What are tanks? edition
What are tanks? edition
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comfy bfs~ sleep over with comfy fox
Warwick might be a silver champion but he's pretty fun
need a jayce to demolish my bp
Sneaky is right :^)
>what tanks
naut is nice still
Xth for tanks are fucking ass right now (Sej not included) and whining about them is the mark of a turboshitter
>6-3 placements so far
>im a d5 player
how fucked am I
xth for Syndra
>Support Nautilus
Well I will say this his winrate there is better than his current Top winrate lmao.
fucked if you lose
fucked if you win but slightly less
Nerf this!
x zed!
Best girl and midlaner coming through
This is what rakan can do: youtu.be
say something nice to him
If you genuinely think fighting games have better female casts than League you are either underage or a nigger.
>There's fan service and then there's just stupidity.
I agree. What the fuck were they thinking with:
>Annie's pantyshot.
>Literally fueling the fan's to lewdify Lulu.
>Lux's original design
Their designs are clearly not functional and especially in Caitlyn's case just flat out ridiculous.
They should be more properly dressed like pic related.
>Fighting games is a dying genre.
This has been said by normies for the past decade and a half now. Still waiting for that grave desu.
i dont look at stats
whats his jungle win% right now
whats his mid and adc %
I'll delete you
Welcome to Vel'koz meta bitch
how can you say that your some kind of epic cool guy all the girls want when you literally spam every single general with stupid gay shit every single day? like what are you trying to prove?
fluffy tails
>white ""woman"" thinking she can math the oriental perfection that is Hana Song
>tumblr filename
>He still builds full damage gangplank
>He STILL goes thunderlord's on gangplank
Like 4th best. Cho'gath, Galio, and Morgana exist.
Rakan's Dameon Clark impression is godawful.
I feel like the only one that likes May with pants. Also fighting games are the best when it comes to women, this is indisputable.
Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.
>not building tank kat
xth for breast metal waifu
How the fuck do you fight Ekko?
>best girl not dressed as other best girl
Cute art but Sombra is superior
You play Taliyah
Not even shilling. Her E and Q negate all of his farm. If he tries to engage, he will likely die.
Take exhaust
If you're in top lane idk, play Susan or something
what is that pc background pic
>Ascension is next again
How come there are lots of fetish skins like headmistress fiora, nurse akali, lots of army skins etc but no french maid skin?
I wanna fuck Gnar
is this bait?
I like both old and new May.
Mostly because I'm slightly obsessed with her.
>tfw no MF skin based off her.
Honest question, how do you feel when you attend a tournament and 80% of your opponents are niggers and the other 20% are a mix of asians and whites that smell like dry semen? And then next year when you attend again there's still the same people, not a new face to be seen? Do you feel "What a truly alive and healthy community!" ?
What mic should I buy?
Mine's been fucking up.
Best husband!
I got a cool guy to support me as rakan, awesome!
What the fuck
I wasn't aware this skin existed
>lots of army skins
>3 commando skins for 5 years ago
fuck outta here
Gee boss I dunno
>army skins
>fetish skins
>He STILL thinks gp is a squishy
>He STILL thinks getting one shot and having to play like a bitch is the optimal way to play GP
>He STILL thinks two shotting carries while being impossible to kill isn't the way to build
Tumblr is the home of crazy women. Crazy women do good art. This is basic arithmetic, user.
Results of that game with Sejuani.
Have to love singed players.
I feel just about as alive as I do when I see the same exact Koreans win the world championship.
Also not even being memey here but what exactly is wrong with having a sizable black audience in your community? That's honestly pretty racist.
>Buying Visage over Abyssal as Sej
Definitely a shitter
About the same as you do over the fact that all League pros having to survive off of stream revenue and boosting because no one outside of SKT can win shit.
I want to look EXACTLY like Lulu!
Even though the kind that would show up to fighting game tournaments would almost certainly be nothing like that but don't expect Veeky Forums post /pol/ explosion to understand that
If High Noon:
Going to hard carry
If Blood moon/PROJECT:
Prepare to have your experience changed.
>Darius v. Illaoi
God I fucking love Juggernaut v. Juggernaut top lane matchups.
All on left
Sometimes just plain cute
I really can't imagine what went on that game.
>That's honestly pretty racist.
Oh man, really?
How come fighting game players who can't win tournaments don't survive off stream revenue? Oh that's right nobody gives a shit about fighting games.
>classic skin
w-what does it mean
>not banning Yas
>not dodging the instant someone on either side locks in Yas
>I-I don't dislike blacks just the criminal n-niggers! I'm not one of the b-bad guys I promise!
You are just a damn racist in denial.
Is Kog jungle a viable memebuild or did the W revert kill it
oh no
Wildcard round.
Looking at all the autism that 3 yordle girls already generate, I'd rather never have a new yordle girl. In fact, if Riot could just replace all yordles for humans, it would be even better.
>The guy who says "gg" on a remake vote
>Waifufag mad because he cannot refute the objective inferiority of League women to those from various fighting games
Hey, he recognizes he's bad, so he'll play safe. Its good user, have much luck.
Yep, you're doomed
>There are anons on this thread who would punch their support given the chance
y all gross
> not saying "ez"
fighting games are 2 high model people hitting each other
of course they are gonna have good tiddy waifus you nerd
Diana jg still legit?
>Fighting games so dead he has to shill his shitty waifus on threads about actually popular games every single day
Literally every ethnicity has their own dumbfucks who ruin it for everyone else. As someone who grew up in rural ass Texas with some of the most bumblefuck white trash and leeching illegal mexican trash I can attest to that.
Thinking otherwise is outright foolishness.
darius got a double already off illaoi and udyr followed by yas dying
>one post is spam
actually im out right now, I just like to chill on lolg dyring waiting moments
also its not ALL girls, just the typical average girls and weeby cosplay type chicks, not like the super sexy actress like girls
if they asked me out like the nerdy chicks do I probably would accept
t. childless bugman writing from some whiteopia area.
do you still post here dyrus
èveryone is racist to some degree, and its retarded to not accept that every race at least has some tendency towards certain things, because of their genes.
>did the W revert kill it
So you can score with fat chicks is what you are saying basically
Instead of whining like a little bitch at every turn, shouldnt you be playing the fucking game?
God you're worse than that yasuo already, even if he goes 0/38 or some shit.
Pretty much, they lend themselves to it rather well.
>Waifufag talks shit after asking a question because he didn't like the answer.
I guess I should mention Granblue Fantasy and RoB/SV as well, there are some top quality tiddies coming out of Cygames.
is kayle only effective with max rageblade stacks? i played her but i did no damage
>on a 5 win streak
>scared to play now because I know the forced 50% is coming soon
what do I do?
>How come fighting game players who can't win tournaments don't survive off stream revenue? Oh that's right nobody gives a shit about fighting games.
Well if we're to go off strictly Twitch numbers, exactly 47,051,184 distinct IPs have watched the Capcom Fighters twitch and that's just going off of that one channel alone.
Also just because people can't make a living off of streaming a game doesn't mean it's irrelevant. If that was the case then Undertale, OoT, BotW, The Last of Us and many other games would be trash according to that measurement.
>I guess I should mention Granblue Fantasy and RoB/SV as well, there are some top quality tiddies coming out of Cygames.
Yeah but you don't need to advertise those here
Those games are actually alive after all.
i am making sure mf gets fed as fuck off this gay yordle support
he is not allowed to exist in bot lane while im here
>D5. Still trash. Doesnt matter, say hi to nightblue though.
Oh of course, everyone has their own racial biases formed from experience. It's just outright ridiculous to judge EVERY SINGLE PERSON of said race based on these said biases likke . It's literally thinking the entire world revolves around you.
There may be some genetic disposition but by far environment is a far greater tell of how a person will be.
>B-but at least our games are alive
And your waifu is STILL shit nigga.
hey guys, im gonna take a nap
can you keep this chocolate milk safe?
What was your build?
When I play her, I feel like every item component I buy is a small power spike in itself.
>Waifufag talks shit after asking a question because he didn't like the answer.
More like some other random user has finally gotten enough of your autistic ass spamming off-topic fighting game trash every single day, with always the same boring Riven clone pics.