Previous: Return of the cigar edition
Previous: Return of the cigar edition
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>drop 3 sappling in a bush
>half hit their jungler
Who else /blogposting/ here?
Xth for waking up to a Lulu in your room
I'll never forget you.
Stop being a fag.
xth for the Zac rework sucks dick and he's awful now
What champion would you delete from game?
>poppy is classified as an assassin
take a shower you filthy barbaric caveman.
Nth for Fizz mains
>this is what retards believe
>everyone disconected by the sever as we're tearing down the enemy nexus
Is League always this shit and unstable?
Ever since I started playing I'm only seeing problems.
need to be gunned down in the streets, for being the degenerates they are
>season 6
>get all the armor pen items, and get armor pen runes
>Duskblade is core
>get stattik shiv
>get sheen
>press W and throw your shield on squishies and one-shot them
>you're playing top
>lane is even
>your jungle, mid and bot are all winning
What do you do?
do u miss dunkey lolg
Nigger- and sjw influenced-champions
Xth for impregnating TIGHT and FERTILE Femanons on /lolg/.
Also Xth for annoying /lolg/ cuties with out of character affection.
I want to be the queen of freljord
kled is the cutest
She was pre-rework. I guess they haven't updated whatever you're looking at.
nice job m8
It's me your fuckboi friend btw, my main is broken by a bug so I have nothing to do right now
>muh winrate
My sides are breaking orbit, I'm in fuckin' tears holy shit.
>Lost his damage
>Lost his sustain
>Lost tankiness
>Clear is slower
>E has been completely nerfed
>New Q is clunky as fuck
>New ult is trash because its super easy to avoid
Zacs shit now just play Gragas or Sejuani if you want a tank Jungler. Its upsetting Zac was such a chill champion to play and he's fucking ruined now.
taunt the enemy and dance
Man, this is really lame. I've pretty much consistently played Zac since release. I wouldn't say I mained him, but he was always in my top 3 since he came out. I was even looking forward to the rework, considering how well they did WW. He just feels awful now, so much utility was lost in his ult for a version that basically does the same thing but worse. The New Q's cool and all, but I'd rather have the old one with the E still in its prior state. All his damage is gone, so you're left having to go full tank on a character who can be completely ignored by anyone with a dash/blink which are increasingly common patch by patch. I feel like one of the old Karma/Trundle/Malz players. I'm not even sure why they changed his ult, it had a solid impact, felt fun to use and looked hilarious. It's like removing the dance bug on his E but so much worse.
I'd say it depends on who is top.
Probably just don't die. If it's Tryndamere or something he could be their last chance at coming back if they lost horribly everywhere else.
That Azir bug of yours was unfortunate as well.
Taliyahs Q is pretty nice for mid, but could they have possibly come up with a more useless W and E? Most champs just ignore her field of traps when you lay them down because you have e to Max it last as it's useless, and her CC does less damage than syndra q, and takes like 3 seconds to hit, easy to dodge. With a no damage utility ult you'd think they would give her a decent skill besides Q
>skateboarding when near walls
What the fuck? This doesn,'t even make sense. How can she sense she's near a wall lore wise? She is always near rocks, she picks rocks from the ground with her Q.
His current ult is a joke, always was
Patch was yesterday....
>had him jumping my dick in mid every few seconds no matter who I played
>had to ACTUALLY fucking tryhard to not lose because he was the reason I kept getting deleted in team fights due to his high damage output on all his spells no matter how little damage he built
>now he has been balanced to not be cancer
Holy fuck.
im scared for urgot
most of the recent reworks have been shit
Jesus renekton is so stupid right now, dude shaves so much time off of his combos to the point where he can walk up to you auto stun q and you can never touch him.
Sejuani and Maokais went up quite a bit while Zac the only one of the three to have a solid WR prior to the rework and he fucking dropped 10%. Its impossible to deny his rework is weak as fuck because they took so much out away from his E. The new ult is nearly impossible to hit because of the reduced CC on his E now.
Well it had to be limited somehow, imagine you would has skateboarding on entire map.
Even LS said his change is good, stop overusing your gold elo brain
go solo rift herald
>yes that is possible
>yes with literally everyone
>yes you will need some armour and hp but not even that much
I'm OCE user, we get in on the 3rd around 8am
>currently the 5th 1:25am
Urgot's a worry for sure, he's really fun in top lane, I hope they don't slap some minigame onto him.
git gud scrubs
LS said that before even playing him. Stop taking everything that autistic faggot says as truth this is the same guy who said Olaf wouldn't be played at Worlds last year and he ended up being one of the most contested picks the entire tournament.
Post Webbums.
I want to cuddle Nami in a warm bath!
LS is fucking garbage quote me on this
He onetricks Annie and had a challenger boost him to diamond
love how at the end of the game I have 3 people talking shit to me with these scores in fucking plat. i was literally the only reason this game kept going past 20 but it all comes back to me. If you're here don't ever talk to me again when you go 5/ fucking 17 bot
Yeah thats one thing he predicted wrong, fucking cherrypickers
Midlane Jarvan IV is sleeper OP. Spam him to win free elo.
Childhood friend
Sejuani's winrate went WAY up, she's probably broken as fuck since a lot of that winrate is on people who are just picking her up with a kit that has dramatic changes.
Zac's winrate went WAY down, that seems weird to me as it seems like you can play him exactly like before and be effective. I would guess his winrate actually dropped because inexperienced players are picking him up without properly abusing his engage range during lane phase and are then making other mechanical errors with his new abilities which do appear at least a little weird to use.
Maokai's winrate went up a little but that's very difficult to read into as he is played in multiple roles and this update seems to be meant to push him from a top laner to a jungler. He also is a champion with a very poor solo queue winrate despite being considered a viable pro pick and his changes could have closed the gap in those performances so he would now be bad in both solo queue and pro games..
Hmm. Sej might be over tuned, but at least it looks like she's not actually absurdly broken. Maybe they won't kneejerk nerf her before dailing in the new and adjusted items.
Post ranked climbing music.
Deathfire hurts so much late game. Tlords is nice early against low range mids you can e q auto but against long range you have to get too close to use it off cd.
Marry Sona, lovable character.
Fuck Shyvana, her voice turns me on and I'm sure she's great on bed.
Kill Kalista, give her some peace of mind.
Boss Annie, I guess.
Childhood friend Jinx, have someone similar irl so whatever.
>a Lulu
>not THE Lulu
Sejuani's winrate was garbage pre-rework. She was in the 47-48% range which is atrocious for an easy to play tank.
Sounds like you're shit, my buddy is a Zac main and said while he is adjusting to the change, that he's still great. He proceeded to do well the next three games that he played yesterday with him.
She's not broken if you have any form of cc that disables abilities or outright stops her movement.
Also map awareness and not bunching up so even her best ult will rarely hit more than one person.
>10 minutes into match getting weird connection issues
>close game
>login to reconnect to match
>doesn't give option but i can instantly queue for a new game
i thought you got punish timer for leaving an on-going match
Reposting: Anyone have this guys imgur or tumblr? I've been away for a long time.
Picture unrelated
Oh, don't get me wrong, I can still get a good score and all, but it's a lot less enjoyable than it was before.
cs and keep the wave off your turret. If your lane opponent disappears you spam ping MIA, shove the wave to turret, and start taking down the tower.
This creates a no-win situation for an enemy with three choices. They can continue fighting 4v4 elsewhere on the map, which they are already losing. Their top laner can go help and MAYBE turn a 5v4 (your team might be so far ahead at that point that they still win) but then the top laner instantly falls behind you in xp and gold and maybe also loses a tower, further snowballing your team and gaining map pressure. Their last option is to try and gank you, leaving 3 or fewer members to deal with the other 4 members of your team. Those 3 will probably die in a siege or dive and then the rest of your team steamrolls down a lane.
Reminder that quang, challenger otp zac said that the rework was terrible and that zac isn't viable anymore. Thanks for the memes reddit!
and going from that to 54-55% literally overnight implies that maybe the pendulum has swung too far.
>Zac and Maokai are okay now, we finally balanced them after all those seasons!
>Hmmm Malphite is pretty much R bot what do we do
>Update Zac and Maokai
His kit was way more brain dead before.
marry sona
get pegged by shyv
kill jinx
my boss is kalista
annie as childhood friend.
>Kog comes up to you and demands cuddles or else he'll eat you
What do?
He has a tumblr, it's the guy who used to draw a fucklot of soraka. I don't remember his name there right now though.
comfy pillows
This episode seems to be on repeat
Cuddle the voidspawn
Kog's cute as fug
How do I unlock more Mastery and Rune pages?
Smear his septic rancid vomid around my body
eat his cloaca out
odds sleep
dubs fap
0 kms
Why arent people banning dual wielding negro of many dashes?
Silas Kroeger (the guy who ended up rank 6 challenger NA last season maining zac) also thinks new zac is fine
who I want to boss or who should boss me?
you go back to the rice fields, filthy monkey
These numbers suggest 51-52%. Top has 54% but that's on a tiny playrate, especially for one day of data. Historically post-rework old Sejuani had a 51-53% winrate for most of her life span without issue.
I don't get why anyone in this general denies its worse now. All Zac OTPs say its shit and his winrate fucking tanked super hard. Its bad he needs to be hotfixed at this point. No point in playing Zac when Sejuani and Gragas exist at the moment.
>it's a "your botlane found a way to feed kog'maw in a protect the kog comp" episode
>Its the year 2017
>People still think that blindly trying to focus the ad carry is the foolproof way to win
Why is this?
Fastest way to level?
Well fuck you too Riot for this bug.
adc do damages xd
better waste the entire team's ults on the 2/6 sivir
>These numbers suggest 51-52%.
no, they don't, the "51.88%" number displayed on sejuani's main page is her winrate average from the last week. games from a day and a half have already spiked the average from 48 to nearly 52 because her winrate since the patch is much higher than that.
>get a morgana support
>never lands binds
>and when she lands, the enemy is so far back that I can't actually follow up on it
meanwhile she died four times during laning phase trying to land binds on a trigger nigger
Just play the game. Buy an xp boost if you have the extra cash. There no mode that especially advantageous anymore. Riot has plugged most of the leveling tricks over the years since they tended to get swarmed by people leveling accounts to sell.
win fast
i need some kindred butt