People still believe we are a Christian Nation

>People still believe we are a Christian Nation

Top Fucking Kek

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Top Fucking Kek

At least you tried, fedora.

The US was founded by Jewish bankers and Freemasons. It's been a Satanic country since day one. A lot of commoner Americans are Christian, though, and it's not like any other country is much better off anymore (and many have fallen even further, including my own). The only time democracy is mentioned in the Bible is when the mob votes to crucify Jesus. You yanks should have stayed loyal to your king.

Dont know what's the deal with the first quote
Second quote shows you must be stupid to think it shows anything other than something taken straight out of The First Grader's Guide to International Relations... its intent wasn't to prove America wasn't a Christian nation. They were saying they weren't going to reignite the Crusades.

third quote is made by Paine who was such an unsufferable fedora no one liked him, nor showed up at his funeral.

Fourth quote is talking about how an american national church is a terrible idea, given all the bullshit it caused in europe.

Why are 'muricans so eager to conjure the spirit of the founding fathers to support their agendas, and especially treating them like a single person with similar viewpoints?
Yeah, you had catholics and protestants and deists and masons among them.
Each had their own ideas about how religion should function within your country.
But now you have retards trying to quote mine these people to prove either they wanted them more christian than the bible belt, or they had USSR-tier hatred of it.

Correction, you're a secular state built by a Christian nation.

A little off-topic but personally I love just talking about the founding fathers. Like you said, all the diverse ideas and genius they had all put in one place was truly a great achievement. [spoiler]Also i've been listening to alot of Hamilton and 1776[/spoiler]

yeah, but they are interesting of themselves and their ideas taken individually(let's make sure we don't make monopolies on land, for example, and let's make it so we have separation of powers and federalisation, so we don't tun into a tyranny).
When you take them as some nebulous hive-mind, it's a schizophrenic mess(like any group of smart, diverse individuals), and the only social ideas they had in common were stuff like sodomy being a criminal offense in every one of the thirteen colonies, minus Georgia+Thomas Jefferson advocating for the castration of homosexuals.
And i don't think any party is taking up that strategy.

All of this is true and buttmad Christians will deny it and whine about it forever.

This culture of Veeky Forums-contratrianism has gone too far. Conflating Religion with Government is pure stupidity.

>yeah, but they are interesting of themselves and their ideas taken individually(let's make sure we don't make monopolies on land, for example, and let's make it so we have separation of powers and federalisation, so we don't tun into a tyranny).

Exactly! So many people these days try to make the Father' policies theirs but fail to realize the diversity of ideas in the Revolution. It's frustrating how smug some people in politics are.

>When you take them as some nebulous hive-mind, it's a schizophrenic mess(like any group of smart, diverse individuals), and the only social ideas they had in common were stuff like sodomy being a criminal offense in every one of the thirteen colonies, minus Georgia+Thomas Jefferson advocating for the castration of homosexuals.

Woah didn't know about that. Makes sense though, it was the time period. Also wasn't it rumored [spoiler]that Hamilton was butt-buddies with Hamilton?[/spoiler]

>Hamilton was butt-buddies with Hamilton
I meant Laurens

Kek you are though. Weithaa you like it or not.

We were; we no longer are.

>Fedora tippers and churchcucks still try to ignore based Deism to this very day.
God exists, but he isn't some asshole who gets butthurt that you jerked off last night.

Christianity was reintroduced to united states during cold war to combat communism, it's also about time where republicans and democrats did the switcheroo and republicans became the conservatives and democrats the progressives.

Reminder that Thomas Paine was run out of town and only barely avoided lynching because of his fedora tipping.

>people ignore unfalsifiable horseshit



>that founding father was a fedora so dont listen to him

Deists are slightly more tolerable than Christians. At least deism doesn't really provide any different ethics or morals from secular humanism.

They didn't really care to know the nuances of Islam back then

It was the deists who turned into fedoras

there's an alternative to the secular humanism meme and its called natural law

>putting Thomas Paine next to three founding fathers

It not that "don't listen to the fedora", but he was very against the grain, and everyone hated him for it.


so, when did you stop wearing mixed fabrics?

>a small minority of founding fathers were fedora-tipping deists

You're right, though. Rebelling against your king isn't exactly a godly act.

>Christianity was reintroduced to united states during cold war to combat communism
It wasn't reintroduced per se. It just took a great role in governing.


All you have to do is look at the Constitution. There ain't shit about Jesus or God in it. The only things related to religion are the first amendment, and the ban on religious requirements for public office.

Even the Declaration of Independence, which is not legally binding, uses the term "Creator", not "God" or "Jesus". And Jefferson's original draft used "nature's god", which is clearly deistic.

The only way in which the United States is a "Christian nation" is that the majority of its citizens are Christian. But fortunately, we're a constitutional republic, not a pure democracy. And that majority is made up of various sects who often wildly disagree.