Asymmetrical Slasher General /asg/ /dbdg/

Life is Suffering Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online Multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
An upcoming slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

Game is set to release on May 26th

>What is Last Year?

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Hooked Thread:

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>be killer
>get swamp

nice game retards

>be killer
>get swamp
>4k and hatch grab

good game retards

Just got a game where the killer had a hex that, if I got a successful skill check, the repair REGRESSED.

How is that balanced? I just want to fix a fucking generator.

ruin is weak af nigga, its only 5% per good check
hit those great checks or break the totem

I still think it is BS. I got the skill check, so I shouldn't have it regress. I mean, no benefit from it is one thing (Say, if it removed the benefit from great skill checks) but making it regress? That is gay.

bruh just two man it. you wont notice a thing
and yes it does remove the bonus from great checks

Yeah two man it with people who can't even do the skill checks

jesus man if your so mad about it just run small game and go break the totem

Juke master Claudette Morel

The Jake's were a bit slow with the mori juke.

Thankfully the hatch spawned underneath some tires and was able to execute Meg as well.

Get good

Not sure why that shitter above you is crying. I 4k all the time on that map.

>step on their butt
>they life their leg


stfu blue name

Billy needs a new mori animation. I'm getting tried of this one.


>Survivors aren't getting atleast 2 gens before they try to do anything else.

rip meg


Playing billy with DH and TOTH is the most fun I've ever had as a killer.
They can't cleanse it in time if you use the chainsaw, and if you happen to lose survivors there will always be the retard who wants to cleanse it no matter the cost.

Ruin is fucking trash.
I fucking love it. The best part is they can't scream at me in the post game chat and call me a camper.

gotta get that achievement

They don't even care if you fucking rape their mother infront of them as long as they cleanse it.
it's amazing.
The best is just hooking a faggot and then chainsawing away to the gens, increasing the chances of a 4k.

I prefer the DH/TotH combo on Nurse. Pullling people from totems is great, and Billy already has the one shot anyway.

It's so good when you down them with the saw instead of hitting them so they don't know you've got DH

Does speed limiter turn your chainsaw into a OHKO again with DH like it does with noed?

Meg is for bully.

we dead?

Not as dead as your mom, or f13 will be in 3 months after release.

i havent played in a month and a half

should i start playing again? i heard trapper is a lot better now

>i heard trapper is a lot better now
A lot better to play against.
He's no longer the "king of kills" because he can't trap feet anymore, but if you were already one to play him "correctly" you can place traps a lot faster, survivors can't destroy your traps in seconds anymore and gens over all take longer to finish, so you're able to have more traps down without giving up so much time to lose gens

i was never a foot trapper unless the person was a prick/infiniter or something. i tried to place around hooks, objectives, and almost always in grass/around chokes. it sounds like they improved him and other aspects of the game so that my playstyle is encouraged and punished less

how's billy and wraith? billy was my first love and go-to for mad points, while i liked wraith but i know he was absolute garbage

billys chainsaw is now weird and finicky, it's a lot easier to dodge in the first second or two when it starts running forward

wraith still absolutely useless, easily visible even when cloaked still

>it's a lot easier to dodge in the first second or two when it starts running forward
That's wrong though? You can can do full 180 degree flicks at the very start so asssaws are literally impossible to dodge.

I've found the opposite, the weird brief change in sensitivity means if they suddenly juke I miss way more than I used to when it was simple and consistent

maybe once you learn exactly the feel of it and git gud it's stronger, but as a survivor I think there's more scope to escape from bad billys than there were before

>facecamp streamer
>he invites me to a league of shitters group
>still get 4 kill
the last three kills were great too after the streamer died
>hook one
>check area and find meg behind a bush
>hit her
>hear a bear trap snap on the 3rd guy going for unhook
trapper too fun

wraith is completely invisible (not transparent, invisible) while standing still.

You can still hear his snaring wraith....and insidious.....

this game's soundtrack is really underrated. I muted the main theme in game but listening to the actual soundtrack it's quite nice.



I cant wait for admiral baroo to ruin f13 and that Kickstarter scam you fags all fell for like he did dbd

I don't think F13 is going to suffer the same fate. The devs seem more adept at fixing issues, and the game is designed around the killer being OP. They're allowed to do that because you don't get to be a killer main.


game needs more spook

sleep tight smol axe

>tfw finally bought Hag
Educate me pls.

Can she teleport to any trap regardless of whether it gets triggered? What is the default range for teleports? How do I select which trap she teleports to? Where do you set traps -- on the hook, close to gens and hex totems if any, behind pallets and windows? For hooks, gens and totems, always place them so you I can potentially get the grab, right? Anything else I need to be aware of?

>traps need to be triggered first
>don't know the range
>just look at it
>set them everywhere, they don't need to be stepped on directly to trigger and you get 10
>placing them to go for a grab may sometimes work but many people will just quickly run when it gets triggered

Is DbD GPU intensive?


Right, grabbing from a gen or totem won't really happen if the trap gets triggered.
I'm sure there are some tricks with setting the traps though. For example on pallets and windows , you put them a bit to the side so when they run to it from the trapped side, it jags their view to that side?

Is there a cooldown on teleporting or can you teleport again right after you teleported?


yeah. I've seen a webm with insidious hag hiding right below the basement and trapping the chest above her, then insta teleporting over and getting a grab but that probably has like a 1/1,000,000 of working again

>mfw burning a bound envelope

That was literally just Sloppy being a troll with rusty shackles.

Which, the survivors he was catch are retards because you can still SEE the trap on the ground but they barreled in anyway

Is there some way to see all the teachables you have?

>3 per character
>Somehow not being able to keep track of such a small amount of things
>Mouse over it on the shrine
>says whether you know it yet or not
Special ed?

>good killer
>competent at chases
>try to deal with different players with different strategies
>patrol camp when they swarm
>4 survivors running BT collectively absorb most of my hits during the game
>gates open they are able to absorb up to 11 hits together

I think I'm switching to facecamping. What's the alternative exactly?

no need to be rude, dude

I just can't remember if I bought a teachable off the shrine so I didn't have to level a character

>every trapper still camps the shit out of hooks
nice fix

Yeah it isn't possible to check. That user is just being a cunt

Is there an achievement for it?

>Trappers have always been the killers who can't stand the possibility that a kill might be lost
>expecting them to do anything but camp now that their safety blanket was yanked away from them.
The devs did the right thing, the community just can't adapt.
Inversely I still see so many people stacking SB and BL still its not funny.

i'd say your best bet is if its still possible is to find a shrine that the perk was on previously and set your dbd shrine date to it

Same thing happened with the F13 beta. When Vanessa got nerfed, most people continued to play her, only now they died very easily. They never figured out how to play her properly and continued to just play it like they were a pallet looper in DbD. I don't expect that issue to be fixed after launch either. They're still going to be trying that.

4th 2pip this week as billy
new record

>playing survivor
>see bloody claudes in lobby
>equip bright moonlight


I really hate the new Bumper Billy. You don't get that fun little bounce anymore.