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Anniversary edition


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Calender: optc-agenda.github.io/
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>May 01 - 09: Higher Chance of Meat from Snails
>May 02 - 06: Special Evolution Materials Island
>May 02 - 11: 3rd Anniversary Sunny
>May 04 - 11: 3x Super Success
>May 06 - 10: Sanji Lobster Meat Island
>May 06 - 11: Free Daily RR Pull
>May ?? - ?? 3rd Anni Sugofest
>May 11 - ?? 2nd Anni Sunny Active
- Coliseum - (Invasion Cavendish)
>Apr 27 - May 09: Byrnndi World / Ain / Wyper / Brownbeard
>May 03 - 22: Orlumbus (NEW) / Helmeppo (NEW) / Kin'emon / Ace / Rebecca
- Fortnights -
>Apr 27 - May 04: Sengoku / Rob Lucci / Rumbar Pirates (RANKING)
>May 02 - 16: Law & Monet (NEW)
>May 04 - 11: Smoker & Tashigi / Afro Luffy / Noland & Calgara
- Raids -
>May 02: Pica (YWB)
>May 03: Tesoro (YWB)
>May 04: Doflamingo (YWB)
>May 05: Zephyr / Nightmare Luffy (Shanks)
>May 06: Bellamy (Shanks)
>May 07: General Franky (Shanks)
>May 08: Blackbeard / Monster Chopper (Shanks)
>May 09: Magellan (Shanks)

>May 02 - 14: Higher Meat Chance from Snails
>May 09 - 10: 2x Skill Up
>May 10/11/13/14: Restaurant Le Crap (20 & 40 Stamima)
- Fortnights -
>May 02 - 09: Nami & Lola (RANKING) / Noland & Calgara
>May 09 - 16: Tom's Workers / Shandians
>May 09 - 23: WB Pirates Pt.3 (NEW)
- Raids -
>May 07: Enel (Shanks)

Other urls found in this thread:


Have an Anni Calendar for all you new JP players.
Sugo the 11th.

>wake up
>no Carrot

So I recently though that my quest to farm doffy was debunked since I only have such a low level and my best legend is Inthawk, but I recently did a run with this team and flawlessly executed a 60 stamina run without gemming. No skill ups. Stalled hard, ate lots of meat.

>kimono croc and jinbe

hold on what the fuck, all the raids from friday to tuesday will be 3x exp? on top of the 3x ship?

no its just the ship

How many tries?

Just an FYI: Don't open your mail for a free legend until you reroll or finish rolling in the upcoming Sugo. The free legend distribution lasts until after May, so you have plenty of time to choose.

It's x3 chances of getting a super success. Started Today.

>Missing Kuma Raid
Good job

What do you mean? There's no Kuma on Japan's Mega Clash.

took me 2 tries with Inthawk (one double inthawk, one TS zoro) but only one try with double barto. Stalled for about 23 turns before the last stage. Bartolomeo is a crutch.

>Also missing Kola FN
If you want to start a thread, do it right. Don't shitpost the OP with Global vs JPN bullshit.

The fuck is this?

The OP is fine stop complaining. If you bring up the shitposting it will start again.

Didn't even create the OP. Stop being such a delicate faggot getting butthurt over anything.

this calendar is beautiful

butthurt globabby detected

pretending to be a grill

>it's fine
It is not. It is an obvious bait OP for shitpost.

The only one who wants to shitpost is you. Shut the fuck up already

Exactly. How about no, faggot.

>global has very little going on so its section is short
>this is somehow an obvious shitpost bait

>"Exactly, I want to look like a retard"
Ok then keep making yourself look asshurt about nothing bitch

You seem upset, faggot.

>bitches about the OP
>"you seem upset"
I wouldn't project this hard

>listing jpn May 7-9 raids
>not listing current global events
>short of sections

>>not listing current global events
global has no events unless you for some reason want to include "just login for keys to adventure!"
and there's a character limit to OP posts

Stop replying. Thread just started and we've already devolved into shitposting.
Let's get a poll going, what Free Legend will you be picking up, and let's say you don't pull it during the Anni Sugo.
Sabo for me.

>limit to OP posts
Yes I know that. That's why those jpn May 7-9 raids can be removed and list current global event and raid that is going on right the fuck now.
Just want to see things done right for once, Jesus X Burgess.


A happy Carrot is a cute Carrot!

It's just globabbies coping with their inferiority and irrelevance. Like what kind of idiot would actually stay on Global at this point when there are multiple accounts of people hitting plvl 200+ with 1-2 legends and 150+ gems saved up. That automatically defaults to 4 legends by the end of May, and thats IF he doesn't get lucky and pull one before his 3rd multi.

Sabo, btw.

Don't reply to me if it's to shitpost further.

The free legend is distributed until June 26 and you can hold off on picking your free legend until December 31st by letting it sit in the mail.

>have whitebeard
>have sabo
>have inthawk
All that's left is for me to pick up my bwoi Lucci for those matching orbs and a powerhouse beatstick.

Does anyone have Storm Pirates JP friend code? I need to get her back on my list since I rerolled.

can my team do kuma? im pretty sure it can do shanks

kinda sure

Need help forming a Kuma team. This is my box. Any advice is appreciated.

Kuma blocks all Damage from STR/DEX units, even HP cuts. So no, you cannot do Kuma.

>3 RR Shanks books

The fact that both Rocketman and Lucci are now available on JPN is tempting me to get them.

Should I try and meme with Lucci and hope for a good 6+ or should I just get the Mihawk?

Just get the goddamn WBcci.

get OPhawk or if you don't have him OPbeard

Because their global account is level 400 and they have 10 legends

What is this from? Looks pretty cute.

What did he meant by this?

it's Chopper a character from an anime One Piece
he used to be cuter 15 years ago

>has whitebeard and barto
>"my best legend is inthawk"

>my best legend is Inthawk
>barto and wb in the picture

What's the earliest screenshot you have of your box, /opgg/?

>One piece is 20 years old
holy fucking shit

But he's right, IntHawk is better than those two


It literally depends on the box. A dreamteam is stronger than a legend alone. Unless that legend is Akainu.

>Heracles'n appears on the turtle stage



Yeah it's pretty annoying but a tome is a tome, not gonna shit on it tbqh.

WARNING: Posting pre-PL 200 is forbidden. Continuing will result in a permanent ban.

but muh stalling

Not when it ruins your run


Tell me how he's worse you fucking faggots. Whitebeard might be ON PAIR with him but he's no way worse than Barto wtf

git gud

And all 10 are useful for that Log Luffy book farming youll be doing for the next 2 weeks :^)

Chopper is cuter now. He was annoying as fuck until Thriller Bark desu

>Barto clear rate: 100%
>Inthawk clear rate: dunno but not 100%


>a x3 rainbow lead boost is on par with an at most x2.75 slasher captain
>INThawk is 3d2y Zoro reliant
>clear rates

Refresh your WB please lads.
Also stop replying to shipost thanks.

>Chopper is cuter now
No he's not. Look at him in the Drum and Alabasta arcs. He was more like an actual animal with a pointy muzzle and not overly tryhard with "cuteness" like he is now. He went to shit after Oda's editors told him to give nami and robin giant tits and to make Chopper cuter for the merchandise sales.

I'm glad Killer colo is quite easy.

Yeah dude Chopper looks so much cuter now that 80% of his body weight is in his head.

FP event fucking when?

>a 3x rainbow BELOW 30 HEALTH
>vs a rainbow 2.75x lead thats "limited" to one of the best classes in the game

When your mom stop being a whore
I really went there
I fucking destroyed you brah
You could say you got jewish oven'd
That I blew you the FUCK out
That a comet crashed on your fucking planet
That you got Trayvown'd

I have better subs for Inthawk than barto or WB. I did not explain why he's better for me.
Objectively shit taste, TS zoro is way better than INThawk and he's not even on par with Barto.
This is what I tried to explain in the original post. 100% correct
INThawk is a good sub, that's the only thing he's good at. Barto has unlimited stalling potential, and whitebeard is only good if you have his super evolution which only plvl 300+ have, super late-game. My subs make INThawk feasible.
>Using Forest clear rate to justify usefulness in all content
w h y

Rainbow means not restricted to type and class, Mihawk is not a rainbow captain.
Unless you have 3d2y Zoro, he really doesn't compare.
>implying 30% HP is a dealbreaker

Killer colo is one of the easiest. Right next to Coby and Alvida.

>Inthawk is still top-tier... r-r-right guys?
t. slasherfags

Uh not sure I asked for your opnions, just stated it was suite easy.
Stop it with your microagressions ok?

Don't let the shitposting get to you. I have Inthawk and he's an absolute beast, use him over every other legend I have. Have chewed through most of the game thanks to him.

He's a lot cuter when he was chunkier, still my fav character tho

It may just be me, but the less it looks like an actual filthy flea ridden reindeer the better. Besides, the show goes out of its way to make it clear that Chopper is supposed to look like a Tanuki anyways.
This is clearly a subjective thing and you sound like one of those delusional guys that think Robins brown skin wasnt the result of a tan from Alabasta and I really dont bother with that shit.

You're wrong.

6* brown Robin when?

>He went to shit after Oda's editors told him to give nami and robin giant tits
Found the faggot that needs a visit from Mike "Electroshock your love for cock" Pence.

There's a lot of good things that INthawk can do that TS Zoro can't do, but can you make a slasher team for Doffy raid with Double INThawk and burst turn 1 on full CD with no 3D2Y Zoro and no useful STR slashers?

I'm rocking a full 25 turn CD on INThawk and haven't got a single skill up in 10 doffy copies. The only thing saving my team right now is the godly luck with sockets.

He's in Brain Point so thats what hes supposed to look like.

Ugly. Looks so Hanna Barbera

>posts on Veeky Forums
>gets a reply
>gets instantly triggered by words on a page
[That's] microaggression. What I said before is an opinion that supported yours.

haha ok you made me chuckle

Take your shit taste elsewhere

>He took that post seriously
people these days




Didn't even flinch at the fact that I forgot to keep my barto captains from attacking, Alvida's special is just too good.


Did they ever explain what happened to Chopper's old hat?

he put it inside his new hat

Doesn't he wear the new one on top of his old one?