/pg/ - Persona general

Previous thread: NEWS
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

>P5 Info

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection
>Persona 5 Resources


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Ann is best girl!

RyujiXAnn 4 Ever

>mfw Ryujis insta-kill ruins some of the game

/pg/ should direct P6 desu

>Makoto x Phantom
>Anne x Ryuji
>Futaba x Yusuke
>Haru x Goro

Daily reminder that this is the optimal pairing in P5

anyone think this might be the last persona game? i mean i know we'll get Persona 5 Should Be DLC Spinoff and some other crappy games with karts and fighting, but this could very well be the last persona game

it's sad

persona 6 if it comes out probably won't be for another decade or two

the persona team is already working on a new game

persona 5 didn't sell that well in japan and is just doing OK in the west

sad times bros

>when Yaldabitch was fucking with everything and there was blood rain and spines everywhere we didn't get a scene of Vincent going "wow, this shits really weird" with Catherine or Katherine standing nearby going "What's up?"

I love Haru.

I want to have a questionable relationship with Morgana as FemJoker!

For teasing all the boys in P5 Red Ruby Edition!


It only really triggers when you're way above level of the ambushed enemy and you shouldn't bother grinding those anyway.

Foolish woman

Cute neet!

>Persona8 9 and 10 registered
>P5 is the last one guys!

I want to date Kawakami!
I want to put a ring on Kawakami!
I want to marry Kawakami!
I want to impregnate Kawakami and rub her swollen belly!
I want to rest my head on Kawakami's pregnant belly and feel the baby kicking!
I want to raise a family with Kawakami!
I want to tell Kawakami how much I love her!
I want to grow old with Kawakami!

Claiming bestest girl!

Best girl
Best cake
Best wife

>persona 6 if it comes out probably won't be for another decade or two

I'm can hardly wait for Persona 5 Goro of the Resurrection!


Who loves their daughter more: Sojiro with Futaba or Dojima with Nanako?

>persona 5 didn't sell that well in japan and is just doing OK in the west

is this the new meme?

Do you want a scene where protag fucks his little sister's persona?

Can't farm for money or items.

Atlus already said they're gonna be working on P6. Plus since they already have a good engine for this gen so I'm actually fairly sure we're gonna see P6 this console generation.

>persona 5 didn't sell that well in japan and is just doing OK in the west
Source on those? I'm fairly sure P5 sold better in the west at launch than the previous titles

Can you fuck a persona?

P6's theme for its users will be Arturian Legend. Every user will get a different Knight of the Round Table. Screen cap this post.

And then laugh when I'm wrong.

>200 thousand units shipped
>Did not provide units sold

Catherine was their first multiplat western release I believe, and I think the proper "Atlus Sales Record" still belongs to Demon's Souls.

When you ship more units than you ever have, you've already broken a record for shipping, sales didn't even come into it.

>persona 5 didn't sell that well
The hell?

It's fucking atlus's best selling game in Japan

Is this a pasta or some shit?

Special message from Atlus


Dojima distanced himself from Nanako because he was a coward, Sojiro always cared about Futaba even when she was a shut in

>persona 5 didn't sell that well in japan and is just doing OK in the west


>Comparatively, Persona 4, which debuted in 2008 on PS2, sold 110k in North America and 300k in Japan in its first year. We're not sure of the EU figures there, but it seems likely that it was in the same ballpark as North America, which would suggest the game sold somewhere in the neighborhood of a half million units in a year.

>It seems as if Persona 5 has been a smash hit for Atlus. Aside from selling a lot, it's also gotten great critical reception. Our regular contributor Cassandra Khaw awarded it the rare Eurogamer Essential badge.

Persona is now mainstream.


Persona 6
>Color : Green
>Arcana : Moon
>Core theme : Dream, Bliss, Fantasy, Illusion, Nightmare, Despair
>Initial Persona : Fairy Tale characters
>Ultimate Persona : Deities of knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment, and craftsmanship
>Main location : Small village network in the deep mountains, complete opposite of P5's urban Tokyo, far more rural than P4's Inaba
>Persona summoning : Book or script
>VR Room : Massive library with fireplace
>VR Attendant : Librarian woman is her 40's named Agatha

I'll be laughing too if I'm wrong

Retarded or Ruse, you be the judge!

You realize his instakill only works on ambushes, right? Just let shadows spot you and attack if you want to farm.

Also how the fuck are you farming money off low-level shadows? Only items you really need to farm in this game are the ingredients for unbreakable lockpick and you can find those on the floor in Mementos anyway

It can be both!

Would you be upset if Persona 6 only had a Female MC and the setting was university instead of high school?

I am now currently on my first game play in the month of August. I went into the game expecting to date Ann. But now I can't decide between her, Hifumi or Chihaya.


Fuuka wants you to remember to be happy!
Life is much more enjoyable when you face it with a smile

>Persona is now mainstream
Pretty sure it's been mainstream since P4 released.

I'd be erect

What have you guys done to spice up your new playthroughs?

>Hard Mode
>Everyone that's not Joker controlled by AI

It's frustrating but enjoyably experience. I get to actually listen the BGMs I bought so it's a bonus. I was going to do Arsene-only but I'm not a masochist.

No I would not be mad if a beautiful woman walked into my room at night and began giving me a blowjob

As long as it's good, who gives a shit?

Don't care

>university instead of high school
That would actually be an improvement but the whole premise for Persona as a SMT spinoff is protagonists being high school kids so I doubt they'd change that. They'd also have to drop some of the bullshit that you can get away with high school setting

I can still have waifus, even if i can't romance them.

Actually, it depends.

Are social links still a huge part of the game? Because I found it hard to give a shit about FemC's social links.

And if the shadow spots you in a dungeon the alarm rate goes up.

Wow Atlus actually acknowledging us lowly gaijin? I am shocked.

Persona 6
>Color: Green
>Arcana: Tower
>Core theme: Rebirth, Environmentalism, Circle of Life
>Initial Persona: Native American Spirit
>Ultimate Persona: Diety pertaining to the creation of earth and it's creatures
>Main location: Around the world, various hubs such as Paris, Chicago, Hong Kong, etc
>Persona summoning: Plucking a card like a flower or plant
>VR Room: Inside of a giant tree
>VR Attendent: 16 year old hippish chick

And you could care about MC's links? I mean, MC's best links were shared by FeMC.

>Atlus on its way to becoming a full blown mainstream dev in the west

not sure how I feel about this

Post Haru and Makoto lewds

Finish 5th dungeon
Want to date Haru
Go up to roof
"Need Rank 5 Proficiency"
I'm at Rank 2


>How to become mainstream in the west 2016-2017 edition
>Step 1: Make a game that doesn't horribly break under it's own weight

About time we get acknowledged somewhat.


>Color: Green

The colors for P6 have already been decided as pink and white.

Source: my uncle works at Atlus

>on its way

Ann is canon! CANON!

Do it on NG+, if you haven't been following a guide there's lots of stuff you're gonna miss on NG anyway

it's fine for now
I mean if you're worried about them becoming muh corrupt AAA boogeyman... they're already pretty jew, so it's not reasonable to complain about that possibility.

Haru is not for lewd


>Arcana: Tower
Hashino said that Devil and Tower already taken by Catherine. P3 is obviously Death, P4 is Temperance, and P5 is Star. So the next is definitely The Moon.

I just hope P6 doesn't fall into SJW influence especially after P5

Hifumi gives you Lucifer, that automatically makes her better.

You should be panicking. The more mainstream they get, the more likely they'll pander to people that don't even play their games.

Do you want a game where you HAVE to romance a faggot or tumblrdyke because it's "progressive"?

I figure Tower would play into the idea of environmentalism. Like I can see Persona 6 tackling the issue of "Humans are ruining the planet. If humans go away earth can prevail"


Delet this

>that screenshot
That can't be real
Don't tell me that's real

Well considering almost every fucking hyped up game made by western devs in the past, what, 2 years flopped horribly I'm willing to take it


>alway rember happy day

If Atlus decided to make a singular, canon relationship in Persona 6 and only let you romance a single girl (maybe two, allowing the story to diverge a bit between those two options) would you mind?

Or do you like the ability to sex almost every girl with little to no change in the overall story?

>worst girl is canon

0/10 great job atlus

what kinda persona did you guys use for the mementos confuse trick? this is my first time attempting it and i was wondering if there's a preset one or if i should try to fuse/gallows one by myself

/pg/ I am in need of more Yukari

hah, good one.

>The colors for P6 have already been decided as pink and white.
Nah. It's gotta fill the Four Temperance.

Source : My dog works at Atlus


He didn't post Ohya?

You're too pessimistic. FFXV is way bigger in terms of popularity and fanbase than Persona is yet they didn't pander like Bioware.

Shiki Ouji is the easiest, he can get pulpina and confuse boost and is immune to phys

Do you lose your NG+ cheat item for going Harem route? or is it just the chocolate?

I'd be funny if P5 managed to outsell ME:A.

But that's just a dream

I enjoyed TW3 and Dishonored 2 tremendously.

>Not Justice
>With a Sentai theme

It's Persona 6. Sentais generally have 5 members and a special 6th member. The number aligns.

The groups will Henshin with their Personas. The MC will be the Wild Card like usual but his gimmick will be he becomes a different color sentai based on what Persona he's using. So he can use Shiki Ouji and become NEO SENTAI WHITE and then switch to Surt and become BLAZING SENTAI RED it would be fun for Japanese people since Sentai is so ingrained into their brains.

One of the main antagonists will be an evil sentai that ultimately joins and becomes redeemed.

It's very real. This guy and another can only be talked to so many times before it becomes "do you wanna fuck them or not". If you don't want to fuck them, that's it. No new conversations can be had. Because god forbid you write a character beyond their sexuality.

It's stupidly easy to inflict confuse, I was farming the Chernobog boss with just Pulinpa without confuse boost and it worked out perfectly

It's Japanese. It's made by Japanese developers. Aimed at a Japanese audience. Stop it.

Yeah, it was still shit though.

cool, thanks user!

/our game/ confirmed.

>play P3 for the first time
>want to like Yukari
>everytime I start having too positive an opinion of her she says something retarded and makes me question her again


FFXV was for Fujo's though

Haru be the type of girl that sits next to you on the sofa and just smile at you while you're reading something.

She the type of girl to make you two some coffee with some store bought cookies because she doesn't have enough confidence in her baking skills yet.

She the type of girl to stroke your hair gently at night when you're in deep sleep because she can't go a second without being by your side.

>"Oh! So you're one of THOSE!"
>"What would dad think if he was alive, seeing you act like this with another girl! It's sickening!"
>"I'm are so lucky mom and dad are dead and don't have to see THIS!"
>"I want you outta the house by nightfall! I don't care where you go, but I will not have a faggot living under this roof!"

Not anymore, they very clearly acknowledge the west now

Bioware isn't shit because "progressive."
Bioware is shit because it's Bioware. And also EA. Anyone who had any real talent in that studio left years ago.

If they made the protagonist non-mute and gave hive a story that tied into that girl, fine. If not, what's the point? You're not using the strength of either form of storytelling.

*misses Triple Down*
*tips cavalier hat*