Dead game edition
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Dead game edition
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First for the game is fun :^)
BF4 is pretty cheap now, should I grab it?
I got all the DLCs for free.
why not
it's pretty fun if a bunch a people decide to go back to it
how did you get the dlc without purchasing the game?
I'm worrying that I'll be facing highly experienced players that would fuck me up big time. Like ATGMs, mortars, drones, better tanks/apc/helicopter/jets versus mine.
They gave it for free when BF1 was about to launch.
>highly experienced players that would fuck me up big time
pretty much but you get decent starting equipment
alright, I'll get it
>only 17 usd
tracer dart was literally the best anti vehicle mechanic
Dude i bought the game the other day at a cheap sale for under 30 bucks and was just about to get a new rig because of it
Still, i predict that the pessismists are wrong and that the night time operations (tahure + nivelle nights) getting released for the whole playerbase for free along with the upcoming two expansions will reinvogate the BF1 playerbase back to release-tier levels again.
I mean just look at BC2, that one also had massive content droughts and only a couple meaningful patches (a lot less than BF1 actually) after initial release and still people played it years after the main lifecycle had ended and even found ways to mod its frostbite1.5 engine
And keep in mind that one didn't even have the novel BF1 setting in it...
It's going to be "at least" another one and a half years until BF1 dies fully, dice can offset this even more if they would enable freely/custom-hosted servers though
I hope EA would let DICE "fuck this shit".
Like DLCs are given for free after some few months - then sales went high because everyone's getting the base game.
I still like the game and I've been playing since last Black Friday. I'm a rather good player (2.3 KD and support most used class, followed by assault) which maybe explains why I'm still playing it so much.
But the fucked up patches are getting annoying. The bugs from last week patch is getting a bit too much, the light and brightness is suddenly fucked, the netcode "fix" with the shitty bugs, then there was this horrible horrible operation map in which one side keeps getting spawnraped (I paid 50 euro's for this shit map?) and they suddenly started switching the ammo system (for no reason at all) which really fucked up the core machanism of the game and now all of the sudden the ammo system is changed again and the ammo pouches I have been rocking since november are worthless since they don't replenish grenades anymore. This ruined the cavalry class as well since the ammo puch is now useless because you can't get your grenade back which was usefull to use on tanks while passing on your horse.
The fighter nerf was a good thing but it comes waaay to late, I have had numerous of frustrating operations because of those cheap kills. One last thing that is completely ridiculous but that DICE refuses to acknowledge are the useless scouts ruining operations, they should be limited in quantity.
Also I have been getting so much "traded kills" it's ridiculous. One can happen from time to time but these are happening way too often.
Posting screenies.
Piloting those is rather fun.
With graphics tweak.
and another
It was a good fix though.
Is this the CTE map?
nah, it's from the campaign
one more
Really a boring map.
it's a better infantry map than argonne desu
So was any of the weapons in TSNP actually worth getting?
The Chauchat is really nice.
that firing sound
Assault and support are really good.
Baguette bolt action is pretty good. Lebel Infantry is better than all the other infantry varients with the exception of SMLE.
Plus the Legendary skin is wet as fuck.
>playing operations and losing badly
>look at squads
>10 scouts on the team
the record i have had on my team was 13 i believe. had that many on a few occasions
>300 kills each for new hellriegel and luger 1906 variants
I feel you
So that's why everyone uses the fucking hellriegel??
Has anyone ever played an Operation? I've tried to join at least two dozen times. The most players I've ever seen in a game was four.
Platform? I'm doing fine on xbone but i always choose "quick match". If you pick a specific Operation it might be more difficult to find a full match.
Are the 40 or 64 man games more populated? I didn't notice you could quickmatch operations. I'll give it a shot. Is it a fun game mode, by the way?
If you like chaotic and more fast-paced games then sure, it's like Rush on steroids. A bit frustrating if you get paired with retards though.
i generally don't have too much trouble finding one
>wet as fuck
What did she mean by this
BF1 would be a lot less shit if the TTK was more like BF3 across the board. Fuck, I put 120 hours into it and I'm more then sick of it.
Use quickmatch for operations and you might get lucky. Operations were very populated on launch and when the first DLC just had released, now it really died down.
it's pretty cinematic too
game is literally garbage
>nothing but explosions everywhere
>literally spawn with 20 hp most of the time
>15 snipers per team at least even when attacking
>useless medics
>the state of the assault life in bf1
cant stand how shit and full of themselves those AAA studios are
the game is fucking trash, they need to play 64 operations 24h a day for a week straight, eat up that shit, then actually work and make soime changes on the game
I tried to play today, after a hundred hours I played maybe the worst game ever, the worst shit I had to endure in a fucking multiplayer game, and I uninstalled finally.
you guys who bought anything more than the base game need to reconsider your choices in life.
I'm trying to import an emblem from emblemsbf to my BF1 companion, but I keep getting either "Error" or "Emblem is Not Defined" when I try it, no matter which browser I try using. I have premium so it shouldn't be an issue with the layers. Would anyone know why this is happening?
When playing Cavalry on Hardcore, is it ok to shoot a teammate if he tries to steal my horse?
I know this is completely unrelated to BF but does anyone in the xbone platoon want to try Sea of Thieves? I'm in the technical alpha and it has an 'invite friends' option
Wow, are people still playing this casual piece of crap on PC?
I've tried it at a friend's house, and found it way way way too consolized. It just feels really arcade, boring and repetitive... It was clearly made for dumb console players. I mean, you see who their audience when they put an american nigger on the cover... and don't even feature the most important country (France) in the vanilla game. Like, wtf?
The graphics are really good though. But the console feeling is too much of a joke for me to play that crap.
Enjoy your game, dumb cunts.
And keep thinking that niggers from the U.S had anything to do in WWI... pathetic.
wtf i hate bf now
>ummm hey didja know that there weren't actually black people in the US army?
We all knew
I don't have a GED and I knew
there aren't any alternatives
arma 3 is different and runs like absolute dogshit.
rainbow six still suffers from netcode issues, balance, spawn kills etc..
not to mention it isn't my type of game, i want to like it but i can't.
BUT YOU CAN GO FAST COD/TF2 are boring and dead on PC
CSGO, played CS1.6 and CSS to death when i was younger, no more.
and thats it, i still play BF1 and Squad.. nothing else is worth it
Do we know if there going to combine the two random maps into an operation? That'd be dope
Hey pcbros--how're the new maps? Really looking forward to both of them
Bf2: Project Reality 2?
Insurgency (the actual hl2 mod not the standalone)?
Red Orchestra 2 (and Vietnam soon)?
Day of Infamy (didn't try it, but read it's not too bad)?
Verdun 14-18 (which came out way before bf1)?
And so on...
If you keep pre-ordering games and buying all the DLCs, the devs will keep making casual shit games.
How does platoon work?
Does it show all the members playing on a server or does it only show one member for each server?
And is there a limit to how many servers the platoon screen shows?
>only 26 hours until I find out if I get lucky and get a new medal to work on
5/39 is not great odds, but at least I got one this week, so hopefully something new will come up.
And the best part is none of the ones left could possibly be worse than Legion of Sacred Unity.
it shows the number of members on the server with a few of their names.
that i've seen, there is no limit to the number of servers it shows.
I'm trying to get the Rush mode medal but I just cant get 5 plants. I'm too used to playing operations.
I main Conquest so that was a bit hard for me too.
I didn't have any real strategy for it beyond running in, diving prone, and trying to at least get an arm before getting killed.
I suggest getting to the farther objective from the bulk of the enemy team the second the new objectives come up, that was at least 3 of my plants.
Keep plugging away at it, it's far from the hardest medal I've completed. You'll get there for sure by 8:00 tomorrow.
Defending as Germans on Hardcore Rush with a MG15 is pure bliss tbqh
If there's a deadlock around one mcom, the other one often has noone guarding it. Just head over there and plant. Then some of the enemies will run over to you, allowing the rest of your team to plant on the first mcom.
>after a hundred hours I played maybe the worst game ever, the worst shit I had to endure in a fucking multiplayer game
wow that must have been a pretty bad match user
>just died to someone with 100 service stars on the automatico
how do they do it
They're the kind of people that look up which weapon has the fastest time to kill and just use that one
i cant pick which i hate more, dying to an automatico or an A-10 Hunter autist
Gonna sound retarded probably but what is the key for ingame screenshots and where are they saved to?
I've been gone from BF1 for some months because of college.
I'm considering buying the frog DLC. Should I? I heard the game is pretty dead by now.
Only shitty players complain about explosives.
>hide behind cover the whole game
>get BTFO by grenades
>open options menu
>black screen
>screen flickering because 60 FPS with strobe
>black screen
>press ok
>can't select 144 hz
>options go up to 4k despite being a 1080p monitor
>try to exit options menu
>have to alt+f4
Xboner squad up tonight?
>kill ten people with stationary weapons
>Oh boy
>quit and switch to other medals
>obtain Rush medal and melee medal within two days
Felt good
Is the shitbox /bfg/ East or West coast?
Either or for me. Idc what coast
Since the last patch, I only get good ping on US West. I'm still debating if I should join /bfg/. How bad is the Autism?
Pretty chill desu. No one is hyper autistic
Nuke the west coast
Right idea, wrong coast.
Still interested?
Fuck it, I'll join. Give me a few minutes to fire up the shitbox.
>300 kills with the selbstlader 1906
fucking jesus, why. five shot clip, three bullets to kill. better hope you don't have two enemies to deal with or you die outright!
what a joke of a weapon this is.
Okay, I've joined. It looks like only two are on right now.
Ill send ya a party invite in a minute
Its not that bad
[it's a long way to tipperary starts playing]
Most emblems require parts that are unlocked in BF 3 or 4(?)
Play domination or war pigeons so you only have to deal with 12 players at a time max. Headshots are instakills at the ranges you'll be shooting on the smaller maps. I hated it at first too but it works great if you use it as a designated marksman rifle.
The Huot on the other hand is 100% shit from a butt with zero redeeming qualities whatsoever.
The Hout low wieght is nice and has really decent accuracy. The optical on the other hand is pure garbage.
what did they do
Battlefield Hardline is fun
>Changes to bayonet charge:
>Activated aiming speed modifier during prepare state as well as charge state. This means a player can rotate a maximum of 50 degrees during the prepare state. Also added an input modifier disabling strafe while charging.
>Adding subtle boost to 3P footsteps when bayonet charging to increase threat awareness. Boosted volume of Enemy VO for Bayonet Charge when close to player.
>Slightly reduced maximum turn rate while charging.
>Removed damage reduction while in charge. Weapons will now hit charging players for normal damage.
Literally no reason to use it now
There are no ingame screep capturing tho.
Use a third party app.