/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

Australia Edition

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socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/flibinjibervans (Alternative meme color crew)
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Mansex: youtube.com/watch?v=mtZ5OkocNd0

can we not have an australia edition please



What's wrong with Aussies?
Danefag here.

look at this silly cunt and laugh

This. Fuck Australia

do not want


>insurgishitters roll up to me while im on foot
>kill the gunner with my rifle straight away
>chase the driver down in the nearest shitbox i can find and finish him too
>they try again
>they don't try again

>mfw shitters won't let go of their insurgents even though the duke o' death is clearly superior


a hacker dumped 20 million on me will i get banned?????

>discarded concepts

Australians are literally the worst people on the planet

Reminder that if you have the following artists on your custom radio station you should just kill yourself:
>A$AP [anything]
>Beastie Boys
>The Beatles
>Black Sabbath
>Daft Punk
>Death Grips
>Foo Fighters
>Initial D
>[Any J-Pop]
>[Any K-Pop]
>Kanye West
>Led Zeppelin
>Neutral Milk Hotel
>Pink Floyd
>Queens of the Stone Age

how can i sell my planes and boats in GTA O ?

rate my house

What?? U like hip hop, nigger?



That's cool. I've got Dance With The Dead, Perturbator, Carpenter Brut, Toxic Avenger, Miami Nights 1984, The Midnight and Lazerhawk on mine anyway

I don't know who I have, it's just a bunch of ten hour mixes I ripped from YouTube.

god you GTA fags are all literal pathethic normies and underages

>being baited this easy

I'm still getting stuck in empty lobbies
Did I end up pissing off someone at Rockstar over the past few months while I wasn't playing?

Says the fucking yank.

Is online worth playing again or is it still fucked?

still fucked

even more than the last time you played.

This game is dead, and only decapitations can save it.

Wouldn't they just start playing from the beginning every time? Like you'd hear the same songs over and over but none of the stuff from deeper into the mixes.

this used to happen to me a lot on self radio, then self radio started causing stutters so i stopped using it and just have shit run in the background instead.

>using a custom radio station
lmgdfao faggit kys u'reself xdDD


>he doesn't have a fever 105 playlist

plebs all of you

black sabbath with ozzy osborne or dio?

The right question, but there's only one answer.

I got 4m in hackerbux earlier. Should I bother reporting it? I never have in the past, and it seems like r* doesn't care much anymore.

Tfw i saw them both on live


Post your character!

fuck you and your dumbass australian flag it doesn't make the thread look appealing for potential new players

Yeah, nah, fuck off cunt

Can someone explain whats changed since about 2015? Whats with this CEO/President stuff I'm being notified about? We can sell meth now? Can I buy property that generates value over time?


You become a CEO by buying an office building, which starts your own organization. It essentially works like the VIP system, you can turn it on or off at any time in free roam. You can invite people to your organization just like the VIP thing, you can summon some pegasus vehicles to your location instantly, stuff like that.

You can also buy a clubhouse and start a Motorcycle Club, which works very similarly. Invite people, you can instantly spawn any of you motorcycles or send them back to your garage, you get bonuses for riding in formation with your club members, stuff like that.

Both can be used to make money. With the CEO stuff, you have to buy a crate warehouse, or a vehicle warehouse. Vehicle Warehouse is a lot more expensive, but lower risk and earns profits MUCH faster, you'll get back your loses in an hour or so, it's ridiculous. For the crate warehouse you have to buy crates, as many as three at once, deliver them to your warehouse, then sell them in bulk, other people in the session can destroy your crates. Vehicle warehouse, basically the same but with cars, and you can only sell as many as you have people to drive.

With Motorcycle Club you can buy various properties (including a meth lab). You have to get supply for them, and they gradually generate product, which you then have to sell for profit.

There's also VIP work, little missions you can do in free roam for 20k or so, and the Motorcycle Clubs have something similar.

the tattoo is a nice touch.


How'd you get that shot anyway? Did you have someone else take it? I'd like to get a full body shot of my own.

I just recorded some footage, went into Rockstar Editor, got the shot I wanted, then turned off the hud and took screenshots.

As for the proportions, I used an ultrawide, and that picture is actually on it's side. I rotated the camera for a portrait shot, then rotated the screenshot back to normal.

It's a pretty fun platform to mess around and do photography with.

>Not just listening to the Official /gtag/ Spotify Playlist

Huh. The shot is very well composed. The one with the car behind you as well, very close attention to detail. Rule of thirds is a nice thing. Do you do photography work irl? You seem rather seasoned.

Somehow her face reminds me a chihuahua

well if you say so...

mamma mia

>Do you do photography work irl? You seem rather seasoned.
Yes actually. Mostly amateur stuff, work on my portfolio, but a little bit of professional stuff.

Anyone hosting an invite session?

IGN Akibasa

Why hasn't Blater kicked all the Australians from the crew yet?



>using custom radio station
>radio,that fucking crashes the game 30 minutes after its on

any OP guns worth buying right now?

Does this seriously happen to people?
I've never encountered this issue.

as soon as i turn self radio,textures start to dissapear,whole buildings dissapear,game eventually crashes
and i dont have a potato pc!I have 8 gigs of ram,4gb video card.Unless cuckstar expects me to have 20 gb or ram and 10 gb videocard or something


>want to do MC contract missions for easy money since they're 2x for the next little while
>every MC I manage to join is just fucking about with their businesses
>every server with >10 people is bogged down with stupid server or vip shit so I can't launch anything on my own
>want to play in private server but no friends to join me
Just wanna make some ez money ;_;

Did you get your tax return yet?

what a lovely message

Meh, looks like every other male character ever created.

>log in
>get tax return this morning
>shitters still spoiling my cargo missions

you're just jealous, his character is hot

the mustache is really silly looking

Yeah, I had no idea what I was thinking at the time. I'll either tone down the opacity more to give him a light 5 o'clock shadow or just crank it back up and give him a full beard.

Post yours faggot

why'd you use the new zealand flag?

Fuck Australians, you fags force your nationality on everything even if they're not related to countries at all, you're like bronies but with a retarded flag instead of horses. You're not good at shitposting either, you're just good at being the most annoying faggots on the site.

Thankfully, 50% of your population is composed of venomous spiders, so one of y'all lurking this thread has a high chance of dying within the next few minutes.

The fuck is wrobg with listening to heavy rock and progrsssive rock? Are you one of those faggots who has nothing but 20 hours of electro trancestep ripped off from obscure SoundCloud artists?

Shittiest /gtag/ thread I've seen in a LONG while.

Oh shit, I've got All You Need Is Love on it, better stop taking my anti-depressants!

>join crew members
>puts me in a session with randoms
>'must be nobody on then'
>check crew and there is 7
>private session

Fuck you guys too then


>this nigger is so autistic that he compiles a list of shit he doesn't like just to tell other people what they can't listen to
I don't even listen to any of those things and I think you're a huge cocksucking Leddit-tier faggot. Neck yourself.

Yea went into a weedfarm. Maybe l need to put in another 200k into it to staff the place and make some more green from my green.

That happens when a host blocks ports to stop the skiddie incursion. Rockstar's inability/incompetence to properly dispose of cheaters and skiddies on the PC has forced some people to create public "private" sessions where NO ONE can join after aforementioned ports are blocked. It's annoying because it punishes other GTAG wanting to join the lobby, but a full safe-space crew session only allows limited MC/CEO work. When you see skiddies in every. single. lobby, port blocking sometimes happens with other GTAG members.

>not just voting kicking every non gtag

Here, oops. They blow up regardless of whether or not you leave the dinghy

>take a roofless tornado to benny's
>upgrading puts a roof on it
>can't remove it

Add people and sent them a message and they'll open the ports, dingus

user are you remembering your "daily" sale of a car from the streets to a modshop? You can make up to 8k a gta-day. That will build up nicely done each day.

Am l also the only one who still bothers with daily challenges?

Underrated post, we need more /gtag/tier memes.


excuse my lack of pixels :-3

What third-world shithole do you live in?

>muh 80s this
>muh 80s that
>no one cares about 70s aesthetics
I would kill for a GTA game set in the 70s, playing up the era like Vice City did for the 80s.

So is that FiveRP mod worth playing, or is it just a bunch of autistic streamers hanging out with no fun allowed rules?

ur mums house, gaylord

Here's a higher resolution for you.

looks cuter low res

Not ugly though, like a lot of people's characters, really good facial structure, but the eyes look a bit goofy and cock-eyed.

I love the Duke so much but it's just not as good as the Armoured Kuruma it makes me so sad

>wait around 20 minutes to spawn the mariachi car
>get it stuck immediately
>have to wait 48 minutes now



I can count every pixel in that shit, that's not higher res.