Broken Queen edition.
Broken Queen edition.
Who is your main and your favorite song to play with them
>Urgot is being reworked by A team
>Eve by B team
it's not fair
Sona is the best and breast waifu!
>duo with friend
>put against a mutual of ours
small world
marines will 3-0 roaches
bugspray is cheap even in brazil
Any MSI games tonight?
I miss cass buffs when
is he alive?
Kog is the cutest and snuggliest!
you're all shitters. Go play some ranked and imprive RIGHT NOW
Argument kinda falls on deaf ears when cass was good for a while and is still decent
Only thing he can say is that she deserves a skin
Brand is my favorite champion
kog is a dog that deserves to be kicked
>long day of work
>want to watch some MSI and eat oven snacks
>forgot the plastic knife inside the oven
>oven ruined
>house smells like literal cancer
why am I so retarded lolg
When do you guys thing riot is going to release ANY information on the eve rework?
>no gravelord Malz skin
>overlord Malz and all his other skins ruined by his passive being identical on all of them
>no gravelord Illaoi either
Yfw you feed all game but still win
FW is removing kebabs right now.
No! He deserves to be protected!
dogs are inferior creatures
no different from roaches
they deserve nothing but death
>Arrow to the knee
>tfw you get fed but your top is already 0/10/0 running it down mid, jungle is somehow lvl 6 at 13 mins in despite not participating in any kills and bot is losing
I hope we don't have to deal with these casters at big boy msi
>tfw all your friends from way back when have moved on from bronze and are at least gold-plat but I'm still bronze
I feel like reworks should be rare and only done to champions with low play rates and low win rates like the Old Sion. Some of the Champs riot chooses to rework doesn't make a y sense to me, Zach didn't need a rework and neither did LeBlanc.
>mfw 3 win streak with yasuo
u mad Veeky Forums?
Koggles is not a dog, he's a voidling!
>Warwick disabled
But why?
>tfw all my friends refused to play with me when I got started
>just cracked diamond and they're all still silver or bronze
Well I don't think zac needed one that's true but leblanc could have used one simply because of how frustrating the champion was, but that wasn't fixed so
That's neat. Camille is my favorite personally.
Banning him crashes the game.
such a pain in the ass to click that thing
Hahaha holy shit
Why is riot's client the worst coded thing in the world.
Four to six months from now.
what did Warwick mean by this?
Banning Warwick
But why?
How come Riot finally got to make an actually fun game mode?
you got them mixed up piccolo-san
also i tried ga yesterday on xayah and it was surprisingly good, not a big loss of damage and that early in the game (after zeal item) basically means the enemy team is fucked if they dive you and fucked if they don't
I want to fuck taliyah and make her cum!
Because Riot doesn't HAVE any programmers. They blew the majority of their budget on Esports, an overblown and talented but slow and inefficient art department, and PR/memes. Their programming team is literally a bunch of script kiddies and a senior programmer who has moderate C++ knowledge. League it's doesn't have an engine and is purely a collection of action scripts.
>these hitboxes
So many of these hitboxes are just so inaccurate
fluffy tails
I'm sure it doesn't take much of a team to make a working fucking client.
Hell they even made a new one so maintaining old legacy code shouldn't be an upkeep concern anymore.
I just don't understand. It can't be that hard to code a client.
>Mordekaiser uses a plant
>Lee Sin still has enough mobility to make up for it regardless of the plant
>Lee Sin uses a plant
>Now has one of his two (three including flash) mobility spells still available to outmaneover mordekaiser
really clears my jungle
What to craft, what to dust, what to reroll?
>enemy team gets herald
>guaranteed 1.5-2 towers
Whoever fucking greenlit this needs to be fired. I can't fucking wait until Yorick and Morde players start 3 lane sieging my base by themselves.
>6k IP
Recommend me your main(top)
I don't mean to defend riots gross incompetence in this case, but
>it can't be that hard to do x
is the signature phrase of the idea guy who has know idea what they are talking about
I like your taste my mans.
>Check Flash Wolves stats this series
>Based Maple literally blowing people out of the water
>Anthony Burch can't wrap his head around the concept of a good, noble, and heroic character like Garen
>Wanted to make him a creepy zealot instead
How do we get him removed, lolg? How can we protect /ourguy/ with Cuckold Prime digging his claws into the game?
Perform those rites.
big guy who facefucks teemo and can go mid and support
>who has know idea what they are talking about
>has know idea
>tfw you feed the enemy laner and go 0/12/2 but your team carries you to a win
>tfw you type GG EZ afterwards and trigger the guy that shit on you
In comparison to making a functioning game I guarantee you programming a client is easier
he'll make him a bisexual sadomasochist
screencap this
Yeah, but it's a hell of a lot harder than making a sandwich
>being turkish in the current year
But that would make him a good and noble character?
>Have 1 good game where i and my team stomp everyone
>Next 3 matches get paired up with shitters
>Game 1 we lose because Akali fed Zed even though they were mastery 7 and Plat
>Get shat on because he can just dive in ult E Q and bounce out
>Game 2 our Nidalee forgot to take smite so they didn't even try to jungle, proceeded to duo top with Rammus then argue when they couldn't kill GP
>Game 3 Cait feeds Lucian, i go for their back line but everyone else focuses the tank
>Xin Split pushes every teamfight and is never near objectives
>They got every drag, a baron and elder for free
Has anyone noticed this shit always happens when you're about to spend money on this game? Every time i wanna buy a lot of shit, the game and matchmaking does this to me. It's like a fuckin warning or some shit.
I love you Lux, i want to marry you and be forever and ever.
>talk to a sister fucking Mordekaiser main
>they want him to remain a champ with no CC, mobility, utility or range
>but they also want his rework to be awesome and for him to be super balanced but viable despite still only being just damage
I hope Mordekaiser gets remade into a generic tank on the level of Poppy.
How do I play him?
>Ancient Coin Line
> tooltip now includes "Cannon minions always drop coins."
thank fucking god, you can generate more money by using your spellthief at half the efficiency than by using coin at full efficiency
>check his twitter
Riot in charge of hiring people.
>20% max health damage
>then also 1.5% maximum health damage
>then also 4.5% maximum health damage
Wew you mean to tell me this champion is strong?
So retarded.
Because season 3 wasn't casual friendly enough, we always went downhill from there
sorry bud, she is taken
Is an ability off CD?
Throw it at the enemy, repeat until they're dead.
How did I do?
Except for the fact they didn't remove Riven's animation cancelling and, in fact, buffed her overall animation cancelling by letting her queue more combos together and literally made her auto attack animation cancelling even better. All coming patch 7.10. Riven is balanced around her animation cancelling and riot accepts that's how she should he played. They will never remove this feature and I'm pretty sure they just recently helped Renekton with his this patch.
botlane with lich bane
take those towers
>%hp damage is the same as hp scaling
She's a fictional character with unrealistic femanine proportions, you fucks.
>wake up everyday, looking into the mirror thanking god i'm not Anthony Burch
Feels fan-fucking-tastic man
where do I can find girls like this?
Ziggs builds Morello first like 90% of mages
FW goes to MSI Group Stage.
GAM x SUP will decide which wildcard will go to the main MSI event and also who gets a direct seed into Worlds Group Stage.
if anything she's completely average bodywise while having an above average face
>have internet problem for 5 min
>come back
>guy on team now starts inting because 'you afk'd for 20 minutes'
why are people such kids in this game
it wasn't even a ranked
post kindred butt
The Netherlands
Ancient coin should not be a distinctly viable item.
Ancient coin should be intentionally designed as a suboptimal low risk item for supports who are bad at the game and can't reliably proc spellthief's or relic shield, which trades gold for ease of use and safety. It should be unviable at higher levels of play and distinctly designed as a band aid or crutch for poor support players, being more useful than the alternatives activated with low efficiency and drastically less useful than the alternatives activated with high efficiency.
Essentially, starting coin should be a giant shitter red flag. It should not be designed as a core or item for any champs or equally as viable as the other two support items.
oh yeah i know, lich bane first item is pretty ass
just eventually it's fun to build
Why does it seem like Nami is becoming increasingly rare to see? Utility supports are quite strong right now. She can cc, speed boost, and sustain. That and locket and redemption are completely viable builds for her. I feel like i haven't seen a Nami played in a long time.
the one scales with the target's maximum health, the other with Sejuani's own maximum health
since she's built a tank, both scalings are pretty strong
W is scaling based on her health.
>tfw had sejuani before rework and faggot rito never gave me the traditional skin
>forgot the plastic knife inside the oven
good going user