League of legends general /lolg/

murderfu edition part 2!
old murderfu: Eyosongive.us

Post murderfus




MSI Group Stage
Place your bets on who gets second place.
Also, GAM got a direct pool 1 seed for Worlds Group Stage.

Best midlaner coming through
I enjoy your assassin babby tears

xth for canonically smuggiest motherfucker

>Ahri is sitting at 53% win rate with over a 21% pick rate in all elos
>Thresh is sitting at 53% win rate with over a massive 30% pick rate in all elos
>Sejuani is sitting at 53% win rate with a regular, decent 10% pick rate in all elos, but she is the most banned jungler in the game

Gutting of these three when? You can't defend none of these shits.

>ever getting gutted
Gotta sell those skins user

ADC player coming back from a 2month break. Can someone explain why no one buys a broad sword on first back anymore?

xth for Syndra

Sej was already hotfixed. Fuck off. The bans will fall off some once the next fotm arises.

Levi is really really good I wouldn't be surprised if he can somehow carry the team to second granted Flash Wolves choke somehow.

>Also, GAM got a direct pool 1 seed for Worlds Group Stage.

Pretty sure that's only if they win

>Tanks unironically got nerfed across the board for their class update due to item changes and buffs to bruiser shit like DD and new GA
>Maokai is now a bitchboy support and can't lane anymore
>Zac is straight up garbage
>Sej will gradually be nerfed back into a garbage state because tanks aren't allowed to be good in the jungle and LeeSin/Graves mains will whine too hard

Wew lad and I thought the Juggernaut reworks were a total blunder

you mean a long sword?

I enjoy not so much winning with Ivern, but denying the enemy buffs.
A second game people exclaim in allchat "report jungler" for falling so far behind.

Champs you can literally build anything on and still win?
who else?

So next game on 10th? Why are they spacing this shit out so hard?

Highest placed WC team gets the seed.
The top 4 teams also get this.


Because that isn't an item

>ahri being nerfed

good fucking luck

fluffy tails :/

What are some good Xayah Rakan skin concepts? I'll draw them.


In that order

BF Sword? It's because Blade of the Ruined King was really strong first item for everyone for a while there. That should shift back somewhat with the current patch though.

I meant longsword sorry i wasnt very good at the game before i took a break, only silver 1

SKT throws group stage for better seeding

WE will win the group

>Best midlaner
>Not Cho, Galio, or Morgana

>Sejuani is not dumpster for the first time in two years and probably the second or third time in her lifespan
Go suck Lee's microdick you pussy.

Get your shit together, user,

Because why not?
Maximize shekels by spacing the games. Get spectators to buy more merch, tickets, food, etc.
Also keeps people talking about the game for longer.

New venue after this

Reminder that Noxians are the good guys

>Free healthcare
>Doesnt impede medical progression due to morality
>Has the theory of hygiene nailed down, dont let corpses rot in their streets
>embraces ideas of progress and enlightenment
>Has freedom of religion
>Has social mobility iunlike Demacia
>Everyone is free and has a shot at Noxian dream
>Instead of Demacian aristocracy, its a meritocracy
>Has just and equal laws unlike Demacia where nobles receive lax punishments compared to the poor
>To spare its citizens lives , Noxus uses politics and assassinations instead of war

Noxus is America, except colored red while Demacia is Iran colored blue.

Yeah I don't mind it just wish they had at least one game a day would be hella fun.

Damn this new zac ulty is hot fucking garbage. What retard thought his ulty needed a rework

because different stages
group stage onwards will be played in Rio instead of São Paulo

>all those points
>source - your ass

I want to cuddle Nami in a warm bath and keep her close!

Sej has already been nerfed twice. I'd rather they wait and sheer where she falls after than literally repeating the same mistakes they did with Cinderhulk. 55% on release is OP but not the worst we've seen by far.

Thresh is fucking fine right now, the meta is still ranged support cancer because lolfirstbrick.

Ahri can fuck off though

lol chinks cant speak english

>build tank
>basically ww with a skillshot

>build attack speed
>better than your adc now

>build AP
>get one shotted by a Q from 2 screens away

>build AD
>basically a bruise like top lane fizz

I went iceborn gauntlet, qss, and manamune and I couldn't be killed

3v3s is really fun. It's as if they took 80% toplane and 20% midlane and made it into an entire game


Pretty much the original "Build something and it just works" champ

>Has the theory of hygiene nailed down, dont let corpses rot in their streets
Didn't read the lore huh?

>Implying Demacia is an aristocracy
holy fuck at least read the lore before trying to make shit up

the biggest expression of a sub-plat shitter

Just look at Swains/darius/Karthus bio, kleds comments and other characters fluff. Fiora for example reveals the grim reality of Demacia.

why not?

>This will probably happen

Demacia rewards and advances people based on merit though

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.

Might have actually messed it up with Monarchy to be honest. In any case, nobles do wield considerable power in Demacia

>>Doesnt impede medical progression due to morality
>mfw they find your little sister, rape her and then try out their revolutionary hymen recovery surgery on her

heh yea. whatever it takes xd

>>Free healthcare
>Noxus is America

Nope their leader is elected via council you dumb shit.

>TSM shilling one a day they don't play
>Highlight is against the team that just won their slot into MSI

Fucking hell

>SKT needing to "throw" anything in a tournament that doesn't include KT/SSG
>"better" and "worse" metrics when they're playing against a collection of the most brain damaged shitters on the planet


fuck ranked
everyone is a literal monkey there
I'll just fuck around normals


where is maokai supposed to go now?

Back to the jungle

support or jungle

I can't really think of a reason to play normals over ranked, desu.

>you get a diamond mid
>theirs is silver
what a match that was

last game I had a brand support go 5/10, do less damage on game and call me useless
I can't, I tilt way too much when these people are in my games, at least I know it won't matter if I lose in normals

Jungle. His damage is all loaded on E which is hard as hell to use in lane and the Ult seems to work better from flanks anyway.

Taliyahfag is even fucking worse than Lulufag
At least with Lulu I can understand how people find cutesy loli shit appealing even if I don't myself,Taliyah is just completely tumblr bland and uninteresting,and he's trying to make it out as if she wasn't a complete special snowflake failure of an attempt at character design with any merit

he is super oppresive in lane if your adc isn't a braindead monkey WHO MISSES EVERY FUCKING KILL LIKE MY CAITLYN DID THE OTHER DAY


bronze life

He's actually a fucking stupid broken support right now in Korea. He's gonna be summer split's Support Malzahar

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>enemy jungler forgets smite
>ours tries to steal his red
>its shyvana
>niggers started Q
>then went E for frog
>lost all hp and potions by frog, smited blue even though bot was helping him
>died to enemy red

top fucking lmao, fucker was lucky that enemy jungler had some dignity and just went afk for remake

>everyone is a literal monkey there
>I'll just fuck around normals

What did I miss at MSI today?


She was a failure but she is fun to play. Also you need to expand your vocabulary beyond internet buzzwords.

t. lulufag falseflagging to get people to hate you less

gooks stomping roaches

not much


Deep house is the best genre of music

Noxus is the only moral state in Runeterra

Suppresses the people trough harsh class society
Has people of Zaun by the balls, Theyre the nazis to the jews
Has no law nor state. Is full of crime, mutants and inhumane experiments.
Employs Jhin, nuff said

>Be me
>Always wanted to make League educational videos
>Wrote down some ideas about what I could talk about
>Everytime I try and record myself I either stutter a lot or just don't sound like myself
>No matter how many times I try I end up sounding either boring or just hard to understand english is not my native language
>Get mad at myself and trash everysingle recording

Anyone who has any tips with recording himself talking on a subject while trying to sound interesting or at least not boring?

Is poppy garbage now ?

How cute

Yes, but it's not her fault. Tanks as a whole are fucking awful right now

Write a script

>last game I had a brand support go 5/10, do less damage on game and call me useless
Whoa, dude. That's pretty brutal.

>I tilt way too much when these people are in my games, at least I know it won't matter if I lose in normals
Because they fuck around in ranked similar to how you fuck around in normals, right? Sick, breh.

Shes alright just Gragas and Naut are better tanks top atm.

So how bad were tanks fucked in this update? What are even the good tank items now that radiuns doesn't use a giants belt anymore? Why can't riot do anything right? Why do I still play this shit?

There is so many League education on the internet as sand in the ocean

>Preferred Position (Rank)
>Top 50% Win Ratio 0%
>Middle 50% Win Ratio 0%
>Preferred Position (Rank)
>Jungle 100% Win Ratio 0%
I love ranked!

>carrying game
>he finally comes back
>still carrying
>late game
>ping back off bush
>obvious bait
>still walk near it and throw the game

nothing is worse than throwing a game you're carrying

I like nami

the only "good" noxians are talon, kat, and darius
everyone else is a corrupt bloodthirsty cunt
you fucking noxus beaners need to shut the fuck up and hop stay on the other side of that wall with your tacos

"Sounds dangerous... I'm in!"

There are some vids. Try to fluctuate with your tone friendo, it can help alot.

Reminder that Taliyah is the best champion and only reason she's so unpopular is because of the bigoted white male loser nerds that plague this game.

youre retarded if you dont think every tank is better off
literally the current most powerful roles to play are tanks and briusers
then supports and assasins
then adcs
then at the very bottom mages

Everyone in politics is corrupt, no way around that
Its a requirement for that line of work.

Peaceful, talks before fights
Doesnt care about blood

The list goes on.

>watch hashinshin
>team pings him danger as the enemy jungler is around topside
>continues to play aggro and dies to jungler
>starts flaming his jungler for not ganking top

this dude is a walking,living,talking fucking meme holy shit.