Why doesn't Veeky Forums have a wiki similar to Veeky Forums?

Why doesn't Veeky Forums have a wiki similar to Veeky Forums?

A complete novice can read through Veeky Forums's wiki and come out of it pretty well informed about how one should realistically plan and achieve fitness goals. It also directs you to reading material considered canon by the fitness community in addition to dispelling fitness myths and memes.

Is there anything like that out there for business & fiance? An infographic perhaps?

I have a list of books and papers on my site if you would like to read them. Finance, programming, math, statistics.

Otherwise business is just satisfying some sort of need for people that doesn't exist or that does it better than competitors. Not much more to learn

SEC rules.

That's some good fucking soap right there mate.

I've thought about writing one. It would take me about 2 hours. I might if I ever get the time. I would ONLY write it if I was gauaranteed it would be turned into a sticky.

Here's what I would include:
> I'm about to do sales can you give me some basics
> I want to get into stocks can you give me some basics
> I want to get into real estate, can you give me some basics
> What are some good general business books to read
> I want to start a business, where should I begin?
> A guide to buying and selling crypto coins
> Are there ways for me to make money online?
> What are some good side hustles

I think that would be about it. I would also address the "how do I get rich" threads with a fair and honest explanation of just how stupid that question is and how quickly the OP of those threads should fuck right off of Veeky Forums

I would very much appreciate something like this. I think most anons here would too. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't sticky it. It would probably help reduce some of the general shitposting that goes on this board and elevate discussions.

Perhaps even add a "I'm about to go to a job interview" section.

I'm new to this board and would greatly appreciate that

>dat hand cream readily available nearby

would utilise

>crypto coins
>core part of Veeky Forums wiki

Post it

Because biz is a cryptoshit containment board. The rest of us are just here to absorb their shit

Should I buy waves?

Probably because economics is not a hard science. Nutrition, body fat, muscle gain - you can measure this shit and find out which exercises and diets are best.

Eco is a social science. One that hasn't been able to agree on a paradigm in hundred years. On every issue you will have competing views. Growth or value? Technical analysis, fundamentals, trends or market psychology? Coin or no coin? Gold or no gold? Bubble or no bubble? Gut feeling or running the numbers? Pump and dump? Daytrade or hold? Leverage or bad debt? Frugal or spend money to make money? Wageslaving or neet? Passive income a meme or achievable? Forex, derivatives, etc, etc...

I can't imagine a wiki that would not be heavily biased and contested by at least a third of the board. And a lot of knowledge is very local anyway: Taxes, opportunities, real estate and rent, etc.

What would you even put on a wiki that's universally agreed on?

tl;dr: Either there's no consensus or there's straight-up no internationally true knowledge in Veeky Forums-matters.

please post it.


Literally what I Just came to this board to look for.

Ashamed I don't post here more since its my job/major but nothing really feels compelling since its mostly people with a hundred of the same questions I'm already thinking of.

would love the sales write up homie, any tips or suggestions you have

Why would you say this and not post a link?

Post it you bitch ass nigga


Currently writing a sticky

Never talk to me again

the man we don't deserve, and only kinda need, but are still grateful for

It's done, check the catalog.

>there is no wikipedia page on social sciences
just kill yourself