>2nd year of college
>have a conversation with a girl
>seems decently smart, claims to be interested in politics
>turns out she's a 3rd-year journalism major
>oh, cool
>talking continues
>every now and then she doesn't quite get what I'm saying
>"wait, user, who's Andrew Jackson?"
>I work out a dumbed-down way to make my point
>"oh, that makes sense"
>conversation goes on for a while, she keeps missing little things here and there
>I use the phrase "watershed moment"
>"Don't you mean Watergate, user?"
This woman is 21 years old, writes for multiple websites, and has less than two years to go before she gets degree in journalism. She's even in the school's Honors program. How is she this uneducated?
Today I lost all faith in journalism as a discipline
thanks for posting
OP is a faggot
Forever alone, OP.
This same person will be prole feeding articles in favor of Hillary Clinton or whomever the establishment and Wall Street choses in 1-2 years, enjoying public credibility.
>not banning the printing press
But this is surprise. My ex is a journalists. I know journalists. No profession is required a more generic and shallower grasp on things. Journalists are not supposed to be knowledgeable. They are supposed to write what the regime tells them to.
This is no surprise*
>writes for multiple websites
How? I can't even get a job at one. Or my local fucking dying printed newspaper.
Many universities are just diploma miles at this point. I would say stem field 60 percent not higher level edjucation material, liberal arts it is 90 percent.
How do you think people covering Washington keep from An Heroing, a sub 90 IQ and senseless liberal idealism
Let me guess you are a male?
It's actually a pretty big problem. Journalists are crucial for society, and yet journalism basically attracts the worst of the worst. If they knew anything about anything, they wouldn't be journalists, they'd be in the field that they know about. Is there any solution to this?
Tits probably, had the right social justice message on a blog and got picked up... that's how a lot of it works now. SEO and sheeeeit
She's already in the tank for Shillary. Because Feminism = vote for women always.
Founded one herself, takes shit pay (think $10-25 a piece) on the other one. Occasionally writes for free to cross-promote with other sites. She's not making much money, but it does build a decent portfolio. Marketing is her only real talent. Also I knew it was bad, but I'm supposed to be at a good school. The average ACT score here is 32, and we had to do interviews to get in.
Misatropic pig, implying fresh out of college qts instantly get jobs because of their looks.
If you are also of european stock, you will have hard time makeing it anywhere in journalism in the us. Not impossible but hard.
When someone's too focused on certain area, they tend to be very ignorant in other areas.
But isn't "watershed moment" a phrase that a journalist should know? It's iconic. I'll give her a pass on the history stuff and most of the politics, but fuck man, being ignorant in your own field is where I draw the line. I'm a CS major and I know more about journalism than she does.
>not knowing who Andrew Jackson is
>best president
Kill the bitch.
>best president
But user, his name is James K. "Fuck Mexicans and Indians" Polk.
I mean look at all that clay
That's not Silent Cal.
Probably hillary. As trump is controlled opposition for the the elites yet disliked by most young ppl. But wall street would love either one of those puppets.
I'm still pretty butthurt that our own ambassador stabbed us in the back. We could have had most of Mexico and the Caribbean to boot
>This user is 20 years old, shitposts on the Chan, and has less than three years to go before he gets a meme degree . He's even in the school's Honors program. How is he this ever going to get laid let alone a job?
Smart ≃ Intelligent
Intelligent ≠ Knowledgeable
>seems decently smart
>complaining on an anime image board website about trivial stupid knowledge bullshit
It's stuff like this that reminds me of how little faith I have in anything, including the lack of delusion of humanity.
what exactly has she been studying
If you a smart you are very likley to have some knowledge about many topics, since you are likley to be interested in more things and memorize them faster, than people with a lower iq.
file name made me kek hard
I know that, I'd just assume someone who says they're interested in learning a certain thing, pursues knowledge about that thing, and clearly has the ability to learn that thing, should probably be able to develop some fluency.
Kinda this, but not quite the way I'd phrase it.
Cry about it on tumblr faggot.
Cry about it on tumblr faggot
fucking gold
she's got the right attitude and strives to learn
most people wouldn't even ask these thing and just ignore words they don't understand
There are three schools of journalism left.
1. Serious Journalism which consists of underpaid bloggers redrafting and publishing press releases by governments and NGO's.
2. Clickb8 Journalism which consists of underpaid bloggers reposting celebrity gossip and social media interactions.
3. Clickb8 Journalism in which slightly higher paid bloggers craft polarizing opinion pieces that will make Column A happy and Column B really mad.
2 and 3 will often repost and discuss 1's work.
All of them will have an agenda to push, either because it is fed to them or because that's where the clicks are at.
I sometimes wonder if their would be financial value in a news outlet that was 100% objective and factual reporting, or if it would simply be too dry and boring.
Murdoch's less prestigious outlets literally hire teenage and young adult women (sans degrees) based on their twitter numbers to work as "journalists" now.
They know how to generate headlines and content that appeals to young women, who make up the bulk of online news media consumption.
>Journalists are crucial for society
How? We've had thousands of years without journalists.
Not that guy, but we have gone without electricity for thousands of years so does that mean it isn't crucial to our society?
Maybe journalism is only crucial to itself. Like a parasite, it modifies the host until it is necessary for the infected to stay alive. But that manner of life is not worth living.
Journalism is dead. With the exception of 'buzzfeed journalism'. But really, think about the kind of person that agrees to write 'You won't Believe what X did to Y' articles (ie. not a journalist).
But to be honest, more people now are getting their news from alternate sources, or engage more with news which focuses on their interests specifically, rather than newspapers and such. This type of content however is either created for free or as part of a communications strategy. Good and bad aspects of this to be true, but it is how it is.
I hope that makes sense, I'm a little scattered atm. But I used to work in media, so I can detail how the industry works (at least for my country) if anyone is interested.
Have we?
>You're only losing faith in journalism today
Nigga you only need superficial knowledge in one subject to know that most journalism is awful. This has always been the case. That doesn't mean there aren't good journalists but you have to sift through a lot of bullshit.
Advice to anyone.
NEVER go to college for a profession that requires you to freelance at entry level.
I'm not saying 'Muh STEM' or 'Muh Medicine', There is nothing wrong with doing what you like.
Just don't waste time and money going to school to learn the trade. Teach yourself on your own time and then get into freelancing. You and the college graduate are going both going to have to start at the same place so why not get a 4 year head start and not have to worry about a bunch of debt weighting you down
>best president
maybe if you're a Redditor obsessed with murica fuck yeah memes.
>le tuff President! xD
go on.
what the fuck are you trying to say? English please...
>surprised that 20 year old college girls aren't very smart
Sounds like you're the stupid one desu
>implying Reddit doesn't hate Jackson for being a meanyhead
Don't pretend that the Veeky Forums-Reddit positions are reversed.
>going both going to have to start at going to have going start to going
Women have no natural interest or comprehension of such matters. They are simply nowhere near as intelligent. In this perverse Marxist society, women are shoe-horned into intellectual spaces but this does not alter their nature. This women should be nowhere near any such pursuit as writing and journalism but she has been lied to about her desires in life and told she wants to be just like a man. The quality of said intellectual spaces of course declines sharply when such creatures occupy them.
I don't know what to say, your expecting a man's comprehension from a female.
"I sometimes wonder if their would be financial value in a news outlet that was 100% objective and factual reporting, or if it would simply be too dry and boring."
That's private corporate, think tank, and related NGO stuff. But they actually have to pay money money for the factual reports.