YLYL Veeky Forums edition
Was that about this thing?
the engineers must be sneering when they see this. may they burn in hell.
I've never actually seen a big gulp, they're THAT big? The fuck? Thats gotta be like 2000 calories.
Chrysler had some great ideas as well.
>hey man i need a jump start
double wishbone is never a bad idea
Look a bit closer.
>Thats gotta be like 2000 calories.
Yuro here, whats that?
One of our great national shames.
an american sized small soda
high fructose corn syrup
>be working on old subaru
>needs new rotors
>have to separate the half shafts
Are you telling me that jug(?) is full of lemonade, and someone is supposed to drink that in one sitting?
Holy fuck
If you want to, because in america your FREE TO DRINK THAT MUCH SODA IN ONE SITTING DAMMIT
Could be lemonade, could be soda/pol, could be a slushee. I hope not one sitting, I've never seen one in person.
look at the setting, its obviously water in there, which would be pretty handy if you worked a job that required manual work outside
but originally someone would buy that to put fruit punch or lemonade or soda in, i dont see how anyone can finish that much soda and not die, but whatever.
Americans like things in bulk. If they need a little, theyll take a lot, just in case. Thats why trucks are so popular here.
>Be working on esprit
>Have inboard brakes
>Never get brake dust on rear wheels
I get that its a way of buying in bulk, what worries me is the straw sticking out of it.
Same as Citroën GS
True story
I designed the machines that assemble, transport, and fasten the headlight assemblies into most BMW platforms
People just move the bumper assemblies around on carts.
I feel useless.
1) you don't have an esprit.
2) you wouldn't be working on an esprit even if you did have one.
They're generally full of soda.
My grandparents buy them because they drive all over the country and that much soda lasts my grandpa a whole days worth of driving. My grandma will drink three a day, but they only cost like 30 cents to refill so it's dirt cheap.
Also the containers while keep a drink cold even in a hot car
Considering 330ml of soda has about 150 calories that means 4.5 litres has about 2100
t. yurofag
the big ol 'beetus
I saw a child with a pink tail yesterday.
>three a day
Really? Thats gotta be multiple kilos of sugar, how is she even alive?
did you cry inside?
the battery is hidden away?
but why?
holy shit heartbreaker btfo
I'm dead set against Trump but this made me giggle.
that's not what he's talking about, idiot
and people make fun of chevy
jesus christ what the fuck I didn't even see it
who designed this
It's a special cup 7-11 puts out. The real big gulp is at least now a days no larger than most fast food chains medium sodas (stateside at least). The double gulp cup is where you start to reach really large sizes.
A little, the disease is spreading. You know what must be done.
wtf, that's a bucket not a cup
That's 5kg protein powder canister with 7/11 written on it
Poor firebird
>bullying heartbreaker
That's a dog, not a bird.
Hahaha lost your friend is drinking distilled water and is gonna die hahaha roasted
>36k for an used GTI without LED
top fucking lel
You know, on the one hand, they look retarded.
On the other hand, they're doing it for a good cause.
I'm willing to let this one slide.
1. Esprits aren't expensive to buy
2. It doesn't work
all tripfaggots should be bullied and lynched
The exact shit the mayor of New York tried to ban
>Oh shit, a goddamn bureaucrat tried to outlaw muh value soda jug
Soda is like imbalming fluid, don't drink it.
Darren Cox and his stupid marketing campaign killed this car. They could have kept the hype down and slowly worked on it, but no, had to convince everyone that it was the best car ever made
Stick to RETARDS + CARS Mr Cox.
>distilled water
>somehow toxic
thats a good ad, reminds me of 90s videogame magazines
Go ahead and drink a gallon of distilled water for four weeks and see how you feel.
This seems like an old wives tale or maybe just something you saw on youtube. I am 100% certain it wont do anything to you especially because you are not even proposing a mechanism by which it does harm.
>t. really is that stupid
if this was true then solar stills would kill you
protip: they're a survival tool
Your bodies' metabolism requires minerals. Some come from water.
I read somewhere that it drains all the salt and minerals from your body which can cause some serious issues.
What is that used for since it's been deemed not suitable for human consumption?
You can drink too much water and fall victim to water intoxication due to a lack of electrolytes (think of adding a cup of plain water to a half cup of orange juice. Tastes like shit).
It could be tap or distilled water, it is not specific to distilled/demineralized etc but it would be the straw that broke the camels back.
To clarify, to the average person there are no minerals/vitamins exclusive to 'ordinary' water required for living.
more like SHIT edition
lol dude.
Most comes from food. You'd die of regular old starvation well before distilled water could do anything. You could kill a plant though if it was in an organic free soil mix.
that is how fucking retarded nissan is
they actually let a 18? year old black child drive that car on a real track
because that black child was good at a video game
Distilled water is a stronger solvent and higher in ph than regular water, which means you're literally drinking the plastic container that it's stored in.
*lower in ph, higher in acidity
Distilled water is isotonic which is bad for the body. Distilled water won't kill you outright though and it would take quite a bit of time for it to kill you and you'd need to drink it exclusively
So not only is it I presume an absolute cunt to connect jumper cables to without removing the wheel, but the battery gets blasted with all manner of shit the tyres pick up from the road. Planned obsolescence gone mad.
Oh there's a plastic cover over it normally, which gets caked in all kinds of shit so it's a fucking cunt to remove if you ever need to get at the battery.
Oh it has a cover? So now it really needs the wheel off to get to it. Can you imagine the pain of needing a boost, removing the wheel, getting a boost, putting the wheel on again only to find you needed a few more minutes charge so the battery could start the car properly?
Yup, fucking Chrysler. They have their moments, but when they fuck up, no one fucks up harder.
>for a good cause
>this is homosechs
Get the fuck out.
They are remote posts in the engine bay
>yiffing for charity
You can't be this retarded surely.
>calls that a big gulp
an oldie
he wasn't black
lol then why are ''isotonic'' sportdrinks regular enriched with minderals? Probably because you are wrong.
You missed the point a bit. That's not where the humor comes from. Unless you did that on purpose. Can't really tell.
Gg. Can't believe I missed that, that's fucking hilarious.
exactly. who the hell would want to be friends with a loser
isotonic refers to how saturated a cell is in the body not a property of water. And distilled water tends to be acidic so as long as you eat other foods you're fine with it.