>DoW3 Forums
>Official Website
>Last general's copypasta
I don't even remember
>DoW3 Forums
>Official Website
>Last general's copypasta
I don't even remember
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>Dropping a Rok in the first few minutes of the match
killing orks is fun
I like this game.
Shame thread is so dead.
get raped eldar nerd
Something about his armor looks really stupid... The chest to legs ratio reminds me of Buzz Lightyear
Looking at an actual Dawn of War game, it seems the devs made the torso and the legs skinnier in dow3.
yes and it looks dumb af
God that looks like something straight out of a 90s flick's edgy kid's desktop.
>Everybody says Eldar OP
>Almost every game I watch has Eldar losing
What did I mean by this
they're a really titchy faction, like eldar should be by fluff. potentially really nasty, but require a lot of micromanaging and their low health means they're really unforgiving of fuckups
wew, that's some serious bantz.
This games is great. Too bad that stupid MOBA meme caught on, it's barely similar. It's much closer to the previous games than a fucking MOBA.
There are huge flaws with the multilayer and overall performance/bugs but the MOBA meme was just braindead shitposting. The collective ptsd caused by DoW2 and CnC4 was just too much for RTS and DoW fans alike .
I feel Eldar have a really hard time in the mid game. Their infantry is great for early harassments and they can build wraith guards and fire prisms for late game tanking, but it's they don't really have anything tanky in mid game engagements to maintain sustained combat without worrying about insta wipes. All the games I saw had Eldar fall apart from mid game pressures. It looks like if they can't push the enemy in their ass early on they will have a hard time around mid 2nd phase of the game.
People make fun of tacs all they want, but they are decently tanky enough around mid game to allow for sustained combat without worrying about quick wipes and can rape face with plasma rifles.
Was CnC4 really an objectively bad game on its own right?
I know people have collectively shat on Supreme Commander 2, but I have heard people say it is a good RTS, but it was a horrible fucking idea to attach it to Supreme Commander 1.
I enjoyed the tone of the dawn of war 3 campaign as it seemed to match the feeling of the trailers pretty well in the sense that it's an absolute slaughter for all sides involved
But is it just me or are the blood Ravens just huge jobbers in this? They hardly seem to matter in the actual plot, less than even the knight house.
Granted I liked gorgutz a lot and him being the main show of the story was pretty cool.
All the macha shit was boring as fuck though
I really digged machas side of the story, but yeah the quests were fucking boring.
Eldar missions are a pain in the ass because the energy rates are so fucking low. I can make 6 Dark Reapers in the time frame that I can make a single Wraithblade (this is not accounting for the upgrades needed). I couldn't even afford to get banshees charge upgrades to afford any kind of vehicles. It really dampened the pace of the game and Eldar get the worst end of the stick.
So, there is no DLC? I'm thinking about buying it because while i love starcraft, but i suck at it, i need something more casual
nigga it came out last week. of course there's no dlc yet
That's a good thing, usually there is like 2 -3 dlcs at launch, i wouldn't buy the game if that was the case
There were some shitty preorder skins, that's it I think
I liked the idea of eldar having a good reason to fight each other but like said
The resource rate in eldar missions was so low and their mid game survivability so shit that you just end up waiting for resources to tick so you can make another dark reaper wave to support your wraithlord
Once you can get a few wraith units then it's gg but getting there takes so much time
Macha strikes me as a get shit done kind of elf. She doesnt have time to be smug, too busy getting shit done
and she definitely wants to hatefuck Gabriel
yeah. midgame you've got falcons and shadow spectres. both are meh
putting in fire dragons and/or jetbike guardians would probably shore them up pretty nice
They could use a brightlance. They dont have a reliable long range av platform
I know they're supposed to be transports, but putting in a wave serpent would probably give them a nasty MBT option
Dead thread. Is the game shit
Rampant shitposting and nitpicking is not doing it any good. Especially since normie faggots on steam forums actually believe it.
Now to get the rest.
Egh, I still cannot figure out what race I wanna main... I'm leaning towards eldar but idk.
Also, how do you rewind replays?
>play eldar in 1vs1
>all the games end in 10~15min
>never get to level anything beside strike scorpions
Playing eldar is suffering
Game is great because there are so many different builds that are available to experiment with. It seems like they all are pretty viable, too.
holy shit ork kommandos are fuck as fuck
>enemy is pushing on us hard, defeated our army and no approaching the turrets
>kommando finds a convenient scrap pile to detonate
>literally annihilates 90% of the enemy army
>what we have left cleans up and gains massive amounts of ground
before we meet more resistance
>kommando blows them up again and we roll through
DoW2 is good. Better than this crap. Glad I got a refund.
As much as i like DoW2 you are idiot and i feel sorry for you.
This thread needs to burn. Along with this putrid abomination of a game.
Thanks for your valuable input, have a nice day :)
Can i set orks to auto pick up scrap? By the mid of game i have so much of it and i don't know what to do with all this treasure.
We ain't dying tonight boys
>people are starting to insult me for playing eldar
Elites can grab more scrap and get more killy. Some people claims that you can use scrap also as cover to your troops.
>Was CnC4 really an objectively bad game on its own right?
Which songs of the new soundtrack are your favorites?
Good, only gayboys play eldar
So we all agree the Trukk is the most fun non-elite unit, right?
I don't even play 1v1 anymore because of how gay that 1 eldar build with gates/dire avenger doctrine/scorpions is.
It is like protoss 4gate all over again.
easily this one:
>tfw activating waaagh tower
Great Job!
How 2 counter Eldar as space marines
Yes, scrap and wreckage mitigates incoming fire until theyre destroyed. Wrecks also block infantry line of sight i think.
>eldar allows you to have resource nodes and survive long enough to get to vehicles
must be nice
Fuck Eldar
What's the consensus on Soulstorm? Been playing a lot of Dark Crusade lately and was thinking about getting SS if it dropped in price.
I remember everyone used to hate it now everyone jerks off over it.
It is basically the same thing just with slightly better balance and 2 more races.
Lots of newfriends everywhere these days and for them it was their first dawn of war. Naturally that means they like it best. Same with people suddenly liking DoW2.
Ironlore was a mistake
This and every other game after a sequel comes out
So campaign is basically a series of skirmish battles still. Guess I'll wait for it to hit $5 in a sale at some point since playing Sisters would be cool.
With a terrible backstory and awful cast characters.
>dat narrator
>general "100baneblades" stubbs
at least we got good memes out of it
Makes me glad to be a shitter who usually sticks to playing AI skirmishes anyway.
Is there anything out there that will scratch my itch for Skitarii, or just the Mechanicus in general?
The best thing I could find is a mod for soulstorm that's still in beta.
>general "100baneblades" stubbs
Who was the only good thing of the singleplayer and he still got bested by Gorgutz.
there is a warhound model found in the files for dow3
They are a relatively new 40k army, although the lore existed for a while. Just have to hope DoW3 implements them.
Oh god I'll buy it full price if they do
~I'd do the same if they introduced Tau and or Skitarii. I don't know why they went for three races to start with and not a rounded 4, to be honest.
because people will pay for the 4th
If they put Tau, I want to have enphasis on the alien auxiliares. I want some Kroot and Demiurge Elites, for Emprah's sake.
Or at least a reason to use them unlike DoW 2 where pure tau is just easier and nice.
Yeah, probably. They bought extras in CoH2
>DoW 2
>On DoW 2.
Did I miss something outside the Last Stand?
Best way to counter Howling Banshee spam with their full Doctrine support?
Their Charge just rips through squads, even ASMs.
I think the user was talking about last stand
>Friday 6pm
>7,866 In-Game
decent population but still,a heavy drop after only 7 days.
Scout grenades + flamer. But in reality, just have to hope that the eldar is really bad honestly. Flamer can get interrupted and/or silenced and all their other shit like scorpions and dire avengers under gate buff will shit all over your clever set-up.
Playing against good eldar players is literal suffering.
I don't know, he said pure Tau is easier than using auxiliaries, I don't remember the Tau in last stand having anything like that
Current multiplayer meta is fucking up the game hard. Don't have much desire to keep playing atm because of it and I image others feel this way too.
yeah, I fucked it, meant DoW. sorry boiz.
There is / was a mod for DoW2 that had Tau, though. Replaced IG I think but I never tried it.
Most of people only got it for SP just like other DOWs.
why did they make speeders if they are absolutely awful at everything, riddle me this lads
>one of the best vehicles in the game
try again, faggot
i have never lost to any player using skimmer class vehicles ever user, do tell how they are used effectively considering their cost.
bump for canon soulstorm winner!
SM skimmer is the only one worth using. use it destroy LP/generators, infantry, other vehicles if you upgrade it. Obviously it isn't meant to be used to soak enemy fire. Just send your army one way and skimmers to harass. If your enemy has no resources you already won.
Team of 3 with multi melta upgrade zipping around to take out whirlwinds in the backlines or to fuck with the enemies LP and uncap their points. Their asscannon also wrecks eldar infantry shields, good for sniping jain zar is you ever catch them unsupported. Takes more micro because they dont last at all againts anything AT
You seem to have posted the wrong image, user.
Vipers are fine too as long as youre not fighting other eldar. Not as hard hitting as LS but the has very good range. Use reverse movement when fighting to keep them out of enemy fire.
you could argue that if you are building them you already have enough power to plop out more dreadnaughts/razorbacks/tanks though , as due to the low hp pool they are a high risk target to as you guys say, any at
I didn't think they did 'enough' blowing shit up for the cost.
I do see the merit of splitting them as a node exploder detachment so I'll try that out at least.
I don't suppose anyone here has figured out how to make deffcopta's work on that note then?
Skimmers are meant to be used for harass early on or mid-game while you are upgrading your army. They aren't great at late game when you can afford dreads/tanks.
Deffcoptas don't seem to be good, even when upgraded with scrap.
Havent played much orks but from the campaign i think deffkopters are kinda trash. Maybe good for scouting to sight targets for ork artillery. I dunno
I can see building 1 or 2 for scouting/harass
>tacs getting buffs
>play eldar
>play vs eldar
>don't even make DA
>get dark reapers first thing instead
It's so funny watching DA drop
That and nerf scorpions/macha/weirdboy.
1 minute cd to bonesinger teleport at the start of the game
Most importantly nerf the fucking Wraithlord's Gate doctrine. That shit alone is so fucking broken.
>10sec cd, almost instant teleport IN TIER FUCKING ONE
>regens shields in combat
>boyz under waagh buff can't catch fleet of foot dire avengers
>bonersinger teleports on them and force melee
>they eat an grenade later on
I am so fucking pissed about this
This game offers VERY little lore but they fucking mention this shit