How do you reduce petty theft in a shop ?

How do you reduce petty theft in a shop ?

Even though it's not that much, 3% of what you could sell disappears and that can be an awful lot over the course of one year or more.

The number one thieves are employees, right next to the providers. First thing, use computers as much as possible, and then be there when you are with your employees, be fucking Stalin. There's no big secret, just run your shop well.

That's not the reason you'll fail anyway.

Samefagging this hard.

Jesus OP.

We have a thing called ID's.

dunno, all i can tell is i'm exasperated by even people i know. they will steal for the fun of it or simply take a small part out off a device that broke in their home and leave the now defect item in the store. stuff like that.

i don't condone at all and i tell them always but the worst is if push came to show i would side with my gf against any security. they take one look at me and don't even bother even if they noticed anything. and i feel really shitty from this even tho i would never do this low crap.

gf is getting better i told her patiently again and again that this is wrong, but some people just don't care and some just love the excitement.

>gf is getting better
well either that or she got better at stealing without me noticing.

I work in liquor retail and you can never get them all but to keep it to a minimum:

>be on the move while watching, they don't know what you can see and if they don't even know where you are watching from they're less likely to try something.

>profiling. anybody that doesn't fit in with the usual clientele is sketchy. negroes are out of place everywhere except jail and Africa.

>communication between shifts, hopefully pictures. even with shitty grainy cameras at least the staff can have a general idea of who to be looking for.

Why would somebody do this? Are you actually retarded?

Must be pretty fucking retarded, yeah

I second that

These two gentlemen are both correct

>How do you reduce petty theft in a shop ?

You can reduce it with security such as CCTV, alarms, tagging your stock and hiring guards. The problem is that all of that costs money and doing it is often more expensive than just writing off the loss.

This is why most shops put in the bare minimum security to keep their insurers happy and just claim the loss back.

Guards much like any outside workers are also a potential threat. I can't say where but where I work we've had at least two instances where the outside contractors working on the remodel were stealing things off the shelves and yet the GM's did little about it.

sounds like a best buy

An interesting response but no. I didn't realize things were bad there too with that sort of thing.
>Dedicated to service and quality



why does Veeky Forums hide the amount of upvotes this thread is getting?

interesting question.

Veeky Forums actually just adjusted the way they calculate upvotes. It allows for random shit to happen and blah blah blah :)

good luck with the karma pal happy chaning :)

I worked at a Wal-Mart and the security team was a blond guy and a girl that walked around in plain clothes acting like some couple pushing a shopping cart.

I thought they were weird regulars until I saw them chase and tackle a guy in the parking lot that stole a ton of nicotine gum for some reason. The g irlkicked the guy in the stomach like 3 times for no reason, too, it was kinda funny.

So I guess hire some guards. Depends on if 3% inventory loss is worth the cost of hiring a guard, but guards can be ineffective and you can get sued if they're too overzealous. If that couple had fucked up some klepto soccer mom and not just some skeezy junkie faggot they could have been sued and you'd lose more money from the tort than just letting your goods vanish.
