>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia – DLC Briefing
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia – DLC Briefing
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Minerva is really cute!
Kill yourself Tharjacuck
>give my +atk -hp Lobster Fury 3 instead of LaD 3
>oodles of defenses overnight whereas I only had like 2 before
Damn I made a mistake giving him LaD
Are there really people so objectively bad at Fire Emblem that they can't beat Fates on hard?
>Top 10 Most Powerful Anime Characters Of All Time
It's time.
I love Rukina!
Azura a best!
>-spd +res ryoma
>-atk +hp ike
>-atk +res ryoma
>-spd +hp ryoma
fucking kill me
I'm tempted to spend even more for a ryoma with non shit IVs into whom I can fuse all of these fucking shitters
*Obstructs your path*
I want F!Corrin to use Dragon Fang on my cock!
Smell the Tiki
That's actually quite impressive, damn.
when are they releasing the seals again? or are new players fucked for months
I wonder, what DOES Tiki smell like?
What exactly triggers bans in this game? I have had this hacked account since February and it's still untouched.
Rather, when are they releasing more seals?
They dropped +1Spd, +1Atk and +3HP and then seem to have promptly forgotten seals even exist.
And I mean these are just bronze seals too, Gold +3 Speed seal when?
Well, I imagine when she went to sleep she didn't shower until she woke up in Awakening. So...
sniff tiki butt
>can finally fix bad IVs
>oh wait, people with good IVs will just use the seals to go even further beyond
I cant wait for actual skill seals, distant counter when
>the thought of being able to 5* every unit in my roster
>Figures I should get a fair matchup now that I have a non-merged Takumi
>Gets matched against pic related
The Ryoma is 40+2. I think I can still manage, but I thought people with no inheritance shouldn't be getting matchmade against people who do.
Have you been spending those feathers?
how is raven i got him but hes only lvl 12
>38 spd with brave axe
Very nice
Dusty old dragon jerky, left out to dry for a millennia.
nintendo think a few SI here and there make you as strong as pic related because that's all I run into lately
>tfw tempted to hack because getting feather sucks ass
You're making it even more difficult to resist.
If you pick Intermediate, sure. If you're picking Advanced, expect some kind of merged unit(s).
Ok without +spd
Pretty fucking fast with +spd and LaD
The only problem is getting under the hp needed to trigger deperation
Foot fetishists should be gassed.
Looking good bruv, I think you'll enjoy him.
just ditch that useless taco for a good mage like rein or linde and you got a team that should destroy even merged units
Post your favorite Fire Emblem unit if they've gotten into Heroes.
I don't care if they're not meta. Show them some love.
Sadly, it's really easy to do.
From what I have read online, the only people who have been banned have been playing and getting ranked in arena with hacked accounts.
I don't do any of this on my main account, just have this account I hack on out of curiosity.
Having said all that, if you value your account I would suggest not hacking. Especially if you spent money on the game.
>[Good game] (usually Conquest or Genealogy) is shit! The [newest game in the series] is the best!
>Ike is the best Fire Emblem lord!
>It's more important to use characters that have good stats than it is to use characters that you like
>My waifu is the best and I have to tell everyone so other men want her (cuck)
What other pure /v/eddit opinions are there?
Still need to get a 5* Tharja and 4* Abel to feed to her.
My main is account that has done IV/rarity/SP/shard hacking and I've been playing on it since day one.
But I have seen others who've done the same and they've been banned. They're really going for those who've morphed units or used summon control before the lesser hacks.
any kind of post like this
I would if I had a Linde, but I made it work anyway.
Liking Camilla
anything that has a tier list or refers to reddit
>But I have seen others who've done the same and they've been banned
pretty much this
no one knows what is really "safe" now, and the reports of bans are all so varied you can't really tell
Hero Fest has given me nothing so far so I caved in and bought some orbs.
I see. Still tempted, honestly, but having to avoid the arena and even then not still being safe means I won't do it.
Not an argument.
All 3*.
Bulkier than I thought she'd be.
How's snacki and what skills do you have on her?
>[Good game] (usually Conquest or Genealogy) is shit! The [newest game in the series] is the best!
Reddit likes Conquest's gameplay and Genealogy's story enough to not consider them bad games due to their story and gameplay respectively.
What happens when you get banned? Do you just lose arena privileges?
I said /v/eddit, not Reddit. /v/ is /v/eddit. It's similar to Reddit, but not the same. They're like brothers.
Is it true that reddit's favorite game is Radiant Dawn?
>no unit with Quick Riposte 3 at 4*
>no unit with Life and Death 3 at 4*
>there's one unit with Death Blow 3 at 4* but he's a grey and who the fuck would ever roll greys
Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of Echoes?
There are two types of bans: friend ban and permanent.
Friend ban simply means you no longer have friends and can't add any. You can still use the arena and get ranked/defenses.
The latter means no friends, no arena, and no voting gauntlet. It's strictly limited to the story and tower maps.
Please fail horribly so I'm not tempted to do the same.
Your Subakis will be for my own good.
wait for 2 more weeks
permaban soon
Someone didn't praise Kaptain Kanpeki enough
What kind of retarded idiots thought nothing would happen?
>LOL! It's NINTENDO they won't do anything! xD
Thanks for the info.
Okay, not a great start. But that just means the good stuff lies ahead.
Draconic aura or moonbow? Which one is better on ryoma and why?
he didn't say reddit dude, everybody knows reddit is ten times better than shithole called /v/
>tfw forgot about kanpeki and left nino in front of him
>0 damage
damn that was a close one
Probably the best blue 3* you could have rolled, for what it's worth.
Draconic Aura.
Because the meme simulator said so.
It's like 8-10 more wins.
I have enough moonbows atm. No blues this time around. Come on ISIS, just give me water.
Whoa man, get it right. it's 0x2, maybe 1x2 if Hinoka's next to him.
Blarblade, moonbow and possibly R tomebreaker are good fodder at least.
>duel simulator
my favourite new meme
Moonbow. Because you'll double often you'll activate it every fight against a melee unit.
I gave in and bought 30 orbs. Opened only green ones, got a 5* Hawkeye. On my very last 5 orbs I got 1 green out of the fives and it was Hector. Feels good man
draconic aura is better for the vantage on 2nd kill afterwards
My Sanaki is +SPD/-DEF. She's pretty good, especially at melting the Ninos, Julias, and Hectors I run into all of the time. I have to be cautious with certain matchups, but she's almost never dead weight. Her attack buffs from Hone Attack and Cymbeline's effect are all appreciated by almost any team I make with her.
the best Lord Brother !
im so sorry user
>all the redditors getting cucked by the OG Windbro
Feels good.
Congrats on your Heck mate.
Best special for takumi?
>inb4 moonbow
Luna with Brave Bow.
I wouldn't even mind if it weren't because I at currently training a +Spd/-Def Nino.
But yeah as a Shadow Dragon fan I am glad I pulled a good Merric "el mago magazo".
Never understood the appeal of Radiant Dawn. One of my least favorite games in the series.
>have 4 cecilias
>3 are -atk
>1 is +spd
Well fuck
What's your favorite class to make Severa between each game? I think she's a pretty good unit all around!
"Make your peace with whatever the gods worship. Your end is near."
I never really used her, but I think Bow Fighter really makes her speed shine. Even if she ends up doubling with 5. She also makes a good Hero, even if Silas does more damage in one hit.
I prefer to wait for Sophie and reclass her to Hero over building Selena.
Why are Hoshidans afraid of using cavalry?
They know that that's why Nohr wrecks them in every fight when they don't have a Manakete on their side, right?
it's fun
If I go Distant Counter and Bonfire with Zephile, what should his B Skill be?
Wary Fighter
Is he not suited to pull off Quick Riposte/Vantage?