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Still no recent changes since none of the admins actually plan on working on this more
first for why is lord dio there
Because he's a gold crown and has done more than you for the server.
Stop shitposting.
like what? :^)
he only played for about a month TWO YEARS AGO and made no mentionable contributions
i dont really give a shit that he's on there but to say he contributed more than hubcap has is a joke
Going by your retard logic, Saxi and Odel shouldn't be up there either because they don't play anymore and haven't coded anything recently either.
Fucking stop already, you absolute loser. Where did Dio touch you?
odel and saxi have coded quests and fixed bugs, dio didn't do anything, it's just a fact lad
but i understand his "right" to be up there, so again i could really give half a shit
>implying he didn't contribute more than hubcap
lmao what a terrible falseflag. and i even hate hubcap a lot. try harder next time and you'll get a (you).
Thanks for the bumps retards
>Dio didn't do anything
So why is he a gold crown?
Last thread, you said he coded things so long ago so that somehow invalidated his place on the staff list.
Which is it?
Back then the server was so new that if you knew how to code AT ALL you got a gold crown, and that holds up if you look at all of our other previous gold crowned mods that brought more ruin on the server than good
I think the real retard is the one who thinks he's important enough to remove people from the thread paste.
Anime faggotry aside, you are correct.
The correct solution here is to ignore attention whores and let their autism eventually kill them.
acting like this thread doesn't desperately need peoplr to keep it alive
>new thread
>links to previous thread
>linked in previous thread
>the op isn't total shit
>I didn't have to do it myself to see it happen
wanna buy a whip senpai?
>emerald fucking bolts
Why hoard all that qp user?
>enter poh
>fill 20 vials with water with sink, drop them by servant
>unnote 20 lantadymes and prepare potions
>falador house portal and run to taverley
>get abused by dragons and crush some scales
>3700 lantadymes, 185 trips, 3 weeks of herb runs to grow it all
it was fun
new phone who this
great now get the fuck out of my spot
sounds like somebody wants me to do them to 99
71 total level
How much for the bronze sword?
nice rune axe
>16 caskets
What are you waiting for, christmas?
>two blessed axes
but those are completely useless
but there is only one blessed axe? :thinking:
I sent someone info about the server, so we may get a new player
All the while having Yell :^)
nice go advertise on /b/ we could use some new friends
Why not /bant/? We could really use some multi-culturalism on our server :^)
>opening doors to thousands of BRs and having them flood the server
are they gonna enter peacefully and mine pess?
I think it's important for us, as a server, to recognize and support their customs instead of forcing our way onto them.
while you guys meme to yourselves I'm actually going to go advertise on /bant/
A+ job whoever this was
too late now friendo
page 10
t-thanks for censoring my name
are there any big servers with fucking normal skilling, I like this server buts its so small.
invite your friends here then OHWAIT
btw im an ironman
>snibs no longer an ironman so he's not #1 in the one thing he only did
punished snibs
i miss you bby
not sure if retarded or pretending to be retarded, ironmen are now ranked on the normal highscores. Xiahisanoob is ranked 22 overall
timestamp optional toggle in general chat and pm's when
I'm still waiting for felching to become a skill.
dude same
This is worth giving up veganism for. Real Naples pizza.
Forgot pic.
>tfw ywn have a shy, virgin loli to make money so you can become a neet and wait for her to get home to cuddle and hold hands
why even live
pg10 save
let it die next time
can a mod come online in game if you see this pls
nvm i fixed it mods, don't bother
b-but its not fixed, can still dupe glories in a poh
haha im just memeing mods, I just had multiple glories in my inv to begin with
are you proud of my photoshop skills yet, mods?
can do it for broken barrows gear too :^)
using the same method?
>not worshiping the one true god, guthix
the weak should fear the stronk this is the creed of zamorak
>edgelords that actually believe this
"Evidence from the God letters suggest that Guthix is the strongest of the gods. "
goddamn why are chinks so ugly, they look NOTHING like the cartoons
>he actually said "this is nothing like my anime"
please do not copy my post style
Yes I said it. It doesn't surprise me why their suicide rate is so high. I'd kill myself too if everything looks so perfect in 2D but in person I have to wake up and deal with fish-faced frogfolk gooks instead of at least superior European aesthetics.
the blonde one is a qt dont even lie
it's not even natural blonde, and her face is so round like the moon that apollo could land in it. Trashy nails as well, truly a 0/10
>he doesn't like feminine features
what are you, gay?
haha no, snap out of your asian fever you cuck
Armor stands aren't even working
reminder to not waste your time investing in hammers
Modeusu is actually a staff member though, this has been confirmed
he just doesn't like putting on his crown, but he still pulls the strings
the only string he pulls is the one connected to a row of anal beads
well yeah, he's the one pulling it from your body
thats pretty lewd, desu
keep going
fuck off Hurt go be a cuck somewhere else
p.s. I will deny any accusation of being the owner of this post in-game