best murderfu edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
>enemy team gets lee sin
>they are garunteed the entire bot side of the map since no jungler can match him at any level
>cant contest dragon
>he can dive
Just came here early to say you made a good choice of OP. Also the translation for this artwork can be found on danbooru
Why do Koreans play Elise more than Lee while in Europe Lee is more popular than Elise?
Also Jinx is a whore
That's why you need a support with hard CC, awareness and vision.
>tfw ywn fuck real life ahri
>wanna make new account
>have to rebuy all the champions again and have no masteries
>got home at 5 am
>crashed at 6 am
>woke up at 10 am
>cant get back to sleep
wonder if I could even play like this, im off 6 hours of sleep from usual
comfy bfs~ tho
Post champions that are balanced on a razor's edge.
Important poll
This artwork makes me angry. I know the place could easily be clean and just run down, but damn.
Jesus Christ.......this picture honestly made me lose my appetite. Rip breakfast..
Uncalled for!
>just remember that I also have to wait to unlock flash
>have to be forced to play blind pick or grind the fuck out of co-op AI
It only gets worse. How the fuck do people get into this game?
This Dark Star gamemode is worst thing Riot has even done, to think they spent resources on this shit. Absolutely digusting.
Thats disgusting
Riot has literally said that they don't like smurfs, why are you surprised?
i'm going to poop now. enjoy your breakfast.
>G2 vs SKT is the first game of MSI
>G2 gonna get destroyed and everyone will be making fun of them again.
Gonna be great.
It's honestly terrible. And so boring.
When did I say they had to like smurfs? Looking at all this shit I'm wondering why people even fucking play this trash. You have to go through so much shit to even make it to draft so you aren't drowning in the cancer that is blind pick. There is no way they make it purposefully obnoxious so it will make people not want to make smurfs. It's to make cash money.
I literally can't stand it. I'm level 20 after a month of playing and I can't fucking stand game after game of normals/aram against people who are complete ass. It's dull and mindless grinding. I have to play on my main in poverty diamond to escape the stress.
You would think they would sell an instant level 30+IP boost just because of all the money they make but nah Riot is literally ran by retards who only care about skins.
>So many (you)s but no one answers my question
Also of course Jinx is dirty, shes a hobo crackwhore to the highest degree
It's pretty hot, but the location is not. The thought of Jinx being that desperate at some point is, but I think most people would just call her teasing names and carry her home.
What makes you think you had to repost this in a new thread?
And exp boosts, and the money from retards buying champs with RP.
you seem a little upset
how about I camp your lane
Why is every game in this patch such a snowball shitfest??
least they arent pussys/bitches like top laners
actually true
jungle mains are sub-human garbage
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
It's kind of funny but in the last 3 out of 4 ranked games I've played my jungler has fallen horribly behind the enemy. But we still won.
>carrying Jinx home
This is a very good mental image.
picture is kind of hot but the a bit undesired
Not on my watch.
I guess to answer your question now that I've had time to think about it:
Koreans see exotic spider lady vs martial artist monk. Koreans see utility and more diverse kit vs epic ward plays and relatively flashy animations.
What name should I pick for my new profile to let everyone know I REALLY love NTR and being NTR'd?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Don't respond to lulufilth
But I play jungle because it's about time I learn it. Hell I got the hang of a jungler as support and mid-lane first before finally taking them jungling.
Also it's nice to have actual power unlike a support who just, well, supports as fun as that is.
I'll send you packing Eve. Literally. No deaths, no fight, just packing. Bless Fiddle.
rape my ears
r8pe my ears
r8pe my 3ars
>tfw support main and super sensitive
don't be mean
>trying to watch that master play that posted his twitch in the last thread
>only quality option is 720p
>my shit internet can't handle it
why do people say ezreal to NTR questions?
Nope, it was Jax.
Why i still have the thread open after 6 hours though
Indeed. Actually getting home would be quite the task. She'd tease no matter what position you had her in. But seeing her get that wet after she orgasms on herself would be nice.
>tfw no husbando figure to pair my waifu figure with for glorious otp
What are the odds of the following
>Franchising happens in all regions
>New talent can't be procured for the locked leagues so easily anymore
>A draft system in introduced
>The top 20 (non professional) players in the challenger bracket in the major regions become draftable by teams all over the world
>100 players get drafted to teams from KR, NA, EU etc every year to circumvent the loss of the constant stream of fresh talent from an unfranchised league.
the hell did you say slut? why are you talking when your mouth should be around my dick?
Why isn't Ashe's hood on a toggle like Rengars?
>It's fine if you are asexual
Why does that make it fine? Do asexuals live forever? Still a waste of time really.
Learn from your mistakes. Criticize yourself properly and you'll learn to absorb the constructive elements of people's talk, while the excess glances off of you.
But who is Vayne paired with?
Quinn Loves BBC
You can play supports who actually do things other than be heal bots or shield bots
Like Thresh, or Karma, or Leona.
V-very lewd user, this is a Christian board.
Because (you) haven't asked for it to be on the boards. No harm in trying to make a plea for it.
Nigra you think you stand a chance against me as fiddleshits? You think you're going to get any blue buffs or farm while I exist on the map literally anywhere? You'll be lucky to get level 6 killing single krugs, raptors, and wolves as I feast upon your lanes.
You must think that you're so clever, that you can solo dragon so early, easily, like it belongs to you. You'll think that, that first infernal is yours, that it'll be your saving grace after losing five camps to me, and already bearing the guilt of your top laner raging that I've ganked them twice. And then like lightning from a cloudless sky, I will strike, utterly overwhelming you with the combined might of dragon before you can even smite it, and it will be mine. And in your last dying moments, you'll see that mastery shine over my head before I head bot lane to further stack my dark seal and feast upon your helpless laners.
And again, you will find your jungle a barren wasteland, your every lane crying and screaming in all chat, driven to the brink of insanity and rage that you're three levels behind all of them, meanwhile Evelynn is gouging out their eyes. By the time you can even think of trying to use crowstorm and your Zhonyas, it will be far too late. Your entire team will already be dead or routed, you alone in the middle of my enemy team.
But don't worry, I won't kill you. I've feasted enough, I'll leave you for my teammates to deal with. I am generous, I do like to share the gold with my team. And so they'll get the honors of breaking your pathetic stick limbs.
You're fucking dead, kiddo.
I want to cuddle Nami in a warm bath!
Hope your climbs are going well, /lolg/
Jinx is canonically gay for Crazy Rocket Pussy
What did he mean by that?
its going pretty shitty
lose 3, win lose win lose win
they aren't but i appreciate the sentiment
I want to watch you cuddle with Nami while taking a cozy bath with her!
I get so fucking mad when I have days where I win one lose one win one lose one.
It's so fucking annoying and tilts me as much as when I start to randomly lag.
Good luck to you and please keep trying.
Hopefully your luck will change, and I try, I try.
Don't build glass cannon narg. At least grab a Warden's Mail or Adaptive helm to fuck up Kayle. Sterak's is ok too.
HEADcanonically at best
>On-Hit Gnar with Mobi Boots
>Not even a Mallet
Nigger what?
Elise wins more games but Lee sells more skins and #LCSBIGPLAYS
Europe LCS has nothing to do with winning, since theyre never going to anyway, They're just there to make Riot as much money as they can
There is only one. He even goes for women that look like her see
what's the best champ to solo end bot games as fast as possible?
>get to promos
>game 1
>get lead
>game 2
>bot lane goes 0/13 by 15 minutes
>lose to super fed caitlyn
>game 3
>syndra goes 0/5 to fizz by 6-7 minutes
>middle inhibitor falls by 12:15
>bot lane goes 0/8 by 6 minutes
>top manages to hold lane
>jungle (me) cannot help since they fed their laners too much before i could come
another lost promo series due to getting super shitters on my team
Godfist Lee Sin is one the WORST skins in recent releases.
give me a 3 step guide on how to jungle
But we're talking 1v1. I can eventually do so with Lulu or those that you've mentioned, but not that early on. I just find I can 1v1 earlier as a jg than I can as a support. That's natural, isn't it?
But your mind isn't, user. You chose to imagine what I merely wrote. Oh but leave SG Jinx out of that last part, pretty sure she's not legal yet.
fuck no
the amount of movespeed i have from just procing w is enough to make up for it
if i didnt split push all 3 lanes we would have lost, so no, i must build it
lee tried killing me a few times but it turned on him because fervor and w procs way too fast[/spoiler[
Flow chart:
Don't be retarded.
Be opportunistic.
>buy nunu
>hit Q on jungle monsters
>use smite if you need some health
>solo dragon at level 4/5
Pick Junglers who don't take too long to do damage
Clear camps as fast as possible while also keeping health in a good spot
Gank lanes that aren't pushed and have gank assistance so you don't end up 1v1ing the other laner and keep control of neutral objective
fluffy tails..
voice lines in game, cinematics, and rioter comments aren't canon?
Holy shit, that Nunu passive buff is really fucking good.
Anyone try the new items on him yet? I think Gargoyle Plate would go great with his ult. Get that damage reduction only for it to fall off the moment your ult channel's finished.
>1. ask for a smiteless leash
>2. never gank your lanes and invade when the enemy jungler ganks
>3. call it "maximum bm" when you intentionally feed
you are now the average solo queue jungler
i only play champions that require extensive macrogame sense and decision skills
Give me your rundown on the Dragongirl. I want to play her more, but I find that the passive nerfs were kind of rough, and the black/white snowballing off of dragon control feels shitty.
>voice lines in game, cinematics
None of those have any romantic context you are just delusional
>rioter comments
Shitty unsourcable totally-can't-make-it-up support ticket is canon now? No you are delusional
Why is Nami the absolute cutest support in the game?
no only what delusional autists think is cannon is ACTUALLY canon
like fanart
I applaud your effort, user. But I'm playing Fiddle mid so your prediction is rather faulty.
And in jungle I'd have Blue, Gromp and Wolves within the first 3 minutes, or less. Also new Banshee's means I don't even have to think about using Crowstorm if the situation is ripe, while reserving Zhonya's for later on.
I'll enjoy another 9/0/7 thanks to your teammates too. Really, that aggression will kill you before I get the chance too. Calm down, kid.
i am already dead