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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Tharja a best and canon
Reminder that you should hang yourself with a piano wire after you have allahu akbar'ed your entire family.
Ocean's gray waves
Kill yourself, retard.
Is it just the artstyle that's making Beruka look like she's four feet tall, or is she a genuine womanlet?
This gave roy further cock
Azura a best
Remember that Tharjafag is breaking two global rules, avatarfagging and low post quality, when they post. Report them, clean up Veeky Forums!
womanlet isn't a thing
a short woman who isn't a midget is called hot
Signaturefagging too, that's three.
Real talk bros, will we ever see an end to the signaturefagging every single thread?
Post the THICCEST FE you've got.
three, actually. signaturefagging.
It's been deleted on occasion, even less so than early threads and avatarfagging, but if you really want to enforce it, the best you can do is just keep reporting it. Even having them BTFO for three days is improvement for the threads
Who's the next mounted GHB?
well she literally looks like a midget
Is there a point to stripping enemies in Fates, I don't seem to do any extra damage as a result?
nice try, womanlet
I want to hold Severa close to my chest and stroke her hair softly! Untiil she tells me it's too embarrassing!
>Caring so much about a lowlife spic who'se only comfort in that miserable shithole he lives in is jerking off to his headcanon
Tharjafag, serious question, don't you have anything better to do with your time? Like, while I'm sure a good portion of the people on here are NEETs or are some variation of autistic, others at least have a life outside of Veeky Forums and /feg/. Have you ever considered hitting the gym? Going for a jog? Learning an instrument? Not because it's "heh, just like in my favorite video gaem!!!111", but for the sake of self improvement just to be a better and more well rounded person? I worry for you, dude.
>he's still here shitposting
>on Cinco de Mayo
Ai ya ya
my cute wife!
>Tharjaspic is still shitposting
>VenomRoy isn't
Well I guess at least one of them is 100% confirmed spic.
Not announced but it'll probably be camus
so do we make a new thread now that we're at 750 or is earlyshits here to stay?
how do you know he's a spic? did he post face?
fuck off, spic
I actually know how to play guitar, and I took a class a few years back on learning MIDI synth. Plus I still have my Japanese studies to get back into. Not everything I do revolves around my waifu, it just looks that way.
He's on /feg/ for over 14 hours a day. This place is his only thing in life.
Is Moonbow the best special attack for a +Atk / -Res Nowloli? Or is there a better build out there other than the standard one?
I like JP Effie
If he did, he knows he'll face a shitstorm of BLACKED posts like what happened to the last couple of waifufags who made the same mistake. In fact I'm fully convinced him and Drill orchestrate most of the BBC shops that happen here.
Ninofags, does your Nino ever take hits? How often?
Just running the numbers, my +atk -def Nino w/darting blow could be as good as a +spd -def Nino with Fury during the player phase. She'll be noticeably weaker during the enemy phase.
She is canonically a stoic midget, which is one of the reasons why Camilla dotes on her so much.
My Nino sometimes takes a rare hit from Taco but I wouldn't call it very reliable. She has to use LaD since she's -Attack so her neutral def is neutered pretty badly.
To get her in Desperation mode I just let her trade with a mage and get to work.
>my feet hurt
Well, good on you, I guess. But this is what I mean, aren't you only learning Japanese because of video games despite how virtually useless it is outside of a hobby? Why not learn a language that can actually be useful to you like Spanish, Chinese, etc.
>needs to learn Spanish
>playing Conquest
>get to chapter with staircase and infinite Faceless
>sacrifice Elise so she can activate the dragon veins while Camilla drags Corrin to the top of the staircase
>she dies, not a single ragret was given
Am I a bad nii-san?
What did he mean by this?
>did he post face?
Yes, but he deleted it. He has pale skin but spic features.
Just delete your save file already
>letting Elise die while Camilla lives
I don't even know where to start.
>sacrifice elise
>not sending Xander w/ benny backpack to tank while also activating the vein
git gud
How would a theoretical Dancing Blade skill work in Heroes? Would it just be a simple +Spd -Def skill?
Not everyone gets a holiday on 5 de mayo
Mexican here, fuck baguettes
It's a MEME
>not ditching Shitzura
You deserve to be killed by Iago's rape fortress.
>implying the only purpose to learning a language is for practicality or usefulness
Learning Japanese can also be good for anime since sometimes I watch livestreams of them, and it is just legitimately fun to learn. Plus I already know Spanish.
Also this is getting a little too off-topic.
Alright can someone just straight up tell me which kid to NOT get in Revelations?
I am not marrying a fucking 2nd gen or a corrixsexual just because of ISIS's retardation. Which of the kids is JUST the most boring, unoriginal, not fun is there /feg/?
Please help
Wait, trading isn't allowed in FE4 unless you're married? Not even Weapons?
You guys saving up for one last roll on the hero fest banner or saving for the mage gauntlet?
I've never accidentally posted my face here, you're probably thinking of that Asian user.
Dwyer may be a good kid at heart but his dad is absolutely awful and doesnt deserve to breed
>albino spic
>never sees sunlight
>spends all his free time learning Japanese and making BBC shops of Belkabro and Cherchebro
>only pictures he has are poorly made crayon drawings of an ugly chick and two kids he wants to bang
Is there anyone more pathetic? I bet he even cane from Gamefaqs.
I already killed her at Fuga's Wild Ride
Obviously I do need to git gud, no denying that. But even with tonics and Benny, Xander still gets chipped to death by all the faceless with Savage Blow, and then one of them rock things one-shots him at 1HP. How do I avoid this?
Don't worry, I have no intention of keeping Camilla alive, this was her only intended use. I hate all of the Nohr family.
I'm saving for the Mage Gauntlet. I want my Linde, Julia, and maybe Snacki. Also a spare Henry to pass around his great skills.
>not saving up orbs for the next power creep units
People will tell you that Hisame sucks and is boring, but he's really just not over-the-top or "anime" when compared to the others, which is refreshing. He also has one of the game's better supports, with Ophelia.
Dump Not!Gaius. He's literally just Gaius without the stuff that makes him interesting or likable.
That was just some dumbass phone poster
You two should get a room.
No, you did the latter half of last year, and i'm sure it was intentional.
>I hate all of the Nohr family
I think you should maybe heck off, dumb bully.
I like Hana
>and two kids he wants to bang
Hey daughters are for hugs, not fugs, ok.
Is Sacred Stones a good FE game to start out with?
also are the newer FE games any good or are they just waifu-fests?
I'm on like 8%. I'm upset. On the last day, I'll use my rolls and see what happens.
The fuck are you losers doing? The OP isn't even right. POST MORGAN. IT'S HER BIRTHDAY YOU FUCKS
>He's a Hoshicuck
her model is average-sized compared to the rest of the cast's females
T-That's real rude of you! Can you p-please not be so mean and call me bad names?
Then why does all your crayon art have Morgan's tits hanging put baka desu senpai?
One last hoorah on the golden jew banner. I already have Reinhardt, Julia, and Sanaki so don't feel a need to roll for anyone.
Plus it's not 5%
fucking USELESS I can't believe everybody hyped up this piece of SHIT
Who is going to be the blue mage that will powercreep her into being obsolete?
>hating the Nohr family
Don't tell me you fell for the Story Xander meme?
I also don't know how you can hate Leo, at worst he's pretty inoffensive.
I like Hana
got all hero fest units, none of them had shit IVs luckily
also have tharja and nino, so i don't really need linde. linde would be nice to have, but not that much of an upgrade.
i think i'll keep hoarding.
30$ should be enough r right?
Tinyhands already exists
I threw Morgan into a pack of wild Risen because she was an awful little shit.
>Story Xander
Hello Ghast!
SS is probably the easiest game in the series. It makes up for it with a reasonably good story and a great cast.
So for newbies? I couldn't imagine a better game.
Doesn't even have a good voice like he used to
I am saving for you big guy, by the time before hero fest banner ends i have a whopping 5 orbs
How much would /feg/ sell Lady Lyndis for?
>implying he's not already here
No, seriously. I'm not pretending to be some expert at writing analysis and shit but it's clear that Story Xander is garbage while Support/Heroes is a lot better. It's not unreasonable to think someone might get a negative opinion on Xander based only on his shitty story writing, y'know?