So I recently just found out through DNA testing that I'm not actually Italian and that I'm 70% German...

So I recently just found out through DNA testing that I'm not actually Italian and that I'm 70% German, I've spent the last few years in love with Roman and early Italian history, and now I'd like to learn more about my real heritage. Hmu with some not 20th Century German history please famo

>Hmu with some not 20th Century German history please famo
Why, are you afraid of learning how subhuman you are?

I just don't need information about the Third Reich to be specific, I'm already well informed on all that

You realize that there was a large German diaspora in Italy for much of medieval and modern European history, correct? You very well could be ethnically German but Italian in heritage.

Americans have gone beyond all parody.

You are subhuman enemy of Europe, that's all you need to know.

But I'm the master race now, Right? :

Also Barbarossa and his armies plundering and raping Italy repeatedly.

Depends. Where are the other 30% from?

15% English/Welsh and 15% Italian, I think I'm close to Aryan


What'd I do wrong?

welsh? even having 1% welsh mean you're subhuman

It just meant that specific area, it's still better than being a fucking Slav

at least slavshit doesn't shag sheep and get cucked by the British to the point were their own language was forbidden in schools across wales

but at least consider the possibility that I am 15% English, and regardless of that small percentage I am still 70% Germanic

What does German, English and Italian heritage have to do with Iran?

>muh heritage

woah....everything i knew was a lie.....i facken lav germoney now !!!

yes, that's exactly how it went down

We wuz kaisers an sheeit and then the anglos and joos took away our special economy and enslaved us.

Why did I expect Veeky Forums to be better than /pol/

Veeky Forums is just /pol/ with numbers

no shit
if you aren't born and raised in Italy you're not Italian
you're not German either