SC2 general
can't believe that asshole returned it instead of sharing the source code
you realize that blizzard lawyers was going to go after him. how can you compete in legal fees with a billion dollar company
he could have released it stealthily instead he karmawhored on reddit
either way it's their fault for losing it
anyone else staying home on a friday night...
option 1
return the disc, get a pat on the back and some gamur peripherals + make nerds mad
option 2
leak the code so turbosperg self taught programmers can try to improve on perfection
hard choice...
the obvious choice is #2
dafuq it's already friday????
could have swore it was like tuesday or something
is this a fucking joke???
don't ever link a vegan instagram again
ugh girls have it so easy...
hate it or love it dawg
for real, memes aside, what the fuck could have came out of it?
>community balance patch
yea, because those koreans progamers who have played the same version for over 10 years (and all the sc fandom who is hellbent on "let players figure shit out and never touch something") will all move to that community balance shit.
literally give me one thing that could have come out of it.
i'll trade you a blizzcon ticket for that dude
trannyjanny deleted gyuri thread...
this is sad
*reunifies the korean peninsula*
bought that yoyo last night
got money don't my way so idgaf
are you guys retarded, the dude got like $10k worth of free stuff
keep your friends close and your gooks closer.
a gook is worth a thousand words
the early bird catches the gook
if carbs is so bad then how come millions eat it everyday
if cocaine is so bad then how come millions use it everyday
is this meme science or should i really drop juices?
3 weeks into keto and its been great so far. no cravings and only eat once a day(still get my calories goal in that one meal)
what the frick do you eat? butter?
i eat rice/potatoes and bread with almost every meal >_>
what would you like written on your gravestone, you fucking RETARD
"based af"
hahaha what the fuuuuuuuuuck there's no fucking way this is healthy
i hate graphicdesign fag looking shit like this
Fat has been demonized by the media. Look at packages that has "low-fat", they basically replaced it with sugar to make it taste good.
>hates faggy things
>being a faggy complainer about it
why did you deletes it...
so bored i want to die comm
well how am i supposed to crack a cold one if im not supposed to have carbs???
death is our escape
do they know it's a racist word...
i'm trans-gook
what is the significance of this?
im a gookaholic
what do you mean by "they"?
you're the racist...
you can't function without gookahol
*dwells the basement*
i HATE gookahol!
post alcogook waifus
i wish my house had a real basement. most of it is a crawl space with a tiny section for all the heaters you can only get to from outside
should i buy some gookabeer or something else
buy soju
it sucks tho
soju is only like 15%
but when i was at a gook resturant the gook waitress went omo when i ordered a small bottle of soju for myself
i can do this for a long time
Ironically, I play SC2 but hate chinks.
What do, /b/ros?
i only play wol
i really need to do something about organizing my pics... i think this fucking thing is moving them around now when they get old...
looked for a pic of a drunk jgirl for like 5 minutes straight but wtf
alcohol by volume 16.8‒53%
we have time
i wanna try keto but it seems impossible
we take our pent up frustration out on our parents here
unintentionally of course
idols only not just random gooks drinking
nations little whore~
minah and bom aren't idols?
gook overload
are we still listening to 80s jpop
jessica isn't that's for sure
i have that to make fun of tin
stupid gookahol drunk gook sluts
geotteunhan kuri
alchonorms :/
i think the gooks might have a problem...
it's a cultural thing
vive la gook
la gookette
shes afraid someones gonna roofie her >:)
really sharp chest pain -> right into farting
why does this happen
gonna call this cup alcohol
holy crackers i passed my test :3
nice gooks
really digging this thread