The only good bugs is dead bugs - Edition
All Discussion of Dawn of War 1, 2, and 3 goes here
>Official Relic Forums
The only good bugs is dead bugs - Edition
All Discussion of Dawn of War 1, 2, and 3 goes here
>Official Relic Forums
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Does Dawn of War 3 have the worst missions of the series?
mouse micro is so damn difficult in this game, i don't understand how this is final
elites have clickboxes way wider than their model, so u can click on a unit an inch or two off the side of the elite and it still selects the elite.
also there is shit like if two units are on top of each other, if you click to select one it will select both, and when you click targeted abilities on an enemy it will select the enemy unit or deselect your unit if you have sticky targeting off and you click on the ground.
just mind boggling basic shit that is so fucked up and makes me rage.
I've been trying my best to ignore the actual units and focus on their health bars. Partially because most battles are a complete cluster fuck with terrible unit definition and partially because units move so erratically it sometimes feels like a hit and miss when you go to click on them. The icons do a better job of remaining stable and standing out in the thick of it.
Flamer tac is basically just a more expensive devastator with shorter range and a power cost
Which is the most Scottish themed or inspired Chapter?
Iron Hands
Raven Guard
Space Wolves
Storm Wardens
It actually has AOE tho
Arguably the missions in Soulstorm can be more frustrating.
The game needs rebindable keys badly. its tough enough to click units and scroll the map. There is map look with the directional arrow keys but they're so far away from the home row.
Any time I'm forced to play as the subhuman shitter races I want to kms
Storm Wardens
I fucking swear, we better get expansions to make the game better/more definitively a dawn of war on Soulstorm level or I'll fucking riot.
Anyone up for games on DoW1?
i want farseer macha to sit on my face
I have to love people clamoring for a game on the level of Soulstorm whant it was the third expansion for DoW
It was completely impossible for DoW3 to come out with the same amount of races and units. Its just not worth the effort. And it was never going to be a copy of either game before it.
And I want a squig as a pet, but we both know it will never happen.
>Too squishy to be worth the cost
>too slow to be worth the cost
>Not strong enough to be worth the cost
>Not enough utility to be worth the cost
>no stuns to be worth the cost
>not enough DPS to be worth the cost
>one assault marine unit and one scout unit can do more damage than 2 squads of tac marines ever can for 3/4 the cost
There's literally LITERALLY no reason to buy them early game
Because faggots wanted huge armies. So you need a filler unit, and it falls on tactical marines to fit that bill.
>Reminder there will be a DoW 3 comic on 10 of May with the survivors of the DoW 2 cast.
Nothing wrong with wanting huge armies. 40k IS Huge armies. But DoW1's marines were almost perfect.
there was some kind of fundamental misunderstanding with SM because everything about them is off, balance/VA/style
I feel like the style and aesthetic was on point, but everything else was just weird.
Space marines never make up huge armies. Its a momentous moment when a chapter is mobilised in full, and that only amounts to a thousand marines at the most.
Even Armageddon never saw thousands of marines, and that was a massive war.
Early game they're very lacking. Soon as plasma guns hit the field though they're well worth the money.
Until then they lose to every enemy out there, which feels rather... odd, considering they're goddamn space marines.
You can't have nearly a thousand marines fighting in 3 though. Make a handful of squads, and most of the cap focused on dreadnoughts, predators, and other vehicles. They're supposed to fight against huge swarms of enemies.
The game seems way too limited in terms of viable builds. They really need a balance patch to tone down ASMs and make tactical marines actually useful.
yeah, DoWIII has the game design of a $10 RTS where only a few units are competitive, asking for $60 instead.
Such a disappointment, glad I will never buy it.
They already said they will buff TSM , nerf Weirdboy and some other things I don't remember.
me too user... that beautiful silken crimson dress she has would blanket you in smothering darkness
i need help
You Mon'keighs disgust me.
i am so fucking tired of all the autistic hate for this game. micromanagement is not hard, every game is literally just a map control holdout until you can bring out your titan. i use a couple squads of snipers to control mid and artillery to harass overextension with decimator infantry to back it up, AND THATS ALL IT TAKES. people who bitch and whine and moan about the lack of content dont even realize the guard and necron expansion to come, not to mention the new game modes with them. this game is a simple back and fourth dance that lasts a half hour to an hour, to chill out and test your guerilla tactics. manage your heroes smart with mobs of canonfodder for max damage and fall the fuck back. you get fucking refunds for wasted units anyways, so you should be ENCOURAGED to do as such. then its a massive titan shitfight at the end filled with laughs and massive infantry armies that decides the game, and the fact that all of you refuse to bother with it just because you are all TOO STUPID TO FUCKING LEARN IT, MAKES ME FUCKING HATE THIS DOWN SYNDROME SHITFUCKING FANBASE
Use the icons at the bottom user.
>Flamers are actually viable in DOW3
>people bitch
>odd, considering they're goddamn space marines.
It always ends up a last stand Alamo with the Marines, seems legit they'd lose a lot, Scouts are the SM tier 1 unit unit, SM's are 1.5 as they are useless with the armory unlocks which turn them into absolute beasts, use those fucking scouts.
Probably ought to make scouts deployable from the HQ though.
DESU I'd much rather if games could be won or lost faster, that turret is so fucking powerful, and it generally doesn't help that it is elevated so I lose half my army if I dare to approach it till super heavies come out.
As it is, if you lose map control your stuck in your base waiting to get super heavied, with a very slim chance to come back based on waiting 30 minutes for an enemy fuck up. This is just as bad for the loser as it is for the winner that has to contain you for 30 minutes sitting with a thumb up his ass laughing as he dakka's everything in 7 seconds that has the gal to try and contest the corner points.
You have to earn your Elites and Disciplines through the skull-store system. That means you are at a further disadvantage starting out against experienced players. And if you want to switch races, you have to earn more skulls to fill out that roster, which you can do by becoming a beginner again or by grinding more games with a race you already dumped a ton of skulls into.
In order to experience the full multiplayer experience you need to grind out games with a emptier armory. I don't care how good your game is, I'm not going to sit there and get my shit pushed in for who knows how many games just to earn access to every unit. That is unacceptable design for an RTS not to mention the fact we can rebind keys. Someone decided to have a artificial-progression-feel-good system, which is 100% not what RTS games are about. Every fucking game needs to start with everyone having access to the same choices.
The voice acting was fine. But the writing was terrible; when I play an RTS I am listening to these idiots say the same shit over and over and really, one of the selling points of the previous games was that they said some fairly interesting lines.
So I'm just as mad as you. Except I'm mad at the direction they took the game. I don't care if the game is good, they produced a generic piece of crap with no attitude and forces players to grind for gear.
A goddamn doctrine that let's your marines fire on the move....
Jesus fucking christ. I literally have to grind to a degree to get this. It's not automatically on, nor is there an upgrade so that firing on the move is more accurate like dow 1.
And the worse thing is you can't even bring this up to talk about. You automatically get bashed and accused of 'killing the game'.
So people HAVE to spend 60$ for that. Yet can't point out flaws? Every idiot bashing others for not liking the game literally resorts to 'I LIKE THIS, SO YOU CAN'T NOT LIKE IT OR YOU'RE BAD'.
it will give you more skulls then you know what to do with
You start off with enough skulls to buy a new titan + new elite, or 10 different doctrines. The single player campaign nets you around 3k skulls and levels up a whole bunch of the elites to 4+ (I got gorgutz to 7), just play the damn campaign, its one of the best DOW campaigns (as its got less speshmuhreens levels) and its a good guide to the games various units & faction mechanics.
You're always at a disadvantage against experienced players, the slight power the doctrines give (which again you would be able to obtain these before your first ever game) is so minimal that its being used more as an excuse for shit play.
Every RTS game has repetitive voice lines, perhaps your just growing to hate the genre.
Again play the campaign, you'll have more than enough skulls - the most expensive load out is 3x500 elites + 150 in doctrines though I'm not sure there is even enough 500 pt elites to run 3 per faction. Realistically you're probably keeping Macha/Gorgutz/Gaybriel as they are all solid choices, likely keeping the titans (though the ork/SM alternatives are my go to titans) and possibly swapping the squad for something.
Assuming you swap all 3 titans + all 3 elite squads in each of the factions + add 3 doctrines each your looking at something like 2.5k skulls which you just happen to get + like 2k more for completing the campaign.
I am looking at the cancer that is DOW3, I feel really bad for you faggots that went out and bought that piece of shit, you should have known from the trailers that this is how it would turn out
Its been a long time since I played tabletop but Rapid fire weapons (aka bolters) were severely penalised for firing on the move, where as most of the other infantry just couldn't move and shoot. Fairly sure there was a doctrine you could opt for when making a custom chapter that alleviated this rule turning bolters into assault weapons though again this was like 4th edition.
So its lore friendly, and pretty much a design direction as shoota boys and Avengers need to stay still to fire, lest the game become even more of a kite fest than it is at current.
nerf early game eldars when?
also late game of SM and orks since they don't have good Anti vehicle units
i'm having fun with it desu, have yet to lose a game.
i feel sorry for all you lazy idiots stupid enough to judge it without learning it.
also they can't carry fucking granade while avengers can without any doctrines or upgrades. Also if you unlock it with doctrine it's fucking garbage, it deals way less dmg (and prob has less aoe range) than avengers which they get for free. What the actual fuck? Did anyone tested it before launch?
what is tankbustas.jpg
they die too quick, have shit range and attack too slow
they announced that there is a massive buff patch incoming for tacticals bruva. have faith.
>Which is the most Scottish themed or inspired Chapter?
>Veeky Forums
>Navy Seals
Where's something like that get posted anyways?
i also would like to know this
>shit range
they have the same range as deffguns, which is tanamount to sniper range. and you clearly dont know about the bomb squigs, which have the range of artillery
getting real sick of people trash talking this game when they never played it
you're missing the point.
What was a mechanic in dow 1 that mirrored the table top and made it less kite friendly also had an upgrade that made the base unit of sm's more accurate on the move thus providing more depth and utility to a very basic unit. Dow 3 took that away and made the very ABILITY to fire on the move unlockable through grind. instead of utilizing your resources to go for key upgrade per your strategy as you contest the map with your grind and unlock a select few. It's taking away simple features and mechanics and adding them in piece meal so that you can pass off 'variety'.
It's like stealing something from someone and giving it to them as a gift months later. Then claiming they should like this exchange because now they have something they didn't before.
I'm glad they actually have something that makes tacticals fire on the move. But the implementation of said mechanic is beyond retarded.
And no, that's not lore friendly you fool. That's common fucking sense. There is nothing about wh40k lore that dictates guns fired on the move are less accurate BECAUSE it's only that way in wh40k, but because that's how firearms generally work.
In fact, it is the opposite of lore friendly considering how there's folks running and shooting in every damn book.
>Lore friendly
>Tabletop friendly
>Not being able to shoot on the move
I'm going to screen shot your post just so Veeky Forums can call out all these shills bashing the fucking player base for merely discussing the game without loving it.
This, who the fuck writes this? Who uses desu anymore? How can these shill not realize how much they are actually hurting this blatant damage control?
the whole point of the turret is to prevent bullshit zerg rush tactics, its what separates the game from starcraft and any othet RTS that can be ended in the first 5 minutes.
if you build up the generation of the points right next to your base and dont spend anything on building up mid, you can easily take back mid before the second or third phase. its not an automatic loss if you lose mid, quite the contrary the enemy can place the bulk of his forces there and lose them all like an idiot, as you amass massive req income and then use artillery to blast them out of mid.
dont forget scout/sniper harassment
when i have 3 squads of the same unit how am i supposed to know which one corresponds to which picture on the bar at the bottom in the middle of a fight
>you are at a further disadvantage starting out against experienced players.
doing campaign even on easy gets you thousands of skulls, plenty to buy all the meta elites and doctrines for each race and then some
also you get like 20-30 skulls a match even you lose, considering a doctrine is only 50 skulls it's laughable to call that a grind.
>all these people complaining about being "kite friendly"
git gud shitter
Worthwhile getting DOW3?
>getting mad at the word desu
>mfw i'm actually not shilling, just having fun and want to share the fun
i feel sorry for all you people who refuse to have fun. i wonder what its like being so stubborn and salty.
>mfw muh lore, muh moba, muh tabletop
If you like massive micromanagement, kiting, and 3 lane style back and fourth, yes. If not, gonna have a bad time
It's barebones, but fun. If Relic don't fuck up, the next expansion will fix it with more factions, like the others DoWs.
Black legion
He said chapter, not traitor scum.
Its already announced necrons are on their way. And since guard units are already in the game, them too.
So hype
I feel bad for poorfags that have to obsess and worry about a $50 purchase. I spend more than $50 on lunch almost every day of the week.
Guard units have been in the base game campaign of every single DoW game, and they didn't come to DoW2 as playable until the very last expansion, so I wouldn't bet too heavily on that. Also the guard units that are in the game are house varlock with very specific design that doesn't look like the normal IG outfit so wouldn't be used for main playable IG army.
Use 'tab' ?
They could use the guardsmen from the Imperial Ships missions. And there is a Baneblade on the files.
The baneblade is just copy paste from DoW2
You can legit win in sub 20 mins with asm rushes titans dont even come out in most games I play
all it needs is a reskin. good to go.
i dont know whats more satisfying
the bassy grinding BADADADADADADADA sound of ALL DAT DAKKA on the gorkanauts mega shoota
or the distinct snare sounding PTUNGGG of the knight paladins battle cannon
i live for the symphony of battle
My fav is the Waagh! Tower when is activated.
*drum filled baseline*
*baseline intenseifies*
*cue electric mayhem*
*rising guitar shredding intensifies*
*stomping of feet and slamming of choppas*
*guitar solo fever pitch*
cue the solid tsunami of dakka and choppas consuming a lane
>rokkin turns to idle static in the dust of the stampede
i hate it so much, sounds so dumb, i hate how memeified orks have become too in warhammer games with the shitty british accents and shit
>every game is literally just a map control holdout until you can bring out your titan
Only like 20% of the games I play end up like this in 1v1.
Most of the games I play it's pretty much GG within the first 15 minutes.
Is there like a list of what Chapters are equivalent to real life culture / countries?
Like, who would be SAS or Spetznas?
I just picked a SF out of a hat for that. The Raven Guard are the pinnacle of sneaky-beakie, tactical operator warfare. As mentioned, the Raptors are another chapter renowned for operating.
If I'm not mistaken, the difference between the two is that the RG prefers stealth, rapid precision deployment, surgical operations, and hunting by ambush. "I love it when a plan comes together" sort of chapter. They are friendly rivals with the White Scars for the same, as the WS also enjoy hunting but in the chasing and running-them-down way. The Raptors, by contrast, are "Here's your supplies, here's your target, and here's your time frame." Lots of long, isolated operations in enemy territory. There's something about Raptor's scouts too I don't exactly recall, but they make heavy use of them, as you'd expect, while Raven Guard have a perchance for Assault Marines dropping down in ambush.
>There's something about Raptor's scouts too I don't exactly recall
They are fucking badass, that's what
>raven guard focuses on deep strike drop pods and use assault marines and landspeeders over everything else
fucking meta abusers
Swooping Hawks
but they aren't nerfing ASM, which is one of the things that really needs a fix
As a SF resident thank you, I almost lost perspective. If I play this game 2 weekends it saved me about 200 dollars.