League of Legends General - /lolg/

Headpats edition!


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I want to hug the biggest bust in league of legends !

fluffy tails

xth for smuggietst

>want to play Maokai jungle but his only good role now is support



Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

Is there any reason to go Hurricane over Shiv on ADCs now when they nerfed the on hit bolts and damage on Hurricane and Shiv recharges faster? Is Shiv and Rapidfire Cannon the best double Zeal combo now?

>xayah is a random slut with fox ears
>has more edgy lines than the rest of the cast put together

Who the fuck am I suppoed to play in the jungle this patch when Sej is banned?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Kek 6
Lee Sin


to quote an user from yesterday's thread "she has bird ears dude"

Why doesnt league have tomboys?

Pick somewhat related

I've watched my friends leave the dead zone.

Sion escaped.
Galio escaped.
Yorick escaped.
Taric escaped.
Warwick escaped.
Shen escaped.
Poppy, Darius, Garen, Mordekaiser, Skarner, Fiora, Gangplank, Ryze Ryze Ryze, Zilean, Tristana, Alistar, Maokai, Zac, Sejuani.

My time is soon.

>Why doesnt league have tomboys?


Would you bully Sona for being so heavy?

He said tomboys, not trannies

Playing with 4 girls. All pink.


you're gonna lose pretty hard

>nerfed the on hit damage
They removed 15 flat on hit damage in exchange for boosting the secondary bolts to 40% damage from 25%. Runaan's is WAY stronger now.

>Tresh Kalista bot
Holy god, that lane was AIDS when Kalista was a top pick

Early league was mostly just boring but hot chicks, then they went through the evil but hot chicks, and then champ releases slowed down a lot. Still, there's Vi and maybe Kat and/or Quinn.

Has a skirt, makeup and dyed hair. I dont think shes a tomboy.
Just batshit crazy

Its not very tomboyish to wear fancy clothes

>log on to my smurf to practice lee sin
>pick away from me yet again
never lucky

No. She has a random frill on one side of her pants.

Hurricane is weaker for single target damage and stronger for multi target damage now

Is Diana a murderfu?
Who else is a murderfu?

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

I hate this champion and I think it's probably the worst champion release we've ever had

Why doesn't league have traps?


>league is the only thing i have left in my life
>slowly starting to hate it

What champions do people at large tell you suck cock but almost always end up being unbearably frustrating to face if you see them in-game?

oooh boi, i need to see the outcome of this shit


i like warwick but i'm a total shitter and miss his ult constantly what do

good to know that your opinion will never affect the game

>playing Akali top vs Fizz
>both mostly farming, trading when opportunity presents itself
>lane generally even except his cs is a bit higher since he's running tp
>get one gank from jungler
>lane snowballs out of control; solo kill him 3 times after
Holy fuck top lane assassin vs assassin matchup is really aids. Just one gank from the jungler when I was level 6 decided the matchup.

Not even close. On kit alone she's pretty fantastic and has a unique adc niche.

Riven to a T

I don't think you know what a tranny is. Taliyah is not a tranny, she's just unattractive.

Azir, Ekko, and Yasuo would like a word with you.

>Teenage boy voice and body
100% tranny

Practice. Also wait till you get closer before ulting rather than always trying it at max range. Same principle as Blitz, just run at them and wait till after their flash/dash/whatever. If they don't? Well then now you're a lot closer and the ult is much easier to hit.

xth for breast metal waifu

Don't you mean glue?

Nigger she is not a tranny, she's just ugly. Some bitches are just ugly.

comfy bfs~

finally have money for some new clothes feels gud mang

Maokai if you just want a CC bot in the League of Gapclosers.

You've got 5 seconds to tell me where the Rising Thunder is /lolg/


but maokai winrate is poop

am I supposed to die this much as leona support?

>Why doesn't league have tomboys?
Maybe Jinx

I started playing a lot of MF adc as of late and I've been doing very well. I've seen people run 9 Lethality reds instead of 9 AD reds, why is that?

birds dont have fluffy ears. what crack is that guy smoking?

Tomboys are pure

Healsluts cant even compete

Crazy flatties are the only ones that can compete

successfully sniped qt
4 decides what I say to him when we get in game


>Being a slave to numbers
That's because he requires teammates with active braincells, a QOL buff to his Ult LIKE A FUCKING RADIUS MAP INDICATOR RIOT!, and a bit of focus so you don't ruin your CC rotation. Honestly he's extremely team comp dependent for both sides.


Post your "totally this character" songs!

>those proportions
we anatomy now or what? her pelvis is 3x the size of her waist.

Behold Sejuani, the next Queen of the Freljord!



that was concept art

because for the past season MF has exclusively built lethality (they take lethality quints AND marks btw)

her mains usually went with a duskblade rush, youmuus, cleaver, edge of night, lord doms, and the last item varries usually they dont build boots since they max W after Q and at most its just boots of speed if they need them for the lane


apparently that's their actual taxonomic name

She has that in game too.

op.gg tells me crit fortune is back to being better.

say something autistic about the Veeky Forums life

wow good job
youre gonna lose

BoRK or Gunblade on Jax?

I love Lissandra!
In bizzaro land, probably.
>Inb4 they delay his rework


that's this patch since black cleaver and LDR were both nerfed reducing her effectiveness against tanks, this last update pretty much killed her viability
you picked a shitty time to join the MF freelo train
not even sure they take deathfire touch anymore

Tell him in a saner time he would have died of starvation long ago

Lissandra's kit is kinda fun
Why didnt they make her a cute loli like annie instead of some ugly abomination?

Imagine how much better lissandra would be if she looked like this


>that's this patch since black cleaver and LDR were both nerfed reducing her effectiveness against tanks, this last update pretty much killed her viability
Not really, her winrate is still above average, just you are better off building crit n shit
>you picked a shitty time to join the MF freelo train
I was already on it
>not even sure they take deathfire touch anymore
No reason not to take it since her Q inexplicably applies it (with the single target effect to boot). It didn't always work like this btw, it randomly started working one patch months ago, dunno if it's a bug Riot overlooked.

xth for Syndra



>her pelvis is 3x the size of her waist.
Birthing hips

can someone remind me why I bothered to get to plat if the game is going to keep giving me silver teams regardless?

whats the point even trying to rank up if they are just going to spam these loaded matches at me?
>hmm for this match lets see... how about you get a silver twitch vs a plat lucian and a gold v mid vs a plat orianna, have fun!

Gunblade you dunce

And fuckable too.

Final score.

you're plat 5 0lp aren't you?


Your main

Your rank

Your top 3 favorite fetishes

Your top 3 worst fetishes

Your favorite soup/chowder/stew/chili

How's Ashe right now, guys?

is thunderlords maokai support some sort of a prank, /lolg/?

Thats why they made her a giant robot instead.

thats the point tho, MF was viable BECAUSE she didnt build crit to be effective, now her damage against squishies takes a significant drop so she can even get the chance to hurt a tank

basically they caught on that her lethality build was just as effective as it was BEFORE she got nerfed so they decided to indirectly nerf her by killing the build synergy and forcing her into the crit build she has avoided since the rise of armor pen that happened BEFORE lethality was even a thing

im plat 4 just got promoted after a winning streak

>pick Xayah
>build DD + BT
>win game

Statistically pretty bad but I was pretty surprised at the damage I was able to do when I played her on my low silver smurf

Good if you can dodge skillshots.

DFT has a 45% bonus AD ratio instead of 60% so its much weaker than it used to be.
You also might not get kills as easy with the slightly lower upfront damage on your ult vs TLD which also happens to have magic pen built into it for E damage in lane