Volatility ETFs

Is now a good time to go long on Volatility ETFs?

falling for the volitility meme

What's to fall for? The crash is coming.

This is what I am reading for over three years now.

Index ETFs are the real redpill

Doomsday clock is now at 90 seconds though

Pls don't. I still need some cash for the after-crash buy-in.

>tfw biggest crash since 1930 and you don't have enough money to buy all the blue chips

Be careful going long on ETNs that supposedly track volatility like VXX. They inevitably trend down over time because their underlying assets are futures contracts and are subject to contango loss. Only buy these for short term speculation. Sometimes I like to buy puts on VXX after a period of high volatility to capture the inevitable fall.

VXX looks like it's going for a moon mission soon. I'm probably missing something though.

>long on an ETF
I've done 137% on Robinhood over the past year doing week to week ETF trades, longest I've held something for is a month.

What ETF are you trading?

NUGT, DUST, JNUG, are my main money makers.

How do you trade them? Thanks


How is he bullshitting you?

I've made almost 70% on Robinhood since March, but I don't take as much risk as this guy. My max drawdown is maybe 3.2%.

Git gud.

For clarification, I made most on DWTI and UWTI when oil was bouncing around the 42-46 level, and then I started trading more stock indexes & single stocks.

It's fucking easy if you have a plan going into every trade and don't take every trade (only when you see opportunities).

I'm hoarding Gold/Silver ETFs and cash for the next crash.

How'd you start out? I'm doin Agric etf's. My plan is taking a moderately large position and trade out after 5-10% profit..What's yours? I just started...thnx

You should always short volatility spikes instead of going long when it's low

Yeah UVXY just went up 13% today. I warned everyone to jump on the moon mission last week.

I usually try to buy NUGT, there's a wonderful cycle with it.. Bad Economic News comes out, NUGT goes up ~5 - 10% everybody settles down over the week, more bad news comes out. Buy low, set a Limit Sell, and wait. Seriously, just wait.

Also Not BS. This is since Feb 25, 2016. I started with $200 and told myself if I lost it I was done, and if I was making money I'd just see what I could grow it to without taking any out.

I did a couple trades with UWTI, made 89.07 early on, but then got lost 67.82, sitting on it for a month locking up all my funds, Gold had a much more predictable pattern each week. With some big gains with Brexit and Trump Election. It's super volatile with all of Trumps policies so it's easy to pull out a few bucks everyday.

gl when your gold ETFs get audited and there's no gold


Don't long volatility

Just bought 10 shares of VXX for the Moon Mission