League of Legends Genereal /lolg/


Real Life Ahri Edition

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xth for brazil

>Post a better feeling than this
Protip: You cant.

Why doesn't Annie bot just main Lissandra??

looking for some memebuilds to try in normals

>should be hours into Prey
>should be earning final 2 key fragments
>spending time in Veeky Forums threads for each game instead
sasuga human interaction

rageblade trist

full AD twisted fate

Critical Ivern

six gunblade Ahri.

Full tank aatrox

How to Swain and Vladimir? Are they okay to get gud in Top lane with?

>Enemy Top is Kled
>He gets super fed
>Builds retarded shit
>He loses because full AD Kled is worthless past 20 minutes

One of these fucking days I'm gonna see one who doesn't build him like a tard.

pick talon, rush a youmuus, then build 4 BF swords and ionians, then make a bf sword into duskblade, then sell a bf sword for edge of night, then make a GA, then sell a bf sword for black cleaver, then sell a bf sword for deaths dance

think of em like really expensive dorans blades

its the comfy bfs~ build

doesnt sound all that much more fun than normal trist desu
How would the builds go
Sounds like it would just suck to play thus not being that fun
I dont play aatrox but this doesnt even sound like a memebuild

That's not a memebuild that's just the quickest way to tilt everyone on the enemy team.

>Enemy team has Lucian
>My team has Caitlyn

WoW! So DIVERSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can we just nerf these champions or just buff the other ones

xth for Syndra

probably doing this, gimme a full rundown on this
>skill order
>jungle or no


It's a memebuild because it's soooo tilting in exchange for having a shittier lane.

>Play an old champ
>Try as hard as I can, do reasonably well, better than I usually do even
>Feel like a fucking dinosaur with my high cooldowns, telegraphed abilities, zero mobility, and actual mana costs.
>Feel like I just can't keep up no matter what.
Basically what I'm saying is that I fucking hate Ekko

Well after your static shivv get an essence reaver for CDR into a phantom dancer then finish your blood razor

Max W to maximise your auto attack damage and ranged uptime., yes jungle, take ignite and red smite.

If you bitch out switch to this build

keystone tho?

>Ekko is old


You missed the point entirely, because none of that shit applies to Ekko.

>team tells you to pick easy to play champ
>team dies your lane multiple times
>why first time x-champ

>release date 2015-05-28

x zed
accept it

>Get autofilled to support
>Get Lucian adc
>He rushes Essence Reaver
>Never builds BotRK at all
>constantly disconnecting

I didn't play very good that game either, but come the fuck on. It's not fair for me to get autofilled to support AND get a dumbfuck adc to lane with.

sounds good to me
results shall be posted


Who, also
>he's still this desperate for my (You)s
Here take it you beggar, now go away.

EVERY support gets a dumbfuck adc to lane with

Yeah but mine was literally troll building.

Thoughts on this summoner, lolg?

In general, do you prefer using quick cast or normal cast?


>Your teammates blame you for no heals when they just eat all skillshots thrown at them.

Carry players (regardless of lane) are like spoiled children. Literally.

>Get autofilled support
>Is suicidally aggressive
>Decide to go ham with him
>We hard carry the game
Pic related

>abusing broken champs for rank



Alright, /lolg/ Now that the feathers have settled, what do we think of Xayah (gameplay only)?

Any good builds?

I stopped playing when Luxanon died, did he come back to life to wash our sins yet or not ?

>getting flamed by qt

You know you are a shitter when

I never left

>Ekko is 2 years old

>pick Gragas
>get a few doran rings
>never run out of mana
>good sustain
>can easily shove
>do boatloads of damage
>godtier teamfighter

Abuse this op alcoholic before he gets nerfd

How many accounts to people normally have? I have 3 level 30accounts:
One is my main account, used for climbing soloq and playing with real life friends

Second is solely for practicing playstyles and strategies in soloq with my main otp champ that is used on my main account.

Third is my girl account. This is for when I'm just completely steamed out of the competitive scene and want to just have some casual fun playing support and mid.

Is this normal? How many accounts do you guys actively use?


But I don't want to play Gragas, he doesn't really resonate with me at all.

Guys, please help, give me some tips. I'm in P5 on EUW and I feel stuck. The thing is that I feel like I can mechanically outplay most of the people I'm up against, and I outclass all of my similarly ranked friends. In spite of that, I seem to do stupid shit even when I know it's a bad idea. What should I do if my team has a crappy idea that I know won't work out? I also have shitty map awareness. How do I improve on that?

>Yasou zed and azir where season 4 champions and/or played on the old map

I love it.


How can other yordle girls even compete?

alright what the fuck is a fidget spinner i cant keep up with this shit


I wanted to play supp and got an egotistical Rakan who auto-locked instead.

Is this just something that's on the rise? I've had mostly competent ADCs lately, or at least ones who wise up once they realize they're taking too much poke.

It's really the only way sometimes, even engaging yourself despite being a squishy support.

I can't say much for builds, but it's pretty fun setting up a Xayah.

>Tahm with Abyssal, Stoneplate and new Funfire

I feel like a Final Fantasy boss.

looks like oriana's auto attack projectile
don't worry old man I was stunned when my second cousin was suddenly old enough to sass talk me and play on his iPad


>one patch until we can remove pings

so close..

desu pings is for people who never watch minimap, they serve no purpose for anyone who isn't retarded

then again theres a lot of retarded people that play this game

>Someone makes 1 mistake

Isn't that fun? It's like a funny meme at this point

Why? Is having multiple accounts really that dumb?

you telling me next patch we can mute peoples' pings? if so thank the lord

who am i abusing?


>throw out arrow because there's a chance the guy doesn't dodge it
>he does

Lissandra was also on the old map


>thresh was released 2013


It's ping muting on a per-player basis. Muting them entirely is retarded and I actively make use of them and expect others to do the same, but if people are going to abuse them and be passive aggressive pricks with it then they can eat shit.

Please stop abusing my wife for elo.

>that artist
Well, at least I got a nice piece of Sona at the end. Annie was nice too, but almost too concept art-y. And he was nice to the demis. Really nice, I was surprised.

To me, anyone who was released after the time period where they were chugging a new champ out every 2 weeks isn't old.

>join lolg discord
>it's full of retarded americans

Can we please have an EU channel??

I haven't used her in a long, long time. I need to get better, I'll admit that, but her lack of instant, movement stopping CC isn't always nice.

stop banning sejuani against me

Well the champ I was talking about is Cho'gath

>she will never be either ban-tier or dumpster-tier
Feels bad man

>wanted to make eune smurf on eune to play with some friends there
>no draft pick normals

ok so how do i level up an account without playing blind cacner

She was fine before cinderhulk. Fuck that item.


>be ~d2 elo
>enemy xin has 1k games as xin
>gets firstblooded by my gragas
>5 minutes go by without seeing him
>enemy support says "open"

>10 minute game

>Rift Herald is so weak that nobody takes it
>Riot buffs it so that you can autowin the game on a single push with it

Sasuga rito.

>their irelia is 130 cs above my gnar

how did that even happen

ADC zed w/Nami is working against Teemo and Thresh, thank goodness.

What if Rift Herald just gave global gold like old Dragon

Crit Ivern Results

shaco was a bitch early on, and all lanes were pushed into tower so i couldnt really gank. Narrowly scraped a 1.0 KDA.

I was pretty much useless unless I had W passive, then I was doing just a little less dmg than trist.

As for damage I did 16k, for reference Trist did 19K and Rengar (who solocarried basically) did 54K

Please send more memebuilds
Im desperate desu

>Gnar into Irelia

One of those champions gets fucked hard nine times out of ten, and I'll give you a hint: It's Gnar.

AP Fiora

>please ban kat and vlad so OP XDD

Nobody please these fucking champions stfu

ban champions people actually play and are OP asdadadd

So I just got back into League since 2013. Been playing Mordekaiser and smashing the top lane 90% of the time. However I didn't do too hot during my Promotion games and I am at Bronze 2. A typical game for me goes usually winning VS Top lane and getting a solid 3 kills or so. Roam around and get other kills. The issue is that my other teammates seem to fall apart around the mid to late game and start to feed hard or just feed early in general. I know I am rusty as fuck but the level of players down here is astonishing.

How do I get out of bronze?

ap jax

Don't roam. Keep farming and you'll outscale everyone. 1v3 the other team when they come to stop you at their inhib and either kill them all or back off and repeat enough for your boosted team to take another objective.

Ill shoot, Gimme the dets
>top or mid

also pool party, headmistress or project

>Everyone waits until the last second to pick or ban
>then someone waits until the last second to dodge



I don't roam ALL the time. But yeah there were plenty of times where I'd 1v2 when the jungle came to gank me. I try to carry but the players just don't want to listen and just dive and do stupid shit.

>She was fine before cinderhulk
>she was fine in age when you smited gromp you got a better thornmail and if the enemy auto attacked you 5 times the actually died