Cute Sisters Edition
Cute Sisters Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
first for post reasons to live
stop banning my champ
finding comfy bfs~ to hold dear
what bot lane looks like this at any given moment
Getting fat thighs
Come on, do something like fiora or karma
>Be first pick Cho
>Enemy counterpicks with Heimer
>Shit on enemy team
>Eat Heimer's ult turret purely for BM
how fucked am i
why is me tim ooga when me booga FUKC
For those games where everyone is losing and flaming, but its actually really funny and you don't mind losing because you got long laughs.
Alright anonymous.
I'm curious about a few things, I'm gonna need a few things from you:
Season you started
Profession/area of schooling
Seasons spent on /lolg/
>tfw ywn fuck real life ahri
See below
Very nice.
I'm still trying to have a game as good as my 3/0/30 one where I managed to perfectly gauge every situation in terms of my own survival and that of teammates.
I don't know what went so right. My build wasn't even full protection. My judgement was never that good since then.
the existence of this creature
Love it or not, the next 2 champion update would be Urgot and Eveline. Hopefully, we'll get a teaser or some infos next week.
Speaking of champion updates:
A.) Who do you want to be changed next?
B.) What are some old champs that doesn't need a gameplay rework (but rather a visual update and/or new lines like what they did to Lux if needed)?
No one cares
DJ Sona is too cramped. The skin needs to take up a bit more space, I feel.
4.5/10 and I'm being generous
For you, Swedish.
Ok. I mean, at least she's alive and they didn't eat her. Goodness. Bee/Hornet theme champ when?
Lulu is for __________ from behind
Sorami Kanata
Silver 2
Preseason 4?
whichever makes me cutest
Yuri orientation play
3 at least
>A.) Who do you want to be changed next?
Volibear, there is nothing to his kit aside from trying to bite people and he was also dumpstered a while back and his playrate vanished as a result. There's just no point to this character and I feel that his gameplay fails to deliver on his concept.
>B.) What are some old champs that doesn't need a gameplay rework (but rather a visual update and/or new lines like what they did to Lux if needed)?
Cho'gath and Morgana. I really like them a lot and how simple but effective they can be. At the most I'd like for Cho's E to be a bit more rewarding, maybe shifted to his passive and he gets something else instead even.
Is there Xayah NTR yet?
>play adc ONE time
>enemy support is zyra
>jungle is lee sin
>toplaner is rengar
>our support DCs level 1
you know this isn't even the fault of the role but it's never happened in my last 100 games of midlane. at least i get to have fun there.
im so close to gold boys
But she doesn't exist????????????
jk, reality is subjective
2 pics of lulu in same position
Redemption is still utter cancer.
Sona Invoker when?!
>Autofill support yesterday having no idea who to pick
>Decide to go Braum
>Actually using Redemption
This item is dumb as shit. And Braum is fun as shit.
>Realized that I pretty much just play tanks in every role at this point
Being tough is fun I guess.
Fighting for a brighter tomorrow.
>Retard overextends trying to kill an unexpectedly tanky target
>Dies in an embarrassing way
>Drop a question mark in allchat
jk you cant do that in this shit game or youll get banned
I'm actually looking forward to Urgot and Evelynn just to see how they change.
I'm sad I don't face them more often even if one is considered ridiculous when built right.
>MFW fearing Evelynn every time she came to gank
a) I've heard talk of Fiddlesticks being reworked in this year. I'm having fun getting the hang of his current kid (mid, jg, supp) but I think I'd enjoy a change too
b) What said as far as Cho and Morg. A VU for Fiddle would be interesting too.
Nice choice.
But that's a very strange piece of art.
>ywn fuck not real life ahri and nidalee
I literally did that earlier to a Twitch that tried to 1v3 me (Sejuani), TF, and Lucian in Dragon pit.
Honestly I'm expecting Urgot to be Pudge with guns. Or a Mancubus/Spider Mastermind hybrid, which I'm okay with.
The grading system in league is broken to fucking hell and back. I shouldn't have to go 24/2/7 with 224 cs at 32 minutes to only get an S. That is fucking ridiculous. And if I get just one more death I get a fucking A.
I tried Azir for the first time today.
Never again.
I miss old crucible
-The possibility of things going in your favor
-You can't tell on what's gonna happen to you if die. There are different possibilities on what will happen (An afterlife, reincarnation, nothing, etc.) but it's a huge gamble and is not worth it by the end of the day.
-This could be the only time were you can experience joy.
-Seeing the things you hate perish
-Your waifu
-Not being Anthony Burch and Randy Pitchford
I agree
Makes people stop sacrificing themselves for their team or start to trying to not die instead of trying to win the game with team to get an S
it is all because of a box or key piece that gives you a bullshit champ shard
god what mobas have become these days
But I drop question marks in all chat often, but for legitimate reasons. Is it because I'm usually using a squishy character?
That "leak" of him with the massive multi-legged walker is pretty cool, so much space taken up though.
I suppose it could be a balance for his range once he gets his combo off?
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
Is Pink Ward a madman or a genius?
inb4 ban. As long as an enemy didn't die in an embarrassing way after overextending like a retard it's fine to drop a question mark.
>playing ad kennen with frozen mallet
>making niggas SO MAD
>take first tower
>take tier 2 before any other tier 1s have fallen
>always escape 2 and 3 man pressure
>team isn't retarded and gets objectives when i get collapsed on
>enemy shen is FUMING cause he hasn't successfully ulted once all game
>end with a score of 1/3/2
>win without losing a single tower
>"get carried kennen"
this might be my new favorite thing to do, it's like teemo but even more cancerous
I mean, do it once for the box and then there's no real reason to care so much about it. You might as well pretend it doesn't exist.
You're also being graded against the averages for other people using that champion, right? In my tests I pretend to have discovered buying a champion shard wards off getting one from chests
I'd smash it like a box of kittens.
dare I mention it, mrrreeee oh but yes I do, mhh well of course seven out of / ten (10) h-ha
post kindred butt please
the design could've been salvaged if it wasn't for the stupid fucking nose ring
piercings are for niggers only
For comfy rainy days at the local cafe and to travel the world.
Is that some Ahri concept art?
>I mean, do it once for the box and then there's no real reason to care so much about it. You might as well pretend it doesn't exist.
I do it for the mastery tokens.
Post setups
While we're on the topic, now that the dust has settled, how do you guys feel about these two champions overall?
Yes I wanted an excuse to post this image.
I agree wholeheartedly and dislike Vi for this reason as well.
How come there is still no Xayah NTR?
>Pink Ward
Well I found a new person to watch, much as I dislike Shaco.
>As long as an enemy didn't die in an embarrassing way
They do though. I guess it really is because I'm usually doing it as a support, especially after barely saving ADC.
What's the best build for running it down mid?
>boots of swiftness
>They do though. I guess it really is because I'm usually doing it as a support, especially after barely saving ADC.
90%~ of my reports in Dota 2 is from dropping the ? bomb. Maybe League players just don't understand it or something. Or they just have all chat turned off.
I enjoy Rakan but haven't had the chance to play Xayah yet. Rakan truly IS a good support except for his ridiculously shitty laning phase. I mean I, as a Sona main, WILL indeed wreck his ass so so even if she's good at teamfights, once we're out of lane he's going to hate his life so much he'll be a useless sobbing wreck.
the recently announced Veigar Visual update
xth for Syndra
Top quality footjobs.
well lets hope his eventual VU is nothing like this piece of crap drawn right there
how about you get the fuck out and don't ever reply to me again instead?
We need to go back.
Literally. Dinosaur skins for them when?
Especially on Rakan, turn their wings into giant blades referencing pic related. More MH skins in general.
I feel like I don't try to get Mastery Tokens in the same way as a box. It's not that I try to play selfishly to get the chest, I throw my S a lot.
I just feel like there isn't as much of a rush for the Mastery Tokens since those are more tied to doing consistently well, as opposed to getting S once for a chest.
Maybe it's just the perspective of someone who still has plenty to learn. Plenty.
You seem tense. You should ask Syndra to massage your dick with her toes.
How do I get better known as an artist? I want to have a bigger following :
draw good and post it everywhere
>Seregios Xayah
I'd buy it. I don't give a flying fuck about Rakan.
Share your work and take small requests from people.
living is okay for now, death is a mystery
im curious sometimes though
draw lewds
What? The current veigar is NOTHING like a yordle.
Draw gay furry shit. Trust me.
Rakan's laning phase is disgustingly bad, maybe he'll be alright if bot lane moves away from such heavy lane centrism. Until then, he's just fucking torture to play for the first ten minutes, which is disappointing because he's extremely fun outside of lane.
The Q range nerfs might be ok for him, but I would happily go back to spamming him if he got a Space Dandy skin. It will never happen though because there's no option for a matching Xayah skin, truly the greatest tragedy of our time.
thats racist just because he looks a bit different doesnt mean he isnt a yordle
draw things for lolg
>not including me in the cap
I made a hilarious gf comment and you didnt even put it in
youre making me want to drink the bleach user
>someone on your team has died 6 times before 20 minutes
this happens way to often and it's one of those games where even if I win my lane our team loses complete control
I'd like to think that they wouldn't get pigeonholed into matching skins. But since their entire identity is that they're a couple, maybe I'm too hopeful.
Also this
Riot stated they're only making matching skins for them, which is really sad. I don't know why, but I enjoy superficial characters that are extremely cocky, so his release was a blessing and a curse for me.
This was a 32 minute game. One player on my team was bronze, the rest plat. Can you guess which one?
>Get my champ, win games
>Get autofilled, lose games
Now I'm back to where I started and I'm tilted and have to stop playing. Fuck.
Yeah that's a waste, unfortunate.
Play Galio and drop the sky on niggas like All Might
Anyone wanna level with me as im learning the game
NA level 17 so far
>support is Dragon Sorceress Zyra
>must resist urge to fap to gain last hits
Hey guys new to the game, today i got the rift herald on my own and I tried using it but i couldnt not find the key for it. Where the fuck is it?! My whole team was yelling at me and saying "its a ward its like a ward" wtf I have no idea how to fucking use it. I googled it and amazingly they fail to mention it.
>playing vayne
>entire map getting smashed in
>lucian gets early kills from counter gank
>get camped, lucian fed as a bitch
>play like a pussy in lane so I dont feed
>eventually get fed and carry the game with our riven
>lucian says im trash and he could tell because of my "mechanics" and positioning in lane
>the same mechanics that turned a 20-4 game into a win
>the same positioning that allowed me to not feed him more
why do salty kids try to just say blatantly untrue shit when they get outplayed
>rummaging through the garbage bags i keep handy for something edible
>match pops when im not looking
>miss queue
league of legends is my heroin
That's why I play shit like Braum so niggas like you can stay focused.
PLEASE someone tell me what the fuck am i doing wrong.
Jesus christ what would i give to have solo lanes that don't even win, but just don't go 0/3 in fucking 5 min.