/pg/ - Persona General

Kawakami is best girl edition.

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>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/

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Haru is best girl!

First for fuck you OP, claiming

I want to marry Ann!


>Makoto x Phantom
>Anne x Ryuji
>Futaba x Yusuke
>Haru x Goro

Daily reminder that this is the optimal pairing in P5

I can't wait for Persona 5 Goro of the Resurrection!

Shit OP, worst girl

I love Haru!

So you can bully him some more? Good idea!

Hand over the big bang burgers!
Kawakami come over, I need you clean my bottom!

Why won't swift strikes carry over to some Persona when fusing? Doesn't even give the option.

I want to have a questionable relationship with Morgana as FemJoker!

Cucked by a Harufriend, truly life is suffering

Yikes, that outfit.

So how do you get the ultimate amor for the team? I've heard you gain it by washing dirty protective wear but does it need to be a specific one or they're all random? Should I keep the ones I've found in the first palaces?


I love my Makoto

I want to date Kawakami!
I want to put a ring on Kawakami!
I want to marry Kawakami!
I want to impregnate Kawakami and rub her swollen belly!
I want to rest my head on Kawakami's pregnant belly and feel the baby kicking!
I want to raise a family with Kawakami!
I want to tell Kawakami how much I love her!
I want to grow old with Kawakami!

OP here, it's fine. I was going to be a dick and claim her in the OP but decided against it.

Why haven't you beaten Persona 5 five times like andrew goldfarb?

I love Fuuka.

So I'm assuming the first boss is going to be a fire user since I already have Ice/Wind/Electric.
I noticed that Slime has Red wall, so if I fuse that into a stronger persona and use that on Chie during the fight can I stonewall them or is there a hard punish waiting for my memer ass if I do that?


Reminder that Fox is autistic!


best homo pairing!

>"What do you think of these bad boys Ryuji?"
>"That wasn't meant for Group Chat! Don't look at it you guys!"

>Hi sis, do you know what is wrong with me, because I feel funny and my stomach seems to be swollen

P5 is ridiculously lenient man, even without Chihaya you can do a max s-link run in NG pretty easily


dewa dewa

>tfw too anxious about ruining my playthrough by bad time management
>end up reading a guide for each Persona game

I feel like a shitter, but otherwise I can't enjoy these games.

Some personas don't inherit certain types of skills/spells. That depends on the persona itself

Good guy OP, makes bread and isn't a faggot about it

>"Hey Ryuji did you get that invitation to our wedding yet?"

Life is better with Haru and Kawikami around, friend

Just do it and don't be a bitch.

>So I'm assuming the first boss is going to be a fire user since I already have Ice/Wind/Electric.
you got it senpai
though I think it also might have Garu
>I noticed that Slime has Red wall, so if I fuse that into a stronger persona and use that on Chie during the fight can I stonewall them or is there a hard punish waiting for my memer ass if I do that?
don't bother with Chie, let her spend the fight on the floor. Get a Senri, she blocks fire.
good luck

Persona 4 is baby mode, there is nothing hard in the way.

>"Hey Joker did you get that invitation to our welding yet?"

What are the ranks for Persona protagonists from best to worst?

IIRC you can make Chie block when you think the boss will use a fire attack, and Chie won't get knocked down.

Nope, that's actually the good plan.
Funny thing is, the boss does that exact thing to you with Ice Wall to prevent you from fucking it over too hard

Train Slime until you get Fire Wall, fuse it with Orobas(?) to get Senri with Red Wall (Senri nulls Fire), but don't bother putting the wall up AS SOON as it drops, it's a waste of SP

>forced to change their perspective.

Thinking about it now, taking a heart reminds me a lot of the Point of View gun from hitchhiker's guide

>"It won't work on me, I'm already a woman. Truer words never spoken."
>Pic related

When does Ryuji stop acting like an 8 year old who thinks that girls are all smelly and stupid?

andrew who now? Sorry i couldn't even give a shit to know who he is


Prove me wrong.

Protip: Please don't bully

Not enough Tae art.

Stop Mothman abuse

Truly the best doc

I've nothing against Haru, user, good choice

>futaba best
>kawakami that high

You basically did the waifu equivalent of making a top 10 anime list then listing Naruto, DBZ, One Piece, Death Note, etc as the top

Wouldn't Ryuji be Joker's best man?

Pierced boy = Tatsuya = MC = Yu = Joker > Maya who should not be a protagonist dammit she should be a voiced party member

You know the english teacher would probably be much more popular if she didnt have so much makeup on. She actually has curves.

Wait...I never saw that I'm kinda sad now.

Does Joker have a locker? I rubbed my face against all the walls but never found one.

she looks like a tranny

She's not actually that bad, but she gossips too much.

Maybe she should be knocked up a rank for HERRO EVRYUN

>Futaba that high
She's I(mouto) tier

>Makoto in S
Yeah, nah

>rival model that low

Overall bad list, but not the worst


I mean if I'm playing the role of Joker he sure as shit isn't. It's gonna be my boy Yusuke.

Never see it coming~

Joker x Goro
Ryuji x Ann
Yusuke x Futaba
Makoto x Haru

this is the canon list


If you put Usami lower than top 5 you're still a boy waiting to become a man.

I have also made rankings. Nobody is S or S+ because nobody else even comes close to Ann.

Well, those are the only four anime in existence, so I don't see the problem.

Not chuuni enough in this picture.

Wow dude, you have a severe case of shit taste.

I'm with ya for like half to two thirds of that I think

die for her

Rival model is just a bitch. Nothing attractive about that.

No. Even if he did nobody would give him stuff because everyone other than the party and Mishima hate him.


I disagree with portions of the above rankings and would like to submit my own.

I'd rather kiss_ her

I'd rather die by mudoon. Cheaper SP and all that shit.

I find your disagreement with me to be unconscionable. Please amend your list until it matches mine then re-submit it.

Do those schools do lockers like that? I thought they got a shoe locker and that was it.

Damn, the lyrics of the battle theme are extremely evil for a song that cool. Are we sure the villain isn't singing it?

Ok lads. Who is your persona waifu?
Titania a best.

I love you my Trickster, you truly are the worlds finest man

Fuuka is my persona Waifu

Who the hell are you? Are you the Wardens' long-lost sister?


Pixie or Lilim


I've always loved Cybele

more like long lost true identity

Why the fuck do I love this Persona so much?

Mara is the cutest

Oh my god I forgot that the stupid pancakes scene is literally in the first interaction with Akechi

so basically that entire time Morgana knew he had been to the Metaverse

but if Akechi was in Madarame's Palace presumably to spy on the Phantom Thieves, he apparently got some shit intel by not really knowing how Morgana works.

Quick NG+ question. Since the compendium carries over, does this mean enemy names are revealed from the start and you basically never need to negotiate?

Because the doot is always there for you and he's cute.


>more than one waifu


Teach me to summon a Persona, please.

>implying anyone even takes waifuism seriously here.

you need to pull that trigger
come on, do it

>Not going for the harem route

Does anyone have the image of an user drawing PT Hifumi with the half-oni mask and the fate outfit ?

You need a GEP gun.

>but if Akechi was in Madarame's Palace presumably to spy on the Phantom Thieves

Nothing indicates this was the case. We know from Kaneshiro's Palace that Goro has been operating in various Palaces for a while now.