So what miracles did Mohammed actually perform? Where is the proof of his prophethood?
So what miracles did Mohammed actually perform? Where is the proof of his prophethood?
He fucked a 9 year old kid
sucking off a little boy
he rode on some kind of horse with a human head
pic is my drawing in b4 i get beheaded
At best, he made semi-accurate predictions of how long things would take to accomplish. This city will fall in six weeks, this country in six months, that sort of thing. He made no prophecies that were not already in the bible but for the "sun will rise from the west and set in the east in the end times", or some such nonsense.
Mohammed is not God, he doesn't perform miracles. The proof of his prophethood is the Quran
There are no prophecies or miracles in the quran that were not in the bible before it.
If you want to think he jumped and cut the moon in half, you're free to think so.
He got high on little girl pussy in a cave and claimed and angel spoke to him
nice meme
everyone knows aisha probably wasn't that young
Oh? Citation? As well as for the miracles and support for Prophethood, please.
Married at 6. Deflowered at 9 by a 54 year old.
Mohammad lusted after a baby girl suckling her mother's breast. And another who was not quite walking yet.
Stop being anti Muslim you bigot, this isn't /pol/
I'm pretty sure your post is satire.
Mahound never performed any miracles. Muslims just respond that the Koran is the only "miracle" that he needed to demonstrate his status as a prophet.
The New Testament very clearly lays out several tests to use to judge whether a prophet is true or false. When applied to what we know about the life of Mahound, these tests make it pretty clear which category he fell into.
Aisha's hadith is anti-muslim? First I heard of it.
I didn't even mention the dressing like a little girl and playing with small children, or the liklihood he rubbed his dick between Aisha's legs when she was 6.
Bump, still awaiting answers from a Muslim or Muslim apologist.
Read a Quran. Get off your computer and stop waiting. If you want to actually understand why he is a Prophet, read a book. You can sit behind a computer for 24 hours and type a hundred words a second to make fun of someone needs but you can't even read a book? No. You can read a book.
Considering the SHIT content in this thread, you aren't likely to get any valid response.
You might.
Not OP but related question: why did people believe Muhammad?
It's a Shia hadith made to discredit her vote at Saqira, she was most likely 16.
T-Orthodox Lebanese professor of religion.
>the liklihood he rubbed his dick between Aisha's legs when she was 6.
Got any further reading on the theory?
Not looking but it's a hadith where Muhammad tells another guy the best feeling is a young girl rubbing your cock between her thighs.
I have, and by the measure of past Prophets (Israelites) he is a false prophet. Therefore, I want to hear a Muslim's reasoning.
I guess Shia is the one true Islam then since it lets me keep my RL loli.
valid source my friend
Im not muslim but why do people always shit on Muhammad? Its not like he did anything different than what Moses or Abraham did? There is actual proof that he existed unlike the other too. All he did was reject polytheism and promote monothism for his people. Which was good since the Arabs were very barbaric at the time and he unified them into an organized military might. He is just as great as other religous leaders that lead their people.
I'm an atheist, but a good Christian follows Christ by turning the other cheek and loving they neighbor.
But a good Muslim following the Quran kills apostates and throws gays off roof and technically they are still a good Muslim.
not a valid source myfriend
Fags are supposed to get stoned in Christianity too, you fucking retard. The only reason Christianity isnt as barbaric as Islam is because of the moderization of it and Western values shifting it. Give Islam 100 more years and you will see fags walking around all over the Middle East without a care in the world
Nope, nothing in the New Testament calls for legal punishment of sin and Jesus clearly states all men are sinners and shouldn't judge harshly less they are judged the same.
The worst being said is that sinners won't inherit the kingdom of God.
>100 more years and you will see fags walking around all over the Middle East without a care in the world
>"God sends two angels disguised as men into the City of Sodom where the men of Sodom threatened to rape them. The angels blind the men, and God destroys the city. For centuries, this story was interpreted as God's judgment on same-sex relations
>"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them."
How about you actually read the bible. Just goes to show that modern Christians dont take their own religion seriously not that I;m complaining
Christians think the Law of Moses is kaput, you fucking nonce. Do you also think Christians don't eat pork?
The OT is not the NT you fedora.
It's called the New Testament for a reason, there is a new covenant and it doesn't include archaic forms of social control like the Leviticus laws.
fedroas BTFO
Christians must follow the laws of the Old Testament that had not been modified or replaced by newer ones in the New Testament. Otherwise, if we were to follow the NT alone, then we would have no life laws or directions to follow. Jesus followed the Old Testament and the New Testament just adds to the old one. You cant reject the Old testament.
Are you going to tell Christians you know what Christianity is about more than their 2000 continuous years of thinkers?
Shut the fuck up bitch, lol
>Christians must follow the laws of the Old Testament that had not been modified or replaced by newer ones in the New Testament.
Jesus Christ, do you even Christian dogma? This is uncontested shit.
>"..9 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine.
>this thread
oh you people are doing all the work for me
Way to cherrypick to manipuate text fedora. You're so smart!
That segment you clipped is referring to Christ's teachings as Law, not actual legal structures. Again nothing in it is calling for Christians to physically deal punishment for sins. It is once again just Paul stating examples of sinners. Here's a segment the even focuses on mercy rather than your implied assumption of Christians needing to seek physical punishment for crimes.
>I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, that He considered me faithful and appointed me to service. 13I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a violent man; yet because I had acted in ignorance and unbelief, I was shown mercy. 14And the grace of our Lord overflowed to me, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
>15This is a trustworthy saying, worthy of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst. 16But for this very reason I was shown mercy, so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His perfect patience, as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life. 17Now to the King eternal, immortal, and invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
Keep deluding yourself, autist. The bible is full of contradictions. Fuck you and muslims.
>He answered, ‘Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning “made them male and female” [Genesis 1:27], and said, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” [Genesis 2:24]? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.’
Christians have been stoning fags for thousands of years.
I thought you people were suppose to be euphoric? :^)
Oh wow, a quote that says heterosexual marriage is good! Still not seeing where the New Testament calls for sinners to be killed...
Homosexuals to be put to death is also not a in the Quran. Doesn't stop muslims from killing them. Same with Christians and their stoning against fags for thousands of years:^) Punishment towards fags can be easilly inferred through other verses
>For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Grow a brain or kill yourself, you fucking autist :^D
Ha, that's what the third time you've misinterpreted Scripture in your pathetic attempt to undermine it?
>wages of sin is death
Pretty much every Christian group sees this as it was intended, a description of Original Sin that Adam brought to mankind and how it brought human death into the world
You do realize this stuff was said back when Christians had zero societal authority and in fact were an illegal sect in the Roman Empire right? They didn't have the authority to put people to death for sin even if they wanted too, which they didn't despite your laughable attempts to prove otherwise.
I'll let a Muslim defend the Quran, I've never read it.
>but a good Christian follows Christ
Nope. A good modern Christian follows the laws which have evolved over time from original Christian doctrine. At one point, being a good Christian meant killing, conquering and converting the heathens. Now it is more passive because the laws in place are against premeditated murder and unlawful acts of aggression.
>can't even find one NT source that supports his claim
And no Jesus saying "I have not come to bring peace but a sword." is not support of militaristic violence. It's a statement that Christianity will tear families and society apart as some follow Christ while others cling to their old pagan or Jewish roots.
>Christians didnt have the power to do anything at that time
Ok you didnt refute my argument and its not about the fucking original sin, retard
>Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.
The amount mental gymnastics you are going through is laughable Christcuck
>But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the fruit you reap leads to holiness, and the outcome is eternal life. 23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Nothing about this is about physical death or legal punishment. Sin is death of the soul through damnation, Christ is eternal life.
At this point you're just being a little fedora fag who refuses to use reason because it challenges your world view.
>Jesus wrote the bible and created Christianity
>The bible/Christianity wasn't created by an Empire and used throughout time to control the masses
Ya sure, the original message was love thy neighbor and so on, but the religion itself also leaves room for the punishment of those who follow other religions. They tended not to be thy neighbor way back when.
Good post among a sea of memes
Nice mental gymnastics
>Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.
Jesus must be metaphorical as well since he never existed. Dont ever respond to me again Christcuck. Im sick of arguing with your retardation :^)
lol, holy shit you're mad son. Thanks for the chuckle, never seen a fedora get so worked up about being so wrong.
The Bible has plenty of metaphors in it, the fact that you believe people have to see it all as literal only shows that you must have come from some hick American Fundamentalist Protestant sect that pushes these retarded ideas.
I'm you're still ignorant as fuck, just an atheist instead of a proddie.
my understanding is that he's just part of the abrahamic family. like a decendant of seth or whatever
abrahams blood apparently gives you special powers
or just give you a right to tell everyone you are their king.
It doesn't matter, what he quoted was an action done directly by God. Unless God suddenly had a 180° change of mind after Jesus came, or the OT and NT Gods are two different gods (only an available option if you're a filthy gnostic), the discrepancy still remains.
Because Muslims killed them if they didn't.
>mfw it's real
Because he (reportedly) performed miracles and was intelligent. All easily can be found with a simple Google search, but instead we have the same thread every day where the thread boils down to pedophilia, terrorism and Christian proselytization to no avail.
I invite everyone to never visit this site again and spend your time reading books on the subjects instead. This board is garbage and I hope Hirohito finally gains the courage to close down this site
None, he just plagiarized the bible, Jews, and that funny religion that starts with a z. Then he used it as an excuse to conquer a ton of shit.
>ITT, buttblasted christcucks doing gymnastics that would make an olympic athelete green with envy.
>Nope. A good modern Christian follows the laws which have evolved over time from original Christian doctrine. At one point, being a good Christian meant killing, conquering and converting the heathens. Now it is more passive because the laws in place are against premeditated murder and unlawful acts of aggression.
Confirmed for not knowing shit about Christianity, it's history, or the teachings of Christ. Do you this all Christianity is the RCC or something?
The Night Journey is considered to be at-least somewhat symbolic, it probably didn't happen. Look at the Hadith which narrate it.
He explicitly condoned keeping women captured during war as sex slaves. You can't credibly claim to be a prophet chosen by god and then say sex slaves are okay.
As the person who posted this post I would add - I am not a member of any religion and don't believe in god but at least Christ walked the walk by acting like a pretty benevolent dude while Muhammad condoned all sorts of fucked up and barbaric stuff.
Did you listen to the recitation of the Quran ?
Native Americans can't stop laughing.
Yup because the autist atheist who interprets the entire Bible literally and cherry picks out of context passages knows everything about Christianity.
The source is a hadith made much later.
Her youth was emphasised to support the notion that she was a virgin, since Mohammed had already married a non-virgin.
I don't know about miracles, I don't believe Mohammed was the prophet of God.
Peddle your apologist bullshit somewhere else.
Sahih al-Bukhari is considered one of the two most trusted sources for Hadiths, which are a core resource for Islamic jurisprudence when determining if an action is Islamic or not.
And Muslim men consider it their social prerogative to take young brides because it increases their social standing amongst other Muslims; this is a notion quite entrenched in Arab culture - it is repulsive to me, and I would not have these unclean people near me.
it doesn't increase our social standing stupid fuck
people who do this are considered savege even here
stop speaking about shit you don't know it is embarassing
When you talk about muslims you generalise nearly 2 billion people
we have many schools of toughts and sects which all prone differnet things
think about that first before saying shit