Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Hanamura is a good map Edition

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>Nexus Challenge 2.0; Oni Genji skin, Policeman D.Va, loot boxes, and more in Overwatch and HotS

>**Megabundles Announced**; All players will be able to unlock up to 20 heroes for FREE
>Promotion ends May 22nd, 2017

>D.Va Hero Announced
>Heroes of the Storm 2.0; Now LIVE!
>Genji Hero Announced; Now LIVE!
>Hamamura Battleground Announced; Now LIVE!

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>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.

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"/join Veeky Forums" in game chat


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First for Bandlebro is a blessing

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

Brightwing is a flying cocksleave.

grubbster reddit army strikes again



>Lost this match in 3 minutes.


I really just want a Huntress because of their really fucking cool model
>Innate 120% move speed
>Innate bouncing attacks on activation
>Owl sentinels for vision
>Amazing ass
Could be cool.


>mfw trying out rexxar and then xul because of free chests
im tilted as shit even though i won the rexxar match

best girls


Rennes a best
I get so much mileage out of the shit he's drawn over the years
He should stick with Warcraft though

reminder not to vote on polls with captchas made by stupid niggers


reminder to meme all captchaless polls

Yeah, I thought they would have made Tyrande a huntress like in WC3, a huntress would be great but they probably didn't want to add someone like that because of mounts, but if they just gave her lunara speed it would be fine.

New skins when

>four fucking people (Nazeebo, Lucio, Genji, Ragnaros) go top, leaving me to sololane on diablo
>3 people are in my lane
>still manage to kill one in a 1v3 before they get one kill in a 2v4
>they actually get bullied back behind the keep and let them destroy it
>can't cap the beacon despite most of the people being at mine

Holy fuck I know it's qm but how are you this bad

>Go Go Alarak Rangers,
>Save the world form the dangers

She wasn't a huntress in WC3.

>nobody can play him

mmr: bronze 6

She was a mounted unit with a bow instead of a glaive basically a huntress

By that logic, Thrall is also a huntress.

The only difference between the tyrande hero unit and the basic huntress was a bow or a ranged glaive

who is cutest angel?

based taste


This Naisha or riot

The state of DPS Li Li is troubling

Does this mean they might nerf her?

Blizzard may be fucking retards but they know how to make cool designs


I hope not. It's the best feeling to DPS Li Li.

Did anyone else like some of the unique units more than the heroes? I always liked Falric more than Arthas, and I liked Naisha more than Maiev. Mostly when it came to their performance in combat. Falric could tank like a motherfucker and Naisha just mowed things down.

>Grub just BTFO Azmodan fags in stream just now

>Probius does not have global Q or general of hell, but he doesn't have mana problems, has more consistent damage, offers crowd control, has better zoning, better waveclear. Yeah.

Azmofags BTFO.

i loved Falric

>Frozen Throne comes out
>Blood Elf Footmen use Falric's model but are red and gold
>Think theyre ugly as fuck
Falric was the one and only for me. The blood elves look like theyre wearing some shitty plasticy alloy armor.

>Absolutely fucking despise Towers of Doom
>It has yet to leave rotation.
>Hanamurass is basically a quicker, more snowbally Towers of Doodoo.
>Love Dragon Shire, Warhead Junction, new Haunted Mines
>They're all off rotation now.

What in the ever-hating fuck.

I can't really remember any of them besides Shandris, Naisha, and Falric. Were there any others?

>watching grubbys stream

> liking Dragon Shire
Are you sick? Do you need help?

Again, how do you play her as DPS? Vortex talents?

>he doesn't like bigdick percentile damage heroes
Laughing at you, mate

>play QM with a Veeky Forums friend
>he plays abathur and i play sonya
>o shit its fucking hanamura
>one random teammate freaks out that he always gets matched with abathur players and that they should just delete the fucking game
>he continues to grief and flames around while doing so
>i make fun of him while wrecking the enemy team with aby
>check his hotslogs stats
>mfw hes actually bronze
>continue shitting on everyone
>we win 4v5
>aby gets mvp

needed to blog post, it just felt too good

Is double support autowin like reddit says?

>No boss, unless you count the objective.
>Map is vertically symmetrical so it doesn't favor one side or the other by design.
>Three lanes instead of two, and the lanes actually matter.
>Map doesn't last a half hour or more like Tomb of the Spider Queen.

This entire fucking rotation, apart from Holdout, is "murderball four+ down one lane, get an early two+ level advantage, continue to snowball and become capable of ending the game at 10 minutes but fart around until 20 so you have an annoying misplaced sense of self-worth."

Pretty much. That and lighting serpent.

>abathur mvp
nothing new here

how do I Johanna? what are some good builds?
also we need more lewd jojo pics in these threads

>knowing what reddit says

go back

Shandris would be awesome. One of her ults could be Hypogrif riding

Shandris when?

It's that time

Eva ghost kerrigan

Holy fucking shit I don't know what it is about Cassia that makes me go full retard. I can play just about any other hero fine but I cannot for the life of me get her right; I just keep dying and I have no fucking clue what to do with her.

I feel like I can't just sit back and Q poke because that's just not doing enough, but I also can't go in and Fend or auto attack because I'll get blown up.

I want to get good with her no matter what but this is much harder than it should be.

butcherlisk pajamathur or legendary horse

>no Selendis bringing the carrier fleet
why live


>their team gets 4 supports and an abathur
Top quality matchmaking right here.


wew lad

Dang, so close.

hit them with the blind to go in with fend with the healing off blinded targets talent so the healing can make up for you losing your trait, otherwise just keep moving and poking and throwing spears. You will get fucked against mages though

Who would proceed over Anub and Zagara's wedding? Uther? Abathur? Arthas?

charged strikes on 1
dont blind only defensively, blind just for that extra damage as well
fend only to waveclear or to secure a kill on a target running away from you
fend the minionwave to heal if you picked heal on 4
dont save your ball lightning, the damage isnt spectacular, you need all you can get on cassia as fast as possible



Of course. And Arthas and Abathur would be the proud parents.


Apparently, on official art (meaning actual CANON) Tracer murdered, or at least, fatally wounded Brightwing.


I keep this little diamond under certain portraits, what is it?

The Overmind

tyrande buffs and rework soon!

also bikini skins

They are many levels

When do the maps rotate ?

I miss the thing with the gems and the pirates and the dragon.

the offering mode is soo eughh

anal diamonds
only sluts get them



bw would just regenerate it back

Unless it was lethal, Brightwing can just wait around and heal it off.

It's fitting since Lucio is a better BW and overwatch is murdering BW just like it's murdering hots

DVA when!! i only want they release her fast so we can move on to the next hero!

Joke's on you Overshitter, Altars of the storm are canon too.

Are you ready for the strongest warrior in the universe to be a girl gamer?

>Team expert running auriel, lucio, varian cancer combo
>still losing

How bad do you have to be at the game to lose with that team?

Also fucking varian lmao

best part of the commentary is when khaldor shits all over trikslr for liking stupid shit



It's legitimately like they went "Alright how can we pick the easiest cheese combo possible?"

That happens a lot in ASSFAGGOTS. Baddies just go to whatever site that have the "meta", tier lists and OP builds and copy them without knowing how to play with them.



They picked res on auriel so they are down an ult. Team expert I think though is the worst team in EU

>Team expert I think though is the worst team in EU
No that's begenius, tricked and sinergy.

>They picked res on auriel
>pro team choosing to only have 4 ults
uh eurofags?

Is Samuro fun? I wanna shadow clone jutsu people


He's fun, but not every good.

ded gaem

why is this allowed in hots?