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/poeg/ - Path of Exile General
My Blade Flurry Slayer Capabilities
-Immune to Bleeding
-Immune to Stun and Bleeding
-High Life Regeneration (Overkilled DMG leeched as Life)
-Extreme Burst Movement
-95% Critical Chance
-6k Life (Updated 23/04/17)
-Several Layer DMG Mitigation
-Absolute Balance Between Defense and Offense
-Consistent Instant Leech
-Easy Guardians, Uber Atziri and Shaper Service
-Easy Uber Labyrinth
-Life build with Melee Damage on Full Life support gem compatibility(Updated 24/04/17)
Do girls poop
nice meme, but check out mine
is that good
>77 skill points out of 120 are literally non-negotiable for CI
So...this is good game design according to poeg
I've been playing Path of Exile since 2011 closed beta and it's remarkable how far the game has come purely from crowd funding. The passion of the userbase is equally matched by it's developers. They've shown throughout the years to constantly improve and tweak the game with regularly scheduled content additions. I still feel I don't know everything there is to know about this game, and that isn't changing any time soon. Path of Exile is an incredibly complex and rewarding game that is definitely worth your time.
Outside of having an absurdly intricate skill tree and a fantastic crafting/currency system, the other large appeal of this game is the end-game. Most ARPGs fail to offer incentive to continue to play your character after you've exhausted the content. Usually this just comes in the form of a easily attainable level cap or grinding the same final zone of the game at length. Instead, in POE you are given item drop instances, as described by the developers:
"Maps can drop as normal, magic, rare or unique with higher rarity Maps yielding more items. Using a Map item opens six portals to the area, which can each only be used once. Like most other items in Path of Exile, Maps have mods that change their risks and rewards. Map mods can affect the size or complexity of the level, monster packs, monster properties or even alter characters while in the level. Players can modify Maps themselves using their currency items. For example, you can use an Orb of Transmutation to turn a normal Map into a magic Map, or use an Orb of Alteration to reroll its mods."
It goes to say that each and every map is a different experience, with room for countless variation in modifiers letting you push the limits of your character. Not all characters are equal. You will find that some characters that excell in early progression have difficulty in the end-game and visa versa. Each character I've made has informed the next which is critical in a game that rewards experience and skill.
why the fuck do you think that skill build is "nonnegotiable"
It's horrible
good job not taking VP but getting stupid power charges
why is no developer capitalizing on the fact that poe and other arpgs suck right now and we need a new one
Compiling a list of /poeg/ approved anime (anime that you watch while grinding Path of Exile), help me fill it out:
Initial D
i unclicked it when switching between paint
You finished the list already.
why the fuck would anyone make a game for you and and dozen weebs
because I'm worth it
Left: /poeg/
Right: GGG
yes, poeg is a bunch of losers
Remember when France destroyed USA economy by taking all their gold?
Americucks still cry about it till this day, haha.
tfw the white part of your toenail grows so long you can see it through socks, and yet its not even over the edge
we are not degenerates here
we take care of our body hygiene and shower daily
remember to play the game while you watch tv. it's how it was designed and ggg drones will defend that!
i play poe on my surface pro while im on the shitter AND watching anime
very good game for multitasking
I would if I could but I play life
remember that if you don't have a level 100 in hardcore, you should probably try not to draw too much attention to you
im starting a new character. i want to get all the way through cruel solo
How should i build it? I dont care if its cookie cutter, i just want to complete the game for the first time.
>how important is luck when it comes to drops
i find myself always getting shit on because im stuck with the same weapon and cant get anything better when i really need an improvement. same with armor.
play a spellcaster
leveling a gem is guaranteed
finding a good weapon is not
buy tabs
>Ziz tanks 30+ flameblasts in a T15
So...this is the power of Hardcore...huh...impressive
isn't she a coal burner
>retards who care about stramers
People that give item suggestions should be hanged
greener and redditshitter
won't say I'm surprised
>Literally the only flask effect on the tree is next to the witch
Hmm...not biased at all game design pogchamp
New player, level 18 right now. Is everything below rare difficulty mostly vender trash?
anything except a few dozen uniques is vendor trash
is discord waking up or are we getting raided by literal retards? do you really need a tutorial to progress past the first act of the game?
If the Guardian of the Phoenix/Minotaur/Hydra/Chimera is the guardian, who is the "Phoenix/etc"?
ask Elreon, the Loremaster
So i just started. Level 12 atm. How to i get to the Sharper? I need the flask he drops im told.
new player level 2 here how do i kill this hillcock dude?????????????
keep farming the strand until level 5
then kill hillcock
ironic discordposting is still discordposting
im out
2nd filler league oh joy
mom mom mommy theres people who have played the game for less than 2000 hours in the general right now. TENDIES RIGHT NOW. I NEED PROTEIN TO DEAL WITH THIS I WILL HAVE A FIT
There's another filler league after this one?
its called the watch tv league
where is the news about another league?
heres your protein kid:
*unzips dicc*
new about leagues is only given to people who have a level 100 in hc. otherwise go actually complete the game first before worrying about leagues
How are there +152 ES regalias when the prefix only goes to 145
Chanced a wurms and an immortal flesh. The next ones a HH right guys?
second wurm
second flesh
how can we add some sort of hardcore-only authentication filter to this gen so only true elite hc players are allowed to post?
make new general
set up a subreddit that uses the api
that chicken tendies xev bellringer video though...
find a cure for autism
Holy FUCKING SHIT, can you please start acting like fucking adults and not blasé "so cool" affected teens?
Talk to each other like real fucking human beings. Quote each other because that's fucking civil. Stop making every one of your goddamn posts a fucking sarcastically vague passive-aggressive remark about the other person's opinion.
At this point you're obviously fucking invested in the argument, you're obviously not being "lol ironic troll for reply bait", you retards, you spent like two hours arguing about the thing.
My FUCKING GOD, you're like the two catty bitches in the office who can only communicate through sarcasm and passive-aggression.
>"uh, no, i'm actually FINE with a soy latte, i just asked for a milk one, but WHATEVER, this is okay too, it's not like i really care, gosh..."
This is LITERALLY YOU. Do you fucking understand? In your pursuit of post-fucking-irony, you have devolved down to the level of fucking BRAINLESS VALLEY GIRL TRASH. This is it! Congratulations! You're finally the little girl like you've always wanted to be! Dominance asserted! We'll make sure to NEVER wear the same clothes as you, ladies, because god fucking forbid.
You wear it better anyways. Good fucking riddance to that.
stopped reading there
thread barely started and I already got 8 (You)s
how did he quote so many people?
last time i tried i got "hurr durr ur message is a spam" error
>he doesn't have a Veeky Forums pass
>176043118 (no yous for you)
mass replying needs to be banned, site-wide. Fuck off newfag
im not a cuck
i'm not a cuck but i will defend poe to the death for free haha
What if we had multi-phase leagues? Instead of the current 3 month format:
1 phase (1 month): must be top 500 to qualify for 2nd phase
2nd phase (1 month): must be top 100 to qualify for 3rd phase
3rd phase (1 month): top 20 gain 2k points and a demigod
Anyone who doesn't qualify for the next phase can play continue playing in the loser league
Is a increase kinetic balst area worth something in a 420 ES Hubris?
>still no word on beta
1 Regal -> 3 chaos vendor recipe when
Early July beta launch
kys reply faggot
as one of the VIP posters in this general, i hereby declare the no reply meme ended and done for
you can resume your regular posting. thank me later
Will do skintube
if you're a vip show your Veeky Forums pass or what you say is void
thanks senpai
Normal Mobs drop 0 vaal souls
Magic drop 0
Rares drop 1
game fixed
may as well remove baal skills
or we could just fuse vaal skills with their regular counterparts and allow them to be triggered with a modifier
please respect board culture and quote the post you are replying to. catposter said we can reply now
please respect board culture by ignoring namefags. this is not reddit, do not circle jerk over one user
Umm, excuse me. Catposter is an avatarfag, not a namefag. Very different
>this is not reddit
its not because the subreddit actually has some real discussion now and again
Only rares have souls? That's kinda racist
suck a dick cat avatarturd
why is everyone so hostile against the one poster who tries to make good posts?
because this general is full of miserable cowards who want everyone else to be miserable too
How can you be elite in a skilless braindead game like poe?
>dude like vaal skills are so op they make dried lake too easy like seriously this game would be better if they just nerfed everything that i personally consider to be imbalanced. in fact i think GGG should consult me before they make any decision regarding game balance because my intellectual intellect is far superior to that of the average australian, i have over nine thousand reddit karma and am one of the most active posters on the poe subreddit therefore i am more qualified to make game changing decisions than the people who were actually hired to work on the game. also, buff armor builds.
not reading your retarded tirade, now fuck off
wat if vaal spider flood couldn't uh fill its vaal gem with its kills
>it's not fair that 50ex builds clear maps faster than my flameblast totems with self found gear
imagine being so angry at people giving helpful suggestions on how to improve the game