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Stop right there, criminal scum edition

>New Nexus challenge for D.Va and Genji skins (new D.Va skin, same Oni Genji skin)
Heroes of the Storm – Nexus Challenge 2.0

>Official Uprising event website

>When does the event end?

>Loot item checklist

>Latest Comic

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Fuck Blizzard and all the scrubs that work there

>change junkrats ultimate to anything but his garbage tire
>viable hero created



tfw your diamond game gets graced by a Zarya smurf

The tire needs to move at warp speed if it only has 100 health.

His ult is fine, it just needs a little more health.

He needs a way to fire his shots farther instead of being a close range hero like Blizzard thinks he should be.

I want to pump all my good stuff into Amari!

Increased projectile speed.
125 tire health. (150 was too much for shitters)

Post suffering


>"You're powered up! Get in me!"

>He needs a way to fire his shots farther
Why? So he can start feeding Zarya all the way from the spawn?

How to actually fix Junkrat
1. Lower his splash radius
2. Lower his splash damage
3. Increase his projectile speed
There you go. Junkrat is now a skill-based hero who isn't dependent on spam and rewards direct impacts.

>Zarya exists so don't buff Junkrat

How is that suffering? They both sound pretty happy.

>trap is a close skill
>mine is a close skill
>passive is useless if you not in the middle of a tf
>why can't i fight across the map?

>nobody else ever feeds Zarya

I want this meme to end. When I play Junkrat I know well enough NOT to do that. I don't fucking spam chokes with grenades like an idiot either. Only the lowest tier Junkrats do this

So how many games with a friend do I have to play to get the d.va skin in this shitty game?

Shippers gonna ship, all the heroes got voice lines about fighting or being alone.

10. The first five can be done vs. AI but the rest need to be quick match.

Reaper sounds fine. He has always been an introvert. Jack sounds sad. Though Jack should be happy because he has Amari again .

>He's not good enough to bullseye a Zarya at fifty yards the moment her barrier ends.

>Faster projectile speed
>Lower damage and radius on rollers
>Higher damage and radius on directs

I like this.

>close skill

Basing a hero around "running in and getting killed" is a terrible idea. Junkrat is best when at higher elevations and hitting people indirectly

>Nerfing Soldier 76
>Leaving tanks and supports to still be the broken pieces of shit that they are

Blizzard is completely fucking incompetent.


It's not worth it. The skin will become avaible from inside OW anyway and if you get it now you just show everyone you are willing to fall for jewish tricks to play one of the worst blizzard games yet.

It's easier for Junkrat to feed her though. Toning down Zarya in general would be a big help for him and the game itself.

Yeah, fine, fine, that's very good.

What did you plan to do with those longer range shots other than blindly firing into the distance giving Zarya all the time in the world to just gobble them up?

Shippers need to go back to tumblr where their retarded shit belongs.

Even the first five need to be with a friend vs AI? Thanks.

>tfw you'll never go on a quest for vengeance to find out what really happened to your old organization backed by your delicious brown waifu

>nerf Orisa's damage
>it was too high somehow
>Flankers and Pharah fuck her even harder
Then what the fuck is Roadhog's damage then?
Can someone please explain this shit to me.

About a month old but here's Kaplan talking about how they approach balance.

Zarya has been nerfed. 40 max charge per bubble and ten year cooldown on bubble is a big deal.


>your delicious brown waifu
Doomfist is not out yet and you already assuming Reapist? Shame.

>diamonds still feed Zarya
When does this meme end? Top 500?

Lots of things. If Junkrat outranges Zarya then it doesn't even matter if she does get charge, she'll quickly be disposed of once her barrier is down

It's really not as big an impact as you think. Zarya is still incredibly powerful.

Will this be able to keep a consistent 144 fps?

Officer voicelines:
>D.va, reporting in!
>You have the right to remain... oh.
>That was your last warning!
>You are going to get a parking ticket!
>Now authorized to use lethal force!

I'm also still laughing at the uprising lines, because she doesn't sound injured at all:
>I'm seriously injured... :(
>I'm very hurt over here! :(


I'm not suggesting she isn't. Death star laser will always be insane. But there's not much else you could do to directly nerf her without making her hard to play. The bubbles have a very long cooldown for how short they last.

>that set

I agree, Chu should be fired and go back to r/asianmasculinity

>$400 processor
>$200 gpu

>absolute fucking bare minimum watt bronze psu for $40

cmon son

Jeff Kaplan is a cuck faggot

He has ruined any chances of this game ever being good by putting his fingers in his ears and going "LALALALA" to drown out suggestions to make this game BETTER and more skill oriented.

-Buff Offense and Defense heroes
-Nerf Tanks and Supports
-If a teammate uses an ult, for the next ten seconds if you or another ally use an ult the effectiveness of the ult is diminished, this stops scrubs from trying to steal games by stacking ults on top of each other to wipe the enemy team.

>They both sound pretty happy.

You know why this is funny? Any normal person hearing these lines would clearly hear sadness in them. It's normal. Neither line has any "happiness" in them.

But then, you have the immensely desperate fucks in this thread who get triggered at anything related to 76 and Reaper. The lines don't go together. Everyone got lines about being the last man standing in the brawl.

But just because these are particularly depressing, as their characters are, shippers will say otherwise because it "threatens" them. This is why normies hate you people. It's autism incarnate.

Feels bad man. She is an incredibly loyal waifu.

All Zarya needs is her DPS lowered slightly in my opinion. Even at 40 Charge she shits out damage like no one's business.

>%15 damage reduction for orisa
>just because they reduced the cd for her barrier that gets destroyed as soon as someone looks at it

That CPU is way overkill for that graphics card.

>tfw no Ana wife


I'd take less damage if I could shit out longer lasting barriers quicker. The bubbles have been nerfed so much as a way to limit the laser going full retard so quickly but now Zarya kinda sucks at actually shielding enemies from anything but rein charges due to their super short duration.

>is so retarded he calls a post that's shitting on a known shipper a shipper.


I want a mei gf so much.

That D.Va isn't canon tho

>"Looks like I've got to science the heck out of this."

Fug so no follow up comic after Uprising?


Maybe, if you lower the settings, but I wouldn't bet on CONSISTENT framerate at 144.

Your CPU and GPU also seem mismatched. If you are buying everything new, why did you choose those?

Is there any mercy/tracer uprising stuff yet

If this isn't the most Reddit fucking voice line in the game I don't know what is

>You will never be Tracer and sneak into the female locker room and watch her shower

Why would Tracer have to sneak into a female locker room?

It's not shitting on anyone. It's just autistic. Neither of those lines are happy. The saddest thing is you believe it too.

how do I play hacker girl?
her accent is really cute

Lowest settings 75 render scale. Also what do you mean by mismatched?

Do you think Tracer schlicked to the thought of Ana giving her hands-on training.

>sneak into female locker room
>as a female


Mercy loves little Tracer.


That line was shitty In that Reddit cunt fuck faggot cakeboy movie and its shitty in Overwatch.

link pls

>Be a subpar hero
>Have your main form of attack nerfed in an attempt to shoehorn you more into a shitty Reinhardt

Just put her to sleep.

Overwatch saves the day but gets in trouble because they weren't supposed to be there and Emily is one of the hostages or Tracer somehow meets her during the mission. There's your follow-up story.

>le eppyq reddit boogeyman!



move around, take different paths, hack all the health kits, kill people on low health, hack tanks




>play Rein/Winston/Dva
>no one ever follows you on your charge

Feels good when a huge function of tank heroes is unusable because no one knows how to push, huh?

>be shit Hero
>get nerfed

Sounds like Blizzard alright.

why am I so much worse at mccree than soldier
like it's insane how much I miss

>enemies falling off the map scream on your radio

Is this a glitch?

Honestly I really don't understand what stops hacking, because it happens so randomly.

>Not removing that little mobility delay at the start and finish of cloaking

What a terrible, clunky mechanic. It's fucking stealth sprinting. Why does it feel like a gasoline scooter?

Your CPU is pricey but the GPU is mediocre. Obviously the latter is easier to upgrade/replace, but if that ISN'T your plan, it would IMO make more sense to get a mediocre/passable CPU and a high-end GPU.

Amari and Morrison had a no faggots in the locker room policy. If they did they would have to be zapped by the Pence-O-Tron-4070 MK2

What are your views on futa?

25 chances to hit vs 6 chances to hit

because Soldier has spread, and his damage is currently pretty high so missing isn't so big a deal. with mccree if you can't aim you can't do anything. Blizzard really needs to find a way to balance these two, because they are constantly competing for the same roll on a team.

>tfw you play Winston and randomly find a Tracer that knows how to dive along side you

You just fucking decimate the back line and it feels amazing

Spread is more forgiving than perfect accuracy.
