Smurfing edition
Smurfing edition
Top ten for purge all lulufags and their supporters
GA is good since it can keep you from getting bursted down beside your teammates then you can heal it back up with botrk and bloodthirster
the added AD works you up SO well with your attack speed
btw botrk, bloodrazor, wits end, and berzerkers, runes + masteries, and maxed E put you RIGHT on the edge of the attack speed cap, rageblade puts you FAR over for poor returns especially with the shit tier buildpath
today sucked
redpill me on lux
is she still viable in 2017
I really wish they kept doing the minor champion updates for the class reworks.
Now that i've played a bunch of games on this patch I really feel not all that much has changed for what was supposed to be such a massive patch
This seems to be the standard.
Gosh, that's a lot of cs.
She's cute
Alright Ill give it a whirl next time I play hothands. Thank you for the suggestion, friend!
fluffy tails
Okay in mid, really good support.
comfy bfs~
play ryze
feel what dealing no damage actually feels like.
Do you have a bf?
>king gay
>actually having a bf
nah, guys arent as into me as much as girls are
shit sucks
Ahhh, that blissful time of evening has finally come. When the melatonin in my brain flows naturally, unconsciously. And the sweet embrace of careless slumber creeps along, swallowing me whole, from the bottom up.
I'm ready bois. Goodnight lolg. Good luck on the rift!
This gamemode is just as boring as I'd expect it to be
goodnight user, sleep tight
q + ult will proc tlords even though its just 2 spells and that makes her okay
what the fuck are you talking about
goodnight tho
e + auto procs tld too
t. 3/24 player that singlehandedly lost his team the game
No, he is just ugly and delusional
my girlfriend left for a week and i haven't eaten real food since
save me
wow king ur so cool and not a desperate degenerate at all
>Sej literally hotfix nerfed two consecutive days in a row
>Not even breaking 55% winrate in her supposedly busted state
>Meanwhile Ivern sits at 57%+ winrate for TWO FUCKING MONTHS and is only now seeing changes.
Riot may as well just come out with a list of "These Champions are allowed to be good" so I can stop wasting my fucking time
why did ur gf leave for a week?
don't let yourself eat till you qualify/win promos
motivation :^)
Post 'em
Rate 'em, love 'em or hate 'em
had to go out of state to do some medical training stuff for her pharmacy degree
Watching plats play is weird
They do stupid shit or they pop off and 1v9 the game
>I only want equal treatment when it benefits me and makes me feel good: The post.
And this is the single most perfect example one can give as to why you should never take anything from LoL's official board's seriously.
Well that and the massive amount of obvious tank and support mains there.
thots begone
plat truly is the strangest rank
dude if I wanted to fug I could, I just dont really like regular girls
tho I do something accept if they agree to buy me food since I didnt have a job
now that I got a job I can just tell em im gay like usual
just buy some eggs, potatoes, and some ground beef
if youve got some spices you can turn that shit into TONS of good food
so why haven't you eaten real food since?
because im too much of a lazy nigger to cook and she does all the cooking
>dude if I wanted to fug I could, I just dont really like regular girls
literal meme/10
Quick, post some Lux cosplays and art.
yeah bro ur so cool dude we totally dont think ur a piece of shit degenerate attention seeker
>Counterplay centric design says an ability shouldn't just do flat damage and that there should be some meme gimmick to it that if you're a certain distance or some shit or you type "I'm not gay" really fast the ability does half damage for no reason.
what did he mean by this
Jesus fuck WW is fucking broken
What did they do to him
post that crippling depression lux
warwick is a killing machine with the right items
you really dont understand how easy it is to get sex as a gay do you?
download grinder, post a pic of ur abs or flabs and wait a few min its LITERALLY that easy
anyway Ive got some irl friends to hang out with so my postings done for now, later geeks
her blackwatch skin gave me many faps
almost made my gf break up with me cus she was so jelly baka
>caring about kda in anything outside of SR
>tryharding in a meme game mode
>People actually finishing their jungle item Red smite+Warriors on Shaco now
WTF when did this happen, i always thought u never finish your machete on Shaco and just go Titanic+whatever the fuck you want
>people still playing shaco
that's the biggest surprise
havent seen a shace since lethality was a thing
>those fat folds
into the trash
>be dogshit at a game
>wow lol wasnt evn tryin not even the REAL game mode haha
nice cop out son
>do a flex queue for shits
>3 people with the same club name
>nothing but coordinated rotations and mastery 7 spam
I expected premades but this is seriously pathetic. Do people actually play this queue exclusively? It seems to be nothing but people getting carries
Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.
Any bets?
>getting carried in flex queue
>literal temporary rotation mode
>tryharding or caring
Are you that guy who gets mad in URF?
must take some next level autism to care about some meme game mode that doesn't matter at all
I bet you afk in ARAMs
>Main for the longest time
>Still feels clunky playing him after all this time
How long has it been...?
>that's the biggest surprise
>havent seen a shace since lethality was a thing
>4th Win rate in the Jungle
>playing normie teamwork queue on a Friday night
Yes that's what it is and the only way for friends to play ranked, which I can't even do with my own friends because apparently a 4 man team is too much for a ranked queue
>come back after not playing for a year
>get tons of key shards
>start playing regularly
>suddenly stop getting key shards all together
>stop playing for another couple months
>get tons of key shards
>key shard drop rate falls off again
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>win rate = play rate
go back to school, kiddo
all that gay porn has messed up your brain
it diminishes and its hard locked to only drop enough to make 4 keys per month
you can play with 3 and 5, just not 4
why not 4 tho?
Besides the dicklovers and waifu/pedofags, what are you tired of seeing in /lolg/?
>I haven't played this game in X years.
>Is X still viable?
>Muh key shards?
>How do I get blue essence without giving my shekels to riot?
You know you only can get 1 per champ per season.. right
Still LF a duo on NA
A champion like Shaco should never have a high playrate. Even now after his supposed gutting a 5% winrate is far higher than he's had in the past and is still in the top 5 in overall champion winrates
heartseeker lucian
then send it to me
lolg worst general on 4chins so many autistic waifufags
[spoiler[Should I buy Yasuo unironically tho?[/spoiler]
for some reason, riot's spaghetti code algorithm can't handle matching a 4 premade with one random floater
Although I have noticed this in OW. If I queue with a 5 people, it can take like 10 minutes to get a game
post summoner name
>Crafting the best teemo skin
shiggy diggy
>lolg more autistic than the kings of sniffing, fgg
Their matchmaking algorithm would be magnitudes more efficient if 4 was allowed, they got a bunch of pajeets on payroll, which also explains why the new client is giving lots of people with good pcs fps spikes.
I want to cuddle Nami in a warm bath!
So someone is going to need to explain to me what makes Kha jungle so good because Im just not getting it
Heres how every game I have a k6 jungle on my team goes
>Guy picks K6
>Enemy jungler is some form of tanky CC
>They gank better and have a much more noticeable impact in teamfights
>Kha is just squishy and always negative kda and does nothing but try to dive someone and die
Its got to the point where I ban him when I get the chance simply because I dont want him on my team
424 RP lying around should I buy keys to open these retarded chests
"Can we delete X"
No seriously, I get fucking sick of seeing people literally wanting a champion removed from the game. No one "deserves" it because your personal experience was ruined.
Things need to be balanced out, but I don't want to hear for the upteenth time that Fizz needs to be deleted because, newsflash, Riot will not do it. They will nerf him, maybe even make him actually bad but they will not physically remove him from the game and people need to accept that shit.
What are some champs that most people will agree is (perfectly) balanced?
Yas is fun for like a few games. If you get fed, you can tilt the other team so hard.
That skin is fucking trash tho
> riot doesn't remove champions
rip old ryze
Moar pls
>into the trash
Motherfucker don't shittalk her like that.
Certainly not tryndamere
That one butthurt Renektonfag who constantly reposts the same webm of Renekton getting BTFO by Darius when he completely misses the irony of the vid being more evidence of Renekton being busted more than anything
go lurk their general. you'll learn
Does Karma have low mana costs? It feels like shes able to poke nonstop and never actually worry about going oom
He instantly deletes people. Good for taking out mid and adc's.
You're right though in that his natural counter is just grouping. Do that and you're fine.
everyone knows that you fucking moron
I want to go exploring in Lulu.
> guy picks assasins
> they have reliable cc
> he's useless
oh wow
vaia vaia, hablan el lenguaje del frijol?