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/vsg/ - vscape general - ded thred edition
Other urls found in this thread:
first for shitposting
benis :DDD
>200 posts ded
sasuga shitposters
>open the general
>check post count
>close thread
65 chests pls gz
Who of u is this?
lmoa you guys
try to not lose this thread before I get back
latent wtf
i will do my best senpai
What are your limits?
this chart doesn't go high enough
who was selling guthix full helm
how can i verify you are telling me the truth
how can you verify anything is truth?
And how can that be verified to be truth?
It's Cactus, retards
Stop. I want to sell my guthix helm already.
t. Rofl
i just spoke to rofl he said ur lying
24th for @red@ANIME
he's the one lying
can we fix this
>not silver cog
stop fucking posting this every thread you autist
>::underage kiddos and manchildren
>::changepassword jraigfyh3qtg
>::y benis
Oh fug benis
is anyone selling guthans warspear??
all me
>log in
>play the game
>continue playing the game
i got chardonnay n bacardi turn tf up !!
>get another glass of whiskey
>log back in
>and then log out to fap and cry self to sleep
there's just not enough time in the day to fap though. grind until you pass out or do something productive
>he doesn't fap while grinding
get a load of this fgt
if you have time to have one hand on the dick then you aren't grinding efficiently
nigga i use my dick to type and navigate the mouse in order to grind, it's both stimulating and gets me good exp
stay mad
Kill the cuck.
Slay the gay.
who is w desu
trap through c
epic rng
man i just smoke and drink.. where did it all go wrong
at least im a college professor
>From Skywaker130: Make modeusu covered in a pile of his jew money
>to Skywaker130: What does modeusu look like in this image?
>From Skywaker130: A jew
I hope not to offend anybody, I am just doing what was requested
well dude i think i'm a goddamn descendant of king arthur
but like damn dude.. i need a damn wife and a job dude... a few sons and daughters to repel my legacy... u understand this... u feel me
this girl is pretty hot
as further requested
>Player count is X
>Login and it's X+1
>Log out, so it's back to X
>Complain that not enough people play, despite not playing yourself.
You are what is wrong with /v/scape.
That, and the fact that we have Yell :^)
more like because my favorite qts aren't on
>From Skywaker130: needs more jew beard and sideburns
it's difficult to shop proper hair and angle, so freehanding it was an inevitability
I played a very long time ago and I'm looking for something to idle play I suppose. Was about to download the regular runescape classic, but then I remembered this was a thing.
its a good server just remember that ::yell doesn't represent the server or the players
>::yell doesn't represent the server or the players
>what people say doesn't reflect them or the population quality of the server
This is your brain in delusion.
What you see is what you get. Don't like it, you're free to leave. Nobody is going to hold your hand here.
do you auto log on inactivity?
knowing the people and then seeing yell allows you to tell the difference between drunk shitposting and genuine conversations. i guess its all just perspective idk man
It's not perspective, it's fact. How people talk on yell reflects who they are, and as a collective that reflects the server as a whole.
>"y-you just don't know them, yell dindu nuffins"
Nonsense. Yell will meme you to oblivion, and I will personally be sure to be there and laugh at your expense.
otherwise fuck off if you can't take the bantz
idk where you got the idea that i've got problems with the bants as i shitpost in yell all day long but w/e man
it sounds like you've got problems, piss off m8
suck my cock fuckboy
captcha: weed route
say that to my face ingame not in the thread see what happens
ign Hurt
but i'm hurt
no, i'm the real hurt
no I'M hurt
ask yell ingame and I will confirm
hey look gary there i am!
page 10, what else is new
clearly said page 9
here's some new info for ya, you're wrong, and an idiot
talk with that tone one more time and I'll hurt you
but I'm hurt
where did they hurt you? are you okay?
I'm fine
hey guys i'm going to leave this general over here
make sure NOTHING happens to it while i'm gone
Who built this fence?
why delet
delet this
literally who