Fighting Games General /fgg/
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i dont think its very complicated and it actually has a very interesting side effect: it means that characters can no longer buffer their midrange crush counter normals into v-trigger
ken will no longer be able to mash in neutral and buffer hp+hk behind it because the moment its blocked he has gone slightly below the threshold for activating his v-trigger
karin too
necalli too
bison df.hp and too
Who is this?
I'm a big fan of street fighter 5.
I hate SFV
did blazblue extend get announced or
I will on day wan.
I forgot about that, very clever.
Honest opinion on Ed? He looks terrible.
Necallis crush counter game isnt that good you turbo autist. punishable so can only use max range, where you can only get a lunge after.
punches make airborne crush counters.
overhead is slow as fuck
see me in super turbo right now 09'er
What is Max's verdict on ed?
Me playing SFV depends on this
but then so many characters get even worse to play
Characters are already lacking good pokes. Karin already has one of the braindead, most boring neutral games imaginable. Now you're also taking away her option?
wasnt ed some fuckboy? was there a timeskip or some shit? why does he look completely different now
Bara faggot shit desu.
Retarded decision to make him look nothing like his story mode character.
he looks great stfu retard sorry not every new character can be a nigger muslim or a woman
you fucking suck brick
stick to melty blood
Why don't we all just play SF2 instead?
>punches make airborne crush counters.
>overhead is slow as fuck
He gets a good amount of v-gauge from those.
that italian internet, jeezus
They basically reused Byron's model so he's just as lame
necalli would be better if his heavy punches didnt crush counter. then he'd be able to continue his combo after mk/hk stomp on counter hit
please """"""""nerf""""""""" him capcom
Brick you should practice more sfv instead of playing melty blood.
>nobody even posted Ed in the new thread
Is it true that Ed's current design was a result of a last minute decision scrap and recycle Byron due to community backlash?
Something about him looking a mass of recycled assets.
Also the more I look at him, the shittier I realize his design is.
Nobody wants to look at that shit.
Even if it isn't it sure looks like it, even the fucking hat is the same
>psycho power
>probably charge too
Kolin was meh and now this.. I'm thinking of giving a negative review to the season pass 2 already.
No one cares anymore, Ono.
t. triggered tumblrina angry that the new character is a blonde man and not a purple haired transgender muslim
I like his design. The silhouette already looked good.
Just fuck off and stay off.
nah byron never had gloves and never fit the shadow
looks pretty cool honestly
Or it could be that he looks retarded with emo hair, a scrunched face, and a drastically different design out of nowhere.
His power makes him grow fast.
Ken had a new design too
He looks bad, polturd.
this is capcom general
iori looks hype
Why are poeple complaining he looks like a fag?
Wasn't he bio-engineered for gays in the first place?
The only part of his story mode design i like was looking like the kid from Bayonetta 2. I feel mostly indifferent to his change.
our guy the general is going to take bonchan to pum pum city and win this whole thing
>2 more months before the next character
this IS /capcomgen/
no one cares about your dying game
Wow, they made Ixion90 a playable character in SFV!
>character isn't even ANNOUNCED
>"waaaah it looks nothing like how I imagined it"
uhh i didnt do the story whats going on between ed and balrog..
Why do the top tier characters in Blazblue not feel like real fighting game characters while the ones that do are low tier or something mid.
This is what happens when you're raised by gay parents
They are just very close friends.
Yes he got a new design for SFV. He wasn't put into the story of SFV and then got a drastically different design for no reason.
If they did promo art and put it on the site, they're obviously about to announce him soon and that's the product they're confident with showing off.
soros paid capcom 2 billions to make an interracial gay couple
Chess is a fighting game, right?
>this triggered that people don't like ed
Calm down balrog.
My prediction was better.
Kolin was put in the story of SFV and got a drastically different design.
Ed will get the story costume. That is how it's been done for literally everyone in SFV.
>If they did promo art and put it on the site, they're obviously about to announce him soon
Good catch, I definitely think that's a big possibility.
She didn't add 60 pounds of muscle, they just improved the quality of her model.
Only the face of Kolin was different.
It's a moba-like.
we literally don't know any of his abilities
maybe his v-trigger is him getting buffed with psycho power
who the fuck knows?
stop jumping to conclusion fucking retard
>fat guy next
fuck this
i want stinky ninja
Look at his appearance in SFIV, he looked 7 years old. It was clear he was going to have aged up by the time he became playable
He appears in sfv you retard.
That's not what the word means. She got an improved model and they changed her face (to worse in my opinion). Her overall looks are the same.
SFV storymode had him looking like a scrawny kid. His SFIV appearance is irrelevant.
>not feel like real fighting game characters
What do you mean? That they are not similar enough to SF characters?
New ed looks exactly the same as previous ed
So when is DIO coming out
Lmao, how the fuck can you unironically say that?
Jesus Christ Broski
holy fuck that woman
I need you Felicia
I know that you simians but the idea that he rapidly ages is right the fuck there idk why you think they'd put some scrawny kid in SFV of all games, look at the fucking roster. Go play KoF if you want magical twinks, they could use the players
Sfiv he looked 7, sfv story mode he looks 16, as a playabale character he looks like an adult.
Psycho Powers and shieet duuude, it fucks with your body. just look at bison
To think I was ready to give money for a broski fundraiser..
Smart chick, always keeps a snack at proximity.
Newsflash: broski is a /pol/turd and ukip fag.
is the thai stage still not back yet?
>tfw bought it as soon as it went up and had it set as my favorite ever since
early bird gets the worm boys
And then i got dead
you realise thats a joke about the thailand stage theme right?
>Ed got buffed before even being released
Top tier confirmed
no way that's our broski he is not a polturd
well ed definitely wont be in SF6