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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Tharja a best and canon
I hope you all remembered to wish Morgan a happy birthday, she should be showered with love and affection all the time.
Only thing I'll shower her with is my baby batter once I'm done giving her my birthday present. All 6 inches of them.
-hp or -res for a +spd ike?
I have a +Atk Effie, not planning to give her brave lance+, does it make more sense to give her dragonic aura, instead of bonfire?
Finally a good thread
>both are 3 charge
You can answer this quesion yourself with some simple math.
>Place WoM on Nino and Olivia
>Suddenly start getting (you)s.
So that's the secret.
Will we ever have a little retarded Nino sister thread?
Think about it like this
-hp affects both your defense and res
Hag a best
-hp = less hp needed to get rid of to trigger vantage
I've made Fae before, but that was with the older, less detailed wallpapers. Here's a new revamped one.
For those who didn't see from last thread, I've been making Fire Emblem Heroes phone wallpapers. Feel free to make a request with a character.
>it's a same-turn reinforcement chapter
Alright thanks I'll go with -hp then.
I like Hana
Hana's little toes
>arena rank updates
Please just let me stay in the top 30,000 for once, I even got a defense again.
Decide my destiny
Believe in the quad memes.
Once I put this retard on my team I started getting a flood of defenses.
What IVs?
Get the Azura on the left.
Ah, not Fae, Faye. Though, that one is adorable too. I can hear her 'RAWR'
make one for the eye man
I'm extremely tempted to just put tri adept on Nino and give her Cecilia's weapon. Reinhardt and Kagero are fucking bullshit, plus Cecilia's weapon gives me the bonus of giving the middle finger to Takumi, Klein and other colorless units which may be weak, but still exist.
Is there any real reason why I shouldn't do this? I don't have access to fury.
Nino has crap for Defense. Aslong you keep her away from Brave users she should be fine. Do whatever the fuck you like.
She still gets hit by Kagero for 17+ damage
Pivot or Swap on Hector?
Also Moonbow or Bonfire?
Whoops! My mistake. Here, take this.
The main reason why you wouldn't do this is that you'd have to promote Cecilia to get enough MT to pull it off, and at that point you might as well just use TA Cecilia. No infantry weakness to Kag, higher movement, higher defense/res. It's a strict downgrade.
Nino appreciates the rounded stats from Fury, but you can get good mileage out of Death or Darting Blow as alternatives. Or just Attack +3 if you're super stingy.
Thank you! It looks wonderful!
>4776 score gets me a 7146 rank
I hope this shit holds out
Moonbow or Draconic Aura on Ryoma?
Bonfire and Swap
Nino has better speed and I just prefer her more as character. She was my favorite from FE7. That's the main reason why I'd want to do it.
do it.
some madman on here also did the same thing.
Not hoping that much since the first two orbs are another si fodder that never be used ever. Good thing this guy decided to show up. Bonus point for +atk/-hp
What's the best special that works well with fury+vantage? Memebow/draconic ?
Why is Swap > Pivot? Just curious
hope i stay in top 5k
I never thought the day where I wanted to pull Odins
I never thought I'd see the day where I wanted desperately to pull Hinatas.
It's not like she's stuck with a mediocre tome like Soren or FeMu though. Gronnblade fits her minmaxed glass cannon stats really well as is, so why not play to her strengths?
>guy on my friends list has Desperation on MaMU
>29 speed
What is even the point of that
Thanks for the link, I'll look through it now. Some of the ratings seem surprising but maybe he'll justify them well.
Actually this seems like an interesting idea. What if /feg/ went through the roster and composed a FE5 character rating+analysis document with our own opinions? Would anyone else be interested?
Cos you need an empty space next to the unit you're saving with Pivot
I find Swap to be more flexible
still looking for my 2nd Flolina
>dem thighs
>shitty tits
I can't deal with this. It sucks so much when an artist fails a part of a picture. It ruins everything.
saggy tits might just be his fetish
You have friends?
I only have two at the moment, one an actual friend and the other some guy from the arena.
Who do you plan on putting Darting Blow on? I have like 4 Florinas but got no one who wants it.
>just got the game a few days ago
>want a really good team
>rolls are shit so far
>got a hector last roll, good shit
>final roll before banner goes away
>get picture related
Aside from the Archer guy, I think I'm about done with this banner - thank god.
Now to try and get Ike before he vanishes.
I guess because she doesn't really fit the team comps I've been using, and I don't feel like building a team around her. I feel like I could probably go back to getting flawless runs on arena much easier if I made her able to take a hit on enemy turn and counter->kill.
I'm still wavering on it though because gronnblade is really good, and I have inherited some hone buffs on other characters to help her out. But man...Reinhardt and Kagero give me so much trouble. They were balanced before because the arena scoring system fucked them out of play but now they're just an all-encompassing menace for me. It feels like the meta is either mage meta or cav land now. A lot of the shit that I used to do doesn't work as well anymore.
+Atk -Res
You got the same number of 5*s that I have in 1 month and half playing, with all freebie orbs gone, in one roll. Thankfully the stats of my units are usually superb.
Mage tanks with brave tome when?
I hate this Bonus Units shit. Anna's at Level 40 4* and can't contribute much, if at all.
Then in two weeks, I'll have to deal with Weird Al, who will get doubled and killed by every mage in the game who isn't Green.
Distant Counter seal when?
Should ninja tits(+spd , -hp) , Xander, or zephiel get 5*ed next?
+Res Olwen with Fury?
Unless you mean armored. That'd be fun.
If you're willing to spend the 20k tax for Raven+, I suppose there's no real harm in trying it out. Run the calcs with your team setup and see if she lives what you want her to.
At the end of the day, just because a unit's outclassed in a role doesn't mean that they can't still perform sufficiently in it, which is all you need if you really like that unit. If it works, it works.
Sounds better than having to lug around a 4* Zephiel
Good god Xander is fucking nasty with cav buffs and fury
i thougth you guys said he was bad
>Need 2k feathers for hone cav on Xander
>still need 20k on top to 5* him and still need to roll a Hinata
I'd say 5* the ninja. I have her myself, and she murders anyone on foot so quickly, and with range, most of them can't do anything about it melee wise.
Even with the moments of striking at an archer, she kills them before they can even counter. That and I enjoy having her follow my units that give +stats to those around them, allowing a two vs one combo all the time.
Ninofag from before here.
I skipped out on making Cecilia a 5* unit and giving Nino her tome. I had some second regrets on that. I did, however, give Nino tri adept to fuck all the Reinhardts. I managed to only encounter one Kagero who I was able to defeat, and a lot of archers who I wrecked no problem. I encountered 4 Reinhardts and 2 Lindes, all of which Nino obliterated. I got a perfect run and scored 4,786. Feels good man.
Ninja tits. Work on securing the other members of a horse team before upgrading Xander. You already have Snacki for a red anyways.
Glad it worked out for you.
It was just shitposters and people trying to play him like Reinhardt. He is pretty much a Hector on a horse. Play him like you would play Hector with 3 move.
t. I don't own Ike or Ryoma
When will Fire Emblem introduce more black people into its games?
She's good as a Dread Fighter.
>tfw the best I can do right now is Fury 2 from Bartre
If you build a team around anyone with meme buffs they can be decent.
Danved and Devdan was enough
Snacki is +hp -atk (rerolls fucking when), so I guess ninja tits it is
I'd kill for a Jaffar by the way. I never got him on the edgelord and friends banner. I'm still hoping they'll add Canas too.
Pump and dump Rebecca!
When they make a county that's been enslaved
The laguz were originally black but they changed them to animals at the last minute, they were happy with the end result because they didn't need to change any text
Japs are racist af
African Emblem on Switch
Not on my watch.
I've never bothered with meme buffs, but now I got Hector
How does Goad work exactly? Would Hector's goad buff himself as well?
>Bow string going behind his body
That's some trick shot.
Fucking read you illiterate monkey
No. Its like a spur but 2 range and 2 stats. Pretty busted desu
Goad and Ward work like spurs, so no.
>not doing trickshots
That's what proccing crits and skills is all about
Rebacca truly is a shoujo manga heroine
feh archers don't need bowstrings.
When will we get a significant use for all these badges?
I gave my Cecilia TA 2 just for that express purpose of combating Reinhardts, but i mostly use a blade tome.
>read you illiterate monkey
IV altering