Ok, christians of Veeky Forums. Why christianity?
Ok, christians of Veeky Forums. Why christianity?
Judaism really is better. if you aren't Jewish you only have to observe the 7 Noahide laws which are pretty simple stuff like worship only YHVH, don't murder and don't torture animals like a sick fuck
Because Jesus really is God, and really did rise from the dead.
But in Judaism you have to chop off your foreskin. And if you're judging "better" by ease of practice, then thinking Christianity is more difficult than Judaic practice, I think you're mistaken.
>Judaism really is better.
"Judaism" has nothing in common with the religion of the ancient Hebrews. The Pharisees fabricated the secret teachings of their "Oral Torah" to serve their own agenda. Phariseeism is the religion of Satan and the source of seemingly limitless wickedness in the world.
>observe the 7 Noahide laws
And if you sin, like we all have, there is no possibility of atonement. The Hebrews had to sacrifice animals at the Temple to be forgiven for their sins. There is no Temple anymore. So the Pharisees just brushed that situation under the carpet with their "Oral Torah."
>don't torture animals like a sick fuck
lol What is kosher slaughter?
Because I want to dilute my genes and cuck myself out of existence that's why.
B of the Bible. I think the morals in the New Testament make too much sense to not be true in some sense.
And I think that verses like Exodus 3:14 are cool because even though they were written by someone who probably wasn't very educated, they still helped to advance philosophy centuries later.
(but all memes aside, I'm probably a Christian because I know more about it than any other religion)
>helped to advance philosophy centuries later.
This is what niggers actually believe.
Here is a picture full of reasons
Are you implying Christianity didn't revolutionize the west?
you're a nigger
Other religions especially Asian ones provide trooths and wisdoms that match the wisdom of the Bible
And also contributed a great deal to philosophy
It is a good religion that is more about family values than follwoing an authoritarian like other religions :)
Because that's how they were raised all their lives
because we beat the romans
us. alone. WE destroyed their silly pagan religions and myths and transformed their heretic believers into beautiful, smart christians who will go to heaven between the loving embrace of god
>if you cant beat them join them
>beats them after joining them by being a backstabbing jew religion
Classical theism is based, I trust the apostles and their successors more than Mohammad and his. That really just leaves Christianity.
Fedoraism just leads to nihilism, I don't know why one would choose it over Christianity.
And angels will fly out of my ass.
nope. if you want to become jewish, yes, but Jews don't think everyone has to flow their laws and chop off their foreskin. non-jews only have to follow the Noahide laws
>don't torture animals like a sick fuck
>lol What is kosher slaughter?
well really that's a gray area since all killing of animals would harm them
so does judaism anthromorphisize God as Christianity does or no?
>What is kosher slaughter?
Fairly humane? How do you think you kill an animal?
The morality is on point
The Miracle of Anal Birth speaks to me in a way I cannot express with mere words.
That God could give to Mary the power to bring life out of her asshole is beautiful.
2 qualities of truth: Coherence and Correspondence to reality
3 tests of coherence: Logical consistency, empirical adequacy, experiential relevance
4 questions: Origin, meaning, morality, destiny
5 areas: Metaphysics, Epistemology, Anthropology, Theology and Ethics
I applied the tests of truth to major worldviews: Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Mormonism, Catholicism, Christianity, Atheism, Agnosticism and found that Christianity was the only religion that could give an answer to the four big questions coherently while corresponding to reality.
>Fedoraism just leads to nihilism, I don't know why one would choose it over Christianity.
Because you were a bad atheist.
Why evolution?
Because of facts we can observe.
Because they were raised to believe it, or at least were born in a culture that's dominated by it. Anything else is just a justification after the fact.
>kosher slaughter
Have you ever seen a video of kosher slaughter? Watch "The Eternal Jew" or something. Jews and Muslims both just slit the throat of their livestock and let the animals bleed out while fully conscious. Since we Christians don't need animal blood magic anymore since we have Jesus, we stun the poor things first so they don't feel any pain. Kosher and Halal slaughterhouses are also disgustingly unhygienic because Semites are lazy and cheap and above the law.
>Atheism is just not believing in God and nothing more
>But you're BAD at it!!!
You mean variations within kinds, unreliable dates, and more assumptions than anything else?
Western culture is dominated by Mammonism. I was raised atheist.
Yes, because you believe that atheism means "god doesn't exist, therefore nothing matters :(" instead of just "god doesn't exist". Bad atheist.
Kinds is a meaningless term.
>because you
Not him.
>believe that atheism means "god doesn't exist, therefore nothing matters :(" instead of just "god doesn't exist". Bad atheist.
This is as bad as Atheism+
Anyway, all atheists are already bad.
To you.
Reminder that scientists thought bats were closer to primates, now they've changed it to HORSES.
You practically said nothing in your post. I don't know what you're getting at about Atheism+ and I can say all theists are bad as a rebuttal. We get nowhere. Piss off if you have nothing worthwhile to say.
>To you.
To everyone.
>2 qualities of truth: Coherence and Correspondence to reality
>what is the induction fallacy
I know you're trolling but to be honest, I find someone who learns from their mistakes and builds on their knowledge more trustworthy than someone who says "I am objectively correct and infallible".
No you piss off.
Atheists constantly spout bullshit like, "No one has ever killed in the name of atheism," but when you point to the pile of 100 million corpses Marxism left behind, they say "Marxism isn't real atheism. Atheism is just not believing in any gods." Now you're saying that unless you're also an existentialist you're not a real atheist.
Piss off.
You really do have nothing worthwhile to say. If you think Marxism is "killing in the name of atheism" I truly don't know how to get through to retardation like that.
>ow you're saying that unless you're also an existentialist you're not a real atheist.
Exactly the opposite of what you're saying.
Are you pretending to be retarded? Is that it?
>Exactly the opposite of what you're saying.
*What I'm saying.
>Marxism isn't real atheism.
So the fact that you yourself need to use two different terms for the "same" thing indicates nothing to you?
Because if it doesn't, you're either amazingly dishonest or an actual retard
Doesn't sound unreasonable. But remember, you ain't dealing with reasonable people. There may be a few diamonds in the ruff, but only a few.
Also, am I the only one who gets annoyed by the comics?
all atheists are bad
you mean evil-lietion
>all atheists are bad
Nothing worthwhile.
>If you think Marxism is "killing in the name of atheism" I truly don't know how to get through to retardation like that.
See what I mean?
You shiftless liars distance yourself from the greatest attempt to exterminate religion in history, because it "added to" atheism.
Then you instruct people that atheistic nihilism is not "real atheism" even if it has less added to it than your existentialist atheism.
You said that the other user was a "bad atheist" (redundant term) because he was also a nihilist. You think that atheists can derive meaning from existence. That's existential atheism. You don't even know what you yourself think.
>Are you pretending to be retarded? Is that it?
>Because if it doesn't, you're either amazingly dishonest or an actual retard
Matthew 5:22
You deserve to go to Hell for writing these posts. Even if there were no Hell, you'd still deserve to go there. Repent and follow Christ. Remember this conversation of Judgement Day and know that I have forgiven you.
>See what I mean?
No, I don't. You're making zero sense whatsoever.
>You said that the other user was a "bad atheist" (redundant term) because he was also a nihilist.
Read the post again.
>You deserve eternal suffering because you insulted someone
Seems like longing for someone's eternal pain makes you more worthy of going there.
Atheism is bad. All atheists are bad. You're a bad person. You've demonstrated that by your behavior in this thread.
You need to take a serious look at yourself and reconsider what you believe and the psychological motivation behind why you believe it (I'm guessing toxic arrogance born out of an inferiority complex) and the effect that that has on gradually worsening your personality because this bullshit you cling to will lead to your destruction.
Nothing worthwhile to say and simultaneously hurting your own worthless point.
>You shiftless liars distance yourself from the greatest attempt to exterminate religion in history, because it "added to" atheism
No, you just try to conflate two terms that are not the same thing and you're getting very butthurt it doesn't work, because not everyone is a retard like you
Islam doesn't allow music or alcohol. Got to get my dick snipped in Judaism, also a bit to ethnically focused.. Buddhism is to nothing matters-y, most of the practitioners In the west are either try hard retards or are practicing some new age bullshit under the name of Buddhism. Hinduism is too Indian.
The rest are meme.
>No, I don't. You're making zero sense whatsoever.
>Seems like longing for someone's eternal pain makes you more worthy of going there.
Like I said, I've forgiven you for your trespass against me. I won't hold it against you on Judgement Day, and I ask Christ's forgiveness for you too. You deserve to go to Hell for what you said, but you wont. You'll go to Hell for other reasons, I'm sure, unless you repent. Good luck.
Don't blame me that you don't know how to make a logical or coherent point.
>Like I said, I've forgiven you for your trespass against me. I won't hold it against you on Judgement Day, and I ask Christ's forgiveness for you too. You deserve to go to Hell for what you said, but you wont. You'll go to Hell for other reasons, I'm sure, unless you repent. Good luck.
Needless to say, I don't believe you. You Christians don't seem to understand that not everyone has a marshmallow cult-like malleable brain like yours, so proselytizing is pointless.
More ignorance. You willfully turn away from the truth, betraying reason and intellect. I suppose that's the essence of your existence at this point in time, isn't it? A great denial. I hope you recover one day.
Logic proceeds from the Logos. You don't believe in the Logos. You don't have logic.
Again, you're a retard and conflation is a well known fallacy. You're not impressing me, or anyone with an IQ over 80
Nothing worthwhile, once more.
>Let me spout shit over and over, say it's the truth, and not make sense, that'll convince them!!!!
>I hope you recover one day.
Don't cut yourself on that edge.
You mean like conflating existentialism with atheism by calling nihilists "bad atheists"?
Your existence is nothing worthwhile and you've concluded the same of all existence. I understand why you repeat that phrase reflexively and unendingly like some poor soul in a madhouse. Try to break the habit.
>you've concluded the same of all existence.
I love when theists tell me what I think, it's the easiest, straightforward way to let me know you're wrong. Please keep doing it.
>I love
I stopped reading right there.
I doubt that you're capable of loving anything outside of your own ego. That would require humility.
The irony weighs like 2 tons.
no u
This is why arguing with you people (most of the time) is pointless. You refuse to have a civil discussion, you fucking conflate Marxism with atheism and tired arguments like that, you tell atheists what you think they think, you say shit like "You lack love and humility in your heart", and you proselytize endlessly thinking that it will get somewhere.
Considering that response to him, I'm gonna take a wild guess that you're the guy that made this thing.
>conflate Marxism with atheism
I did the opposite. I distinguished Marxism and atheism to demonstrate to you why conflating atheism with existentialism like you did is invalid and that being a nihilist doesn't make one a "bad atheist." Maybe the reason why arguing with "me people" is pointless is because you don't understand the subject under discussion, or how to argue?
It was a non-response to a non-response. Aren't you the user who just wasted 15 minutes just typing out "nothing worthwhile" over and over again, or was that the other guy?
>I distinguished Marxism and atheism to demonstrate to you why conflating atheism with existentialism like you did is invalid and that being a nihilist doesn't make one a "bad atheist."
I don't know why you're refusing to read the post again. Please read again carefully.
I didn't need to reread it. I'll just copy and paste the relevant scansions.
>atheism means "god doesn't exist, therefore nothing matters :("
That's nihilistic atheism.
>instead of just "god doesn't exist". Bad atheist.
That's atheism.
In saying that nihilism is a "bad" form of atheism, you're rejecting nihilistic atheism and asserting a "pure" atheism. But you reject nihilism, and you don't believe in God, you're an existentialist. Your "pure" atheism is existentialism. You're "adding to" atheism just as much as a nihilist is, or a Marxist, as I previously supplied as an example intended to show you the error of your thinking.
The problem isn't that nihilism is bad atheism, or that existentialist atheism is bad atheism. They're both legitimate takes on atheism. The problem is that atheism itself is bad. There's no such thing as a "good atheist." You can add or take away whatever you want to it, and atheism is still bad.
>That's nihilistic atheism
Yes, but it's not atheism in and of itself. Saying that being an atheist automatically makes you a nihilist is wrong, and misses the point of what atheism means. If you're an atheist and a nihilist, I'm not saying that's bad. I'm saying if you're saying you're a nihilist by definition of "atheism" then that's bad. That's why the guy said that nihilism is inevitable to atheism. He had no perspective, and didn't think about things correctly. Bad atheist.
Sorry, thought you were that "nothing worthwhile" guy. I'm vety tired.
>thought you were that "nothing worthwhile" guy.
Do you have something to say to me?
A definition of atheism as nihilism is just as valid as a definition of atheism as existentialism. There isn't anything any more "correctly" or "purely" atheist about atheistic existentialism than there is nihilism or Marxism or Sadism or Atheism+ or what was going through the minds of the Columbine shooters before the bullets. There isn't any requirement to being a "good atheist" than just not believing in any gods. You can believe or disbelieve anything you want on top of that and still be just as much of an atheist. Distancing oneself from atheists who, say, committed genocide against religious people as part of an effort to wipe out belief in gods, or sociopaths who committed serial murders, by saying that they're "bad atheists" or "not true atheists" because they added dialectical materialism or Sadism to atheism is just no true Scotsmanning and grinds my gears. Being unaware of or declining to investigate various forms of godless thought doesn't make someone a "bad atheist" either. A "bad atheist philosopher" perhaps, but there are plenty of those already.
It's like you're intentionally refusing to understand what I'm saying. I truly don't know how to make it simpler for you. Is it just that you want to have the last word?
>A definition of atheism as nihilism is just as valid as a definition of atheism as existentialism.
a the ism
(n.) disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
>Being unaware of or declining to investigate various forms of godless thought doesn't make someone a "bad atheist" either.
No, but someone saying that atheism automatically means you're something else does.
>someone saying that atheism automatically means you're something else does.
No. It doesn't. A "good atheist" doesn't have to be aware of all the different takes on atheism that have popped up throughout history. They just don't have to believe in any gods. That's it. You seem to think that being an atheist entails a duty to be a historian or philosopher or dare I say theologian of atheism. It doesn't. There are many literal retards having their bums wiped in care homes who don't believe in any gods because they can't believe in anything who are just as "good" of atheists as you are. Your conflation of atheism with intellectualism probably stems from your atheism being a manifestation of intellectual vanity, as is the fashion today.
>No. It doesn't
Yes it does. Getting a stance wrong does not make you that stance; at the very least, it means you're holding that stance badly. It's not intellectualism. It's getting basic terms right.
All nihilists are atheists.
A nihilist who is unaware of existentialism isn't a bad atheist.
There's no such thing as good atheism. It's all bad. You can't hold a bad stance well.
>All nihilists are atheists.
>A nihilist who is unaware of existentialism isn't a bad atheist.
Still refusing to understand.
>It's all bad.
See what I mean? You refuse to have a civil discussion.
Nihilism is not believing in anything. Atheism is not believing in gods. Nihilists are atheists.
>Nihilism is not believing in anything.
> Mormonism
Kill yourself.
Nothing save for the fact that you bring disgrace upon our people. We are not to be headstrong and fight, but to be humble and work in secret.
One can use logic without knowing its ultimate origin. Aristotle lived before the incarnation, and none would accuse him of being illogical.
The perspective Christ had on the nature of the world can't really be refuted or denied. Sure you can question miracles, but miracles make up what? 25% of the entire context? 30% maybe? The rest is a engineering perspective on how and why things are the way they are in the world.
To be forewarned is to be forearmed indeed.
i said no such thing. i said it's a gray area. one person may consider something humane killing while another disagrees, especially when we are talking about traditions made thousands of years ago.
Marxists are atheists but most atheists today aren't marxist. don't conflate two different terms
>less about authority
This isn't serious right?
>>The perspective Christ had on the nature of the world can't really be refuted or denied
This is both wrong and irrelevant as the supposed magic powers(aka miracles) are the only thing separating jebus from any other philosopher.
They also slit the trachea of the animal so it dies right then and there the bleeding out is primarily due to prohibitions about eating blood; it's dead long before it's out of blood.
Because I saw Jesus rise from the dead
>Noahide laws
Are noahides allowed to read the Tanakh and study it ?
Can we still practice talion ?
>this both wrong and irrelevant
His perspective on the world was not only correct, but to this very day relevant.
Do what you want. Who's going to stop you? The Jews? Don't make me laugh. Don't make them Oh Vey.
>muh feels
>muh heritage
>dude I read some books and now I'm Christian
>hey you kno a lot of famous scientists were Christian? really makes u think.
>this fortunate coincidence that doesn't involve anything supernatural is a literal miracle, praise jesus
*tip it
Argued in. Read Kant. Can't find a way out, don't see the need for one either.
Christianity is just the most logical decision a man can make.
>inb4 Fedora the explorer pipes up with the memes
Really, faith is at the center of all paradigms, and faith in God is the center of the only self consistent paradigm.
It is at once a vindication of all categories, reason, logic, truth, morality, etc. All of it is contingent upon faith alone.
So instead of making a thousand and one presuppositions (presuming reason exists, logic IS consistent, truth exists, things can be known, I exist, etc) I'd rather make one.
>God exists
From this premise, all things are possible.
Its also telling that in any other field an infinite number of premises are possible if one goes from q to p, yet at the very end of it, one must go the vindication of p, all 'p's there's an infinite number of 'p's and God is the only vindication of that totality and thus must necessarily be their vindication as best we can reason because we have dispositions to dispositions (Hume) to categorize (Kant).
So, If you aren't a Christian, you really can't say you are 'logical'.
>If a man consistently denies the existence of himself we can do naught to prove him wrong or provide any evidence whatsoever
The Christian God is the only way out of non-reason into reason.
Why Christian God, its the only description of God which fits the criteria of a vindicator of the grand totality of all things.
>ha! You want to believe in something that seems reasonable and makes you feel good?! what? pffft! I am far more enlightened.
>Do what you want
If i must practice a religion, i shall practice it seriously and not like the protestants who take religion as a joke.