I want all these qt girls to kill me!
League of legends general /lolg/
Xth for tanks are unironically shit right now if your name isn't Sejuani
fluffy tails
i love you guys!
Or Gragas.
Xth for Illaoi is cute
>Sej and Gragas are the only tanks worth a shit
wew lad haven't seen this episode in a while
>Pick Darius
A curious game, lolbabs.
How do I get the drive back to play ranked. I got high plat and now I really don't feel like playing ranked at all. I want diamond but fuck I don't want to grind lp
>walk into your room
>see this on your bed
What to do /lolg/?
whats that input shit im seeing
i need this
can we go back to giving all 3 bans to one person so i can feel good every 5th game for banning all the fucking stupid picks my team hovers
>hovers singed adc
>a whole macro to explain why its not shit
>hovers xayah jungle
>hovers quin support
Does riot still give you 1RP if you draw them bad art?
It's just what overwolf replay.gg does with your replays. It'll show you your apm and stuff.
I would actually like to turn that off in my replays but I haven't looked at how.
Xth for Nu-pulsefire ezreal costs money and people will actually pay for it and encourage this jewish behavior.
Love you too, cutie.
>Making press an old woman without a vagina
Shit meme, shit poster
>forgetting DEPTHS,Galio and SHEEEEN*
*pro play only*
how the hell I escape diamond 1
xth for tripfags are all worthless faggots including self proclaimed "our guy" welding
You can still get demoted in ranked right?
nope, they removed that, troll all you want
theanks c: i've had a bad day
She better pay rent if shes gonna sleep in my bed
All 3 of those champion's winrates (playrates too for that matter actually) fucking tanked hard with the patch release.
Some user said in the other thread that aside from Sejuani there's not a single tank with a positive winrate this patch toplane
>client is so shit it cant even say i was demoted
>only after 2 matches after being demoted does it state i was demoted
>the match it said this was a victory
riot programming is so fucking bad
theres currently a bug with headhunter yi where a specific heal can permanently play his healing sound effects so you can HEAR when he's nearby whether hes healing or not
the changed support items can add 15 to any no mana bar, whether its mana or energy or rage or heat or yasuo's gay shield. it genuinely doesnt matter yet riot somehow didnt see this at all
the shop is more brojen than ever demanding a client restart to get in should it fail to load
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +2
Offer her afternoon sex & tea.
Did you find yourself without strong arms to snuggle in once again?
This wendys shit is getting out of hand
Instant kill
probably because youre a autistic degenerate shit posting on a vidya game board
no.. i wish.
From a quick check of champion.gg you're right, however most of them are hovering at the 48-49% which isn't too bad.
i am very much inclined to buy such a skin and i would pay at least as much as a wendy's combo for it
comfy bfs~
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +1
With the threshold cap for Warmog's being decreased and the item being buffed you can now activate it as your second item on Mundo with Visage or Sunfire first. Your regen out of combat is about 222.9 per second, without your ult. Throw on some resistances and you're pretty much golden to split your ass off. New sunfire cape absolutely mows down waves stacked with Mundo's W so you can split your ass off now with him.
Tried that matchup and hated it, actually feel like it's one of the worst matchups to play against her since you have to get so close to start dealing damage to her
Will try.
I'm not an ADC main player, just trying to figure it out so I don't get fucked hard when playing against her. Didn't get good results with Lucian (couldn't win playing forward, would get poked if I didn't go in), Cait (went even but couldn't do much to pressure her, and then she went bork first which completely killed all chances of me killing her) and Jhin (even, couldn't pressure her though)
git gud
if odds we win
if evens we lose
Reminder that ADC nerds are ruining this game for everyone else.
We'll arrange something one day. Just wait.
I've seen worse skin ideas
Have you made any game winning comebacks today user?
>Naut is even WORSE than what Maokai was last patch.
Holy fuck RIP.
I'd say it's pretty damn bad speaking for a role in it's entirely. Even at the peak of top lane tank meta cancer there were still plenty of bruisers and carrys posting solid winrates (mostly because they'd shit on said tanks and end the game in a timely manner)
I think in general the item changes were way too harsh on the midgame for Tanks desu. The double whammy of gutting Sunfire AND giving squishies base MR per level alongside nerfing health in general is proving fatal
Ask a silver anything related to league
Will reply to any and all questions
That outfit reminds me of Panty
Veeky Forums vs /vg +1
how long is your girl-penis?
how long have you been playing and if its more than a year what kind of mental condition are dealing with.
Wew lad what in the ever living fuck was Riot thinking buffing Death's Dance.
I sure do love Fiora Riven and Graves going Triple lifesteal with GA and being tankier than actual full tank tanks and still being able to pop squishies :^)
Good luck, I doubt she'd give you the time of day even if she wanted to.
The best you could hope for is a 3-way marriage since you'd have to be the leader of the family to get her attention and still produce an heir.
Can't you go shit up a discord instead like vladfag?
>Getting stomped for 30 minutes, only reason we haven't lost yet is enemy team is screwing around
>They go for the game-ending push, get greedy and get aced right as our last Nexus Tower falls
>Suddenly notice a stacked wave in bot lane
>TP in, start lawnmowering the Tower like my life depended on it, Viktor sees what I'm doing and TP's in as well
>Finish off their Nexus right as they all respawn
>mfw it was my promos
Enemy team was so tilted they couldn't even trash talk (like they'd been doing the entire game), they all just left without saying anything.
Actually that skin idea's been around before the smug wendy's stuff. I still dig it though, in fact probably more so since it might give a smug vibe
I thank Star Guardian for existing since it fills the void that could have filled
cant you filter me?
Whats more important kills or objectives? Sometimes some games man I don't know...
Time to learn how to play Ahri. I was tempted those 3 times I got her Academy skin from hextech.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +2
Come play Veeky Forums customs with all your friends!
This is cool. I doubt that it'll ever get done but it's pretty cool.
I'm not keeping up with it, but this skin idea is really nice.
This is deserving of my one and only barf gif
couldn't you post in a discord instead? or do they not want you?
What does /lolg/ think of Yordles both gameplay and lore wise?
xth for i want to look exactly like caitlyn!
have fun
Just thought I'd try league again after 2 month break.
>low priority que
>Remember I rage quit my last game and stopped league
>Well, lets see what the wait is
>Have to wait 20 mins just to que up for 5 games
No... No I do not. Guess I am still done with league
If ADC players were generally knowledgeable, even about their own role then things would be a lot better.
That can be arranged
only good ones is Veigar and Amumu because you can't tell they're Yordles.
>Taliyah is useless even when ahead
Eat my shit kid
Blitz is a tank.
Good, Fiora be damned as an enemy. She's not even a satisfying kill, just a pest.
Playing against a good Taliyah is the most rage inducing thing I can think of.
I wish Braum was real
5 years
autism, depression, possibly schizophrenia but we're looking into that one
players dont know when to stop. thats the part that matters. know when to stop
if you have a 40/1 kat that isnt taking her first tower, then you need to force them to fucking take it or you will never win
I dont like the discord, its either really bland "inner circle" conversation or a memefest circlejerk
its so different from lolg they might as well be unrelated to eachother
plus if I ever wanted to talk about something other than my gayness id get shut down just based on other peoples biases against me, here outside of replying to my post no one can tell its me when I make OC or start shit
lolg is comfy, the discord isnt
Veigar's lore explicitly states he's a Yordle. Amumu isn't.
Nah, I won't unless I get a skin. Heaven forbid I get this one, I won't be able to say no.
>Playing Melee Supports
Boy I sure do feel like getting poked out in lane and losing my tower in 8 minutes!
Post comics
>he doesn't know
Blitz has the highest winrate of any support.
I mean physically they don't look like rats, and fuck your new lore faggot
have you never played lethality blitz?
>new lore
Veigar's bio has literally always referred to him as a Yordle.
that would be sona boot good try shitter.
Objectively false. That would be Sona, followed by Thresh.
>Thinking winrates in a vacuum matter
>Have a cool concept for a champion
>think up an identity, lore, and kit that are all badass
>realize that the kit I think up or the identity/playstyle already belongs to a shitty yordle
Don't care for them.
Yup, she has map control like no other champion.
People underestimate how much damage her full combo can do.
xth for adcs who main a
ezreal are not real adcs, just midlaners who cant play solo lanes or immobile mages.
Be the change you want to see, user.
>Using old data
nice maymay
Shake hands with Tyrone, politely greet myself, and smile as I watch him pleasure my Ahri in ways I could only dream of.