, who is basically the opposite of Evola in everything that isn't an interest in mysticism.
Evola fucking loves Sufism just as much as ISIS hates it, as correctly pointed out.
Here's more on ISIS's persecution of the Sufis:
>I doubt that Evola adhared to such liberal ideas as the differentiation between combatants and civilians
>I doubt he would have any objection to millions of people being slaughtered since they are just the pleb masses anyway.
Could you please stop talking out of your ass and making shit up?
>Fascism and Islam go hand in hand.
This is true and Evola was critical of fascism.
>Could you please stop talking out of your ass and making shit up?
oh yeah, the guy who flirted with Mussolini and only didnt join him for petty reasons and who praised the SS and later worked for them sure held a great dignity for human life
the people who praised him in Germany were mostly old conservatives/traditionalists, not national socialists, who he didn't particularly like, especially for their pro proletarian attitudes
the only work he did for the SS afaik was on initiatory material regarding the SS/black order
>only didnt join him for petty reasons
fundamental disagreement isn't petty reasons
>sure held a great dignity for human life
There's a difference between what you said and not agreeing with completely retarded notions of human rights that are so popular nowadays.
Not that user but being against the fascists because you think they aren't elitist enough is in fact kind of petty
it wasn't just that, he also didn't like their totalitarianism for instance
>not agreeing with completely retarded notions of human rights that are so popular nowadays.
Guys I like Fascism just as much as the next guy but don't fall for the Iron Guard meme. They went bonkers even as the Axis was winning the war. Antonescu > The Iron Guard.
The difference is that members of the iron guard would commit sins to advance their cause and didnt expect a reward in heaven but punishment in hell, making their sacrifice even greater.
That's because he died
>There's a difference between what you said and not agreeing with completely retarded notions of human rights that are so popular nowadays.
No, but maybe he would have liked the iranian revolution.
isis is just a band of savage inbred sand nigger barbarians
how are they anything but reprihensible