How can I use cash to buy some fucking bitcoins without a 17 day waiting period, 15% service fee, 22 factor account and identity verification, and mandatory penis inspection?
How can I use cash to buy some fucking bitcoins without a 17 day waiting period, 15% service fee...
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atms are instant.
you put in cash and get bitcoins out.
alright not exactly instant you have to wait up to 2 hours for the bitcoins to confirm.
Tell me more about these mystical ATM coins...
Local bitcoins or you can buy on ebay
not it's bitcoins from atms fucking google "bitcoin atm" you nigger!
where do you live I'll sell you some at market price
Pennsylvania area
I love that you're calling me the nigger, but you type like you went to school in the heart of Africa. I obviously did google it pal, I was just trying to have an active discussion with a person who I've assumed has used them because talking to real people with experience is generally a better way to get the exact details you need.
I live in MN.
>Tell me more about these mystical ATM coins...
that did not sound like you had any clue about anything dude and it still doesn't.
just watch the vids how they are used, and google where you can find the next.
that simple.
>I love that you're calling me the nigger, but you type like you went to school in the heart of Africa.
really faggot? really? you gonna pretend you don't type like a stinky ass curry nigger?
Atms are pverpriced btc
Just google it
you have like 5% overhead exchange gonna cost as much overall with all the money transfer costs the exchange spread and fees on withdraw imo. or damn near close.
and that it's actually anonymous is a nice bonus.
Nope, just use kraken. Near zero % fee. Prices very low too. Could buy on kraken and sell on other platforms for profits.
what's your cost on the deposits from wires?
Deposit for me was 0, I'm using a eurocuck bank
that's not bad i guess. when i check how much it takes to wire money to an exchange i was pretty stunned it take $13 to wire a bitcoins worth and somewhere along the line there gonna be conversions.i would be surprised if it would stop under $20 just for the deposit. then exchange fees or withdraw fees. you also have to confirm your identity which is a hassle and i don't really like or want to.
so the atms 5% is not a big deal to me compared.
Nigger, just sign up for kraken or coinbase, verify identity and enjoy the near to 0 fees, even when trading.
like i said it would be up to 3% roughly for me and much more if i bought less than 1 btc. just get it through your head shit costs money anyhow.
Don't use credit card then fag. Or shut the fuck up about fees. I will fuck your mom and she pays me 2btc, bitch.
Everybody in this thread is a fucking idiot.
Go to
Get cash, then proceed to the ATM.
Print a paper wallet, then use your phone to swipe the BTC onto a wallet, or directly to an exchange.
If you can't figure it out after that, you're probably retarded.
Kraken. Just gotta show your ID.
>search up bitcoin ATMs near me
>14% buy fee
>lowest is 9%
shit bros where can i buy with maybe a 5% fee
no credit cards no it's just the bank transfer fee. it's good for you if it's free i don't actually believe you but there are certain expensive packages that allow for free transfer to a limit sure. not even them will convert your currency for free tho.
wow that sucks dude.
i would advise then.
i buy from atms but sold out on localbitcoins.
i don't like the exchanges they want to verify up your anus.
>I will fuck your mom and she pays me 2btc, bitch.
jesus dude... i seriously at loss how to respond to this there are so many possibilities but it just feels retarded to even talk to you at this point. so yeah fuck off!